Quest. about the Jury in the trial


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I want to ask yah about the jury in the trial.

Went some of the Jury people out after the trial and said that Michael maybe was guilty?

Or was the Jury nice? Have we ever heard of them after the trial? (example when Michael passed away?)

Thank you :)
Two of the older jurors were offered book deals to say that he was guilty and that they were pressured into a not guilty verdict.
Yep! 2 where offered book deals and the other had a husband in the media so that's why she "changed" her mind! lol She even tried playing the race card because she was Asian she said some where attacking her knowledge of the law o_O and blah blah blah it made no sense!!

But, the intersting part was when they were all interviewed live after the verdicts and also on the Larry King show they where asked if they where fine with the veridicts they decided on which where not guilty and they all said yes and that all pretty much looked at each other and agreed!

Any who none got a pathetic book deal and no one took them seriously! The others jurors where not happy about the accusations made by the other 3 and called them liars and stood by the not guilty verdicts! There are two jurors though more then the rest since MJ died and before that always defended him on TV very well and believed he was innocent!
YThere are two jurors though more then the rest since MJ died and before that always defended him on TV very well and believed he was innocent!

And if I remember correctly, didn't one of the jurors end up going to a victory party outside of Neverland?
I remember there was some criticism from the media of the female jurors who claimed that they became charmed by Michael and they were calling him 'my Michael'. But coniviently the two jurors that claimed they changed their mind and felt he was guilty had both been offered book deals. Like, no link there whatsoever right?
the old womans jurror granddaughter was already looking for a bookdeal for her as soon as she got on the jury. and she had the cheak to sit smiling at katherine all the time in court. only in the USA
I remember there was some criticism from the media of the female jurors who claimed that they became charmed by Michael and they were calling him 'my Michael'.

LOL, Michael and his charm. :wub:

Here is some info on the jurors:

And more about Eleanor Cook (one of the two jurors who later claimed that she believed MJ was guilty):

"And there was another controversy surrounding Eleanor Cook that can now be revealed. In early May after Wade Robson and Brett Barnes had been called to as the stand on the opening day of the defense case juror number five when shopping after court. She went to local JC Penney store on South Broadway and Stowell Avenue in Santa Maria just a few blocks from the courthouse. There she sought out her pal Adrian McManus who had worked at the store for many years. The older woman had revealed to the court during jury selection that she knew the former Neverland maid, but she claimed that they were not close, only that she had once bought some perfume from McManus. In reality they had a closer relationship then Cook let on. Adrian McManus said she and the widow would take drives together, eat a meal on occasion, and once Cook had counseled her about an attorney she might want to hire.
Eleanor Cook should never have been anywhere near a witness in a case on which she was currently sitting in judgment___ but there she was talking openly to McManus. As law enforcement later learned, Cook took McManus aside in the store, in full view of others, and praised her friend for doing well when she had testified for the prosecution on April 7 and 8.
In an interview, McManus later revealed that during this discussion at JCPenney, Eleanor Cook spoke to her about her thoughts as Robson and Barnes were testifying. Cook allegedly said she wrote in her jurors notebook as the two men spoke “liars, liars, liars.”
Eleanor Cook also reportedly told McManus that she could never, ever vote to what let Michael Jackson go free. She was completely convinced Jackson was a pedophile, according to McManus. Cook had personal knowledge of sexual offenders, as her grandson had been ordered by an undisclosed court to register for five years as a sexual deviant.
Cook’s presence in the store that day can be verified by both eye witnesses who saw her there and, according to Adrian McManus, by store transaction receipts. when Eleanor Cook paid for the clothing she bought she used her JCPenney charge card. McManus rang up the transaction under her traceable employee number. Together, the charge card and the employee number transaction provided a paper trail to prove a juror’s flagrant improper visit with a prosecution witness.
After court the very next day, Cook came back to the store to return a pair of slacks that didn’t fit. Adrian McManus reported that she had as a second conversation with the woman. According to McManus, the widow told her that they shouldn’t be talking, but she was emotional because a dear acquaintance of 35 years had just passed away and she needed someone to talk to. McManus claims Cook told her that if she ever told anyone about her comments regarding the guilt of Michael Jackson, she would have to call her a liar.
On June 17, 4 days after the verdict and following her whirlwind trip to New York courtesy of ABC Eleanor Clark came back to JCPenney once again in search of her friend. She apparently felt the need to explain herself and the verdict. When Adrian McManus spotted the smiling cope coming toward her she began to walk away down a store aisle. The 79 year old Cook began to cry out for understanding. Adrian McManus gave her none. McManus claimed that a JCPenney supervisor asked Cook to leave the store."

McManus was a prosecution witness at the trial, one of MJ's former maids who claimed that she saw MJ molesting boys - Brett Barnes and Macaulay Culkin, for example, who both said nothing ever happened - in other words McManus was just another liar. She also had a motive. She was fired and sued by Michael for stealing from the property and Michael also won that case so she owed him a lot of money. Now Eleanor Cook was pals with this woman....