Question about HEAVEN !


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys, I have a question,

I don't believe in angels kissing on white clouds while singing WBSS,

But if there is a heaven or something like that ( people when they die are surrended by the ones they loved in their life), do you think i'ts possible to see MJ ?

Is there enough space in Heaven for all the fans to be around MJ 24/7 ?

I'm just wondering, i want to see MJ when i die....
We don't know what happens in the next life, all we can hope for is that we will be happy and be with loved ones.
We'll never know for sure what happens after we leave this earth, but I doubt that heaven could run out of space.
Alot of people dont know this, but in the bible it says that God will one day destroy all wickedness on earth, and the earth will become a paradise. People will live forever peacefully and Jesus will rule the earth in heaven. The dead will be brought back to life.

"The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it" Pslam 37:29

"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4
I hope there is something like neverland in heaven for MJ and for the fans
I believe that if we do manage to get to Heaven one day. That I heard that God wipes out ALL OF YOUR NEGATIVE memories and ALL THE bad stuff, and in Heaven you just remember the happy stuff, and all it is is happy. So if Michael Jackson makes you HAPPY, then you will see Michael Jackson. I do believe that I'll be able to see him one day in Heaven. But that's up to God.
Hey guys, I have a question,

I don't believe in angels kissing on white clouds while singing WBSS,

But if there is a heaven or something like that ( people when they die are surrended by the ones they loved in their life), do you think i'ts possible to see MJ ?

Is there enough space in Heaven for all the fans to be around MJ 24/7 ?

I'm just wondering, i want to see MJ when i die....

I hope there will be enough Michael for all of us.
I don't hope these answers will led fans to a suicide.

Anyway, I think there is a heaven. Michael is moonwalking in front of all those who are lost. From Princess Diana to Ronald Reagen, they are all amazed by his moves.
Yes, I believe we will come in heaven with Michael at the end of our life.
I believe that Michael both lives on because of the love he left behind - and that he is in a better place, finally at peace after the world treated him so cruelly at times. I believe he is everywhere and complete and at peace now. I wish he was still here, but I'm trying to make something beautiful out of this to get through it. I'll defy my standard beliefs about life after death for it, if it means that I will be able to go on celebrating Michael.
Alot of people dont know this, but in the bible it says that God will one day destroy all wickedness on earth, and the earth will become a paradise. People will live forever peacefully and Jesus will rule the earth in heaven. The dead will be brought back to life.

"The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it" Pslam 37:29

"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

Amen to that. :)
Alot of people dont know this, but in the bible it says that God will one day destroy all wickedness on earth, and the earth will become a paradise. People will live forever peacefully and Jesus will rule the earth in heaven. The dead will be brought back to life.

"The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it" Pslam 37:29

"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

This WILL happen. and michael will be there, and we can dance and sing with him forever!!!
may Jehovah (gods actual name) remember him!
I am sure that one day we will meet with Michael in heaven or elsewhere. I believe that after we die there is another life completely different from this. I hope Michael is right, in peace and happy. He is looking for his family, his three beautiful children and all his fans that he loved so much. If we are not in this life with Michael, will be next. :)
now let me put this straight but not for all religions we are born to do what we got to do if we do something wrong or more than one thing then we gotta come back to learn our lesson again but if we are kind or more than that like michael was he wont come back but he will be in a better place but people like tom sneddon will have to come back to learn their lesson from this life.
Im going to walk right up to Mike, shake his hand and say man...........I love you. Your the best!
heaven is a perfect place. imagine a time of your life when you were in your PRIME and everything seemed perfect. thats how it is. it is LIVING, but there is NO sadness. its a never-ending celebration.