Question about 1978 Taraborrelli interview


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi, what is the source of it? is it an excerpt from his book? is it showing true?
I talk about a part of his nickname... if it's true, it reveals a lot. I just need to know if this interview isn't fictional.
I believe this is real interview he had with Michael. I read a book about MJ that Taraborrelli wrote back in 1991 and it had some positive and negative things in it about MJ. But on the other hand I have heard people say that Taraborrelli has embelished on how well he knows the Jackson family.
I cried through that interview. Oh my...I love him so much. I feel so bad for him. All the pain and sadness he felt back then. I truly hope he is happy now. I really do...

If it's true how could any of the Jackson's actually call Michael liver lips as he's never had big lips. Marlon is the only Jackson to have huge lips. I find is really sad how family members can give each other such horrible nicknames. I guess family members were very worried that Michael would leave (and MJ's mother Katherine said he had solo offers from 1975) The Jacksons for a solo career, and maybe their envy of his genius of talent was the reason they teased him about his appearance, even though their was nothing to tease which makes it even worse.
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this is his one and only interview/meeting with mj lol yet hes an expert and a family friend.sounds familiar lol
It's proabably the only completely accurate thing in that book, actually, lol.

But yeah benscarr, that is sad stuff. It hurts just to think about it.
oh yeah, this is in his book...
he asked dome good questions :yes: I wish there were more good interviews from around this time period..but what can ya do?? lol
If it's true how could any of the Jackson's act Michael liver lips as he's never had big lips. Marlon is the only Jackson to have huge lips. I find is really sad how family members can give each other such horrible nicknames. I guess family members were very worried that Michael would leave (and MJ's mother Katherine said he had solo offers from 1975) The Jacksons for a solo career, and maybe their envy of his genius of talent was the reason they teased him about his appearance, even though their was nothing to tease which makes it even worse.

Yeah but all siblings tease each other. I'm not saying that Mike shouldn't have been hurt by it, but I think they all called each other names. In that 1975 (?) Oak Ranch video where MJ was acting all silly & like a reporter he called Randy a 'big, ugly ape'. He was just goofing off but I imagine that's what the brothers were doing too. Course we can't know the extent of their teasing or what kind of intent was behind it, but I can't imagine it was a result of envy instead of just usual sibling behavior (It might be though, no reason to rule it out. Especially with a sensitive soul like Mike's. What loved ones say definitely stick with you.). What's unfortunate, and here's one of the only places where J. Randy Taraborelli might be accurate with all his speculation, is the toll it seemed to take on MJ. It's interesting though... I mean poor Janet gets called "Dunc" which is short for 'Donkey' by her family (including Mike)! :blink: That's pretty darn mean, no matter how affectionately it's said.
Really from siblings it's normal, and if its done with obvious humor, that's one thing. Coming from parent's, without humor, that's another thing. That's all I'll say because I'm sure I'll get in trouble otherwise.
Really from siblings it's normal, and if its done with obvious humor, that's one thing. Coming from parent's, without humor, that's another thing. That's all I'll say because I'm sure I'll get in trouble otherwise.

I agree with you wbss, I think his brothers shouldn't have said it infront of Taraborrelli because as we all know reporters will put it in their articles and then the public will run wild with it.
Really from siblings it's normal, and if its done with obvious humor, that's one thing. Coming from parent's, without humor, that's another thing. That's all I'll say because I'm sure I'll get in trouble otherwise.

I agree with you. Whenever Michael is asked about the "big nose" jokes he tends to be more upset about his father calling him that name than his brothers. In the Oprah interview, he didn't even mention his brothers doing it. For your siblings to tease you is one thing, but to have your father do it... I would imagine have a devestating affect on your self esteem. I'm guessing that coming from his father, he probably beleived what Joseph was telling him, that he had a big nose, and was ugly. I remember Oprah saying that during the interview that she had with Michael in 93, whenever they would play footage of Michael in the early years with the Jackson 5, Michael would make some comment like "OMG, I was hideous". I don't know how true that is, but if it was true, it just shows the kind of affect this name calling had on Michael.
Yeah but all siblings tease each other. I'm not saying that Mike shouldn't have been hurt by it, but I think they all called each other names. In that 1975 (?) Oak Ranch video where MJ was acting all silly & like a reporter he called Randy a 'big, ugly ape'. He was just goofing off but I imagine that's what the brothers were doing too. Course we can't know the extent of their teasing or what kind of intent was behind it, but I can't imagine it was a result of envy instead of just usual sibling behavior (It might be though, no reason to rule it out. Especially with a sensitive soul like Mike's. What loved ones say definitely stick with you.). What's unfortunate, and here's one of the only places where J. Randy Taraborelli might be accurate with all his speculation, is the toll it seemed to take on MJ. It's interesting though... I mean poor Janet gets called "Dunc" which is short for 'Donkey' by her family (including Mike)! :blink: That's pretty darn mean, no matter how affectionately it's said.

It's true that Michael appears to have done his fair share of teasing his siblings, such as calling Janet "Dunc" (Donkey) etc which she has said hurt her. I guess Michael could give the teasing but not take when he was on the receiving end. As for Michael being teased, I presume it was more frequent than say Janet would get. I also presume the teasing Michael say from his brothers, would be made from their observation noticing the public were disapointed when they met Michael in person and found he was no longer cute little Michael Jackson, but a growing adolescent with teenage spots. I presume the teasing Michael got from his brothers confirmed what those disapointed members of public or fans thought of Michael. Which made the teasing far more deep rooted on Michael's emotionial state of mind regarding his looks.
um yeah, Michael was teased about the way his face looked, and he was the lead singer in the limelight! I can understand regular teasing, but Michael was teased even when he begged his brothers to stop. We all saw them tease each other on the ranch home vid, but when you start talking about someones face (especially when they are that famous) when you can see that it hurts them.....especially in front of interviewers, and even by your dad, and if you are self-conscious about something and you are already kind of sensitive...then it just sucks
liver lips? :mello:

I bet there are millions of girls wanting to kiss that liver lips....whereas there isnt half as much girls wanting to kiss all his brothers put together....:smilerolleyes:

aint that funny? :cheeky:
Thanx for posting lotrmj. So many times, after reading or listening to what Mike himself said about loneliness and pain, it lingers on my mind so much I have to think for a while before moving on to do something else and it makes me pray for him harder. The emotion feels so vivid. Not saying I can understand exactly the same way he feels, but it feels like I've just had a heart-to-heart talk with one of my best friends. I think this is one of reasons why I'm a fan. Also, those interviews got me believing that joy and pain are deeply interlocked. We all saw Mike's fun, silly, humorous side as well. I know he can be all that becuz he went through so much pain and learned to appreciate what it means to smile and joke and have simple fun. Also, I believe becuz of his own pain, he sees pain easily in others even when theirs are different from his and is willing to help them out.
I talk about a part of his nickname... if it's true, it reveals a lot. I just need to know if this interview isn't fictional.

No matter what you think of Taraborelli, there isn't an editor in the land stupid enough to let somebody run a completely fictional article about Michael Jackson. It's simply not possible. If the interview had been falsified then the magazine would almost certainly have been immediately served with a multi-million dollar lawsuit and somebody's head would have rolled for that kind of carelessness.