Question about Michael's executors


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Okay, I don't want to start any arguments or heated debates now. Let's try to keep things neutral and not bring in assumptions or theories that we might have about the executors.

My question is:

For Branca and McClain, is being the executors of Michael's estate a full time, 24/7 type of job? I'm asking because it seems like having to deal with the debt, the long list of lawsuits and creditor's claims, the production of TII, having to deal with the rantings of the Jackson family, trying to deal with the investigation, having to go to probate court to get every little action approved (and the list could go on and on) seems to be so overwhelming and exhausting to me. I am thinking B/M can fill a whole office full of people to work on dealing with the estate.

Do they have time to work any other committments they had prior to Michael's death? I mean Branca has his own law firm. McClain is a music executive at A&M. When Michael died and they found the will that named them the executors (well, Branca already knew since he had the will), do you think they just had to drop everything they were working on to take care of the estate.

Also, let's just say that we don't suspect Branca and McClain (you guys know what I mean), what motivates them to want to fight to stay the executors other than Michael chose them? Michael's will did say that they did not have to accept the position. I know they probably are getting paid a lot of money to be the executors. I know that Branca has been with Michael off and on for 30 years and knows how Michael handled his business and how he would make decisions. But then we all saw McClain throw Michael under the bus with the Paul Anka TII fiasco. That could have been handled with a lot more grace. With the family and many of MJ's fans on their case, I'd be exhausted trying to fight everyone.

I feel that the Jackson Family is gonna fight dirty and fight hard to get Branca and McClain removed as executors. But I would definitely take Branca and McClain any day of the week before I would put Randy and Brian Oxman in charge of MJ's estate.

They are only executors until the children are old enough to run the estate? But what if they don't want to. What goes on with the Elvis estate? I doubt Lisa is in charge of everything. Is Priscilla still in charge?

Anyways, I gotta give credit where credit is due. Besides the Paul Anka fiasco, I think Branca and McClain have done a brilliant job with the estate. I predict the debt will be eliminated sooner than expected and that they will make good business decisions to grow the estate and keep Michael's assets in tact. Now if they can get full ownership of Neverland back, that would be amazing.