'PYD' vs. 'P.Y.T.' — Comparing the Seduction Tactics of Justin Bieber and Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 19, 2013

Justin Bieber has a lot in common with Michael Jackson. While that's blasphemy in some circles and rightful praise in others, the similarities are there. Each has an incredibly devoted fan base, a signature style, a ton of money from their music, and a pet monkey. And while Bieber still needs to find his moonwalk and create his own "Thriller" video to ever really enter the conversation as this generation's King of Pop, he hasn't stopped trying to emulate the late throne-holder. Case in point: Bieber's new slow-jam single with R. Kelly called "PYD."

Whether "PYD" is purposely titled as an homage to MJ's "P.Y.T." is up for debate, but it's hard to ignore, especially since both songs are about getting it on. But how do Bieber's strategies of seduction stack up against Michael's? Let's investigate.

1. Terms of Endearment
Both Justin and Michael know women enjoy being complimented and addressed as something special, but Michael is way more creative about it.


Advantage: MJ (The more the merrier. Plus, Bieber's already overplayed all versions of "baby.")

2. Setting the Mood
Lighting might be one of the most underrated elements when it comes to proper seduction technique. But fear not, both Justin and Michael have this detail covered. MJ's move is a dimmer switch: "We can dim the lights / Just to make it right." Biebs, on the other hand, likes an open flame to get things going: "Up the stairs to my bedroom / Light a few candles / Brace yourself."
Advantage: Bieber (Candles are the classy dimmer switch and pull double duty if they're scented.)

3. Euphemisms of Choice
If you think being blunt is crass, then Michael and Justin are both potential suitors for you because neither comes right out and says, "Let's do intercourse." They just imply it. Michael's go-to is a tad on the retro side: "You need some lovin (T.L.C.) / Tender lovin' care." But that's a million times better than Bieber's "I'mma put you down," which sounds like he's either going to insult you during sex or treat you like a dog that's overstayed its welcome at a shelter.
Advantage: MJ

4. Location, Location, Location
In "P.Y.T." Michael is flexible when it comes where he wants to do the deed because his location of choice is "anywhere you wanna go." Biebs is way more specific, but that doesn't mean he's any less amiable to variety. In the whole of "PYD," these are the different places Bieber and R. Kelly are going to "put you down": on a door, a wall, a coffee table, a stove, a countertop, a dining room table, the stairs, the bedroom, the roof, the balcony (see right), the parking lot, the floor, a plane, a train, and, you guessed it, an automobile.
Advantage: Push. Bieber could have had the edge in this one since he was more direct and assertive with his venues, but no one wants to get down on a stove. You lost us at stove, Justin.


5. The Guarantee
In the real world, constantly bragging about how good you are in bed comes off as overcompensating, but in pop music, talking up your sexing skills is practically a requirement. So much so that even Michael Jackson, arguably the least sexually believable mega-star of all time (see: exhibit A and B), finds it necessary to boast: "Let me take you to the max" and "In the night / Hit the lovin' spot / I'll give you all that I've got." For Bieber, he's either incredibly desperate or simply needs a gloating thesaurus: "Ooo, 'cause you deserve the best / And nothing but the best / So I give you the best you’ve ever had."
Advantage: Eww. Gross. Neither.
God what was the point of that? Waste of words there, whoever wrote that.
I stopped reading after ''Justin Bieber has a lot in common with Michael Jackson''

Why do some people have to drag Michael down to the level of teeny booper pop stars who only appeal to 13-15 year old girls? It's degrading and insulting
I read about Justin Biebers pet monkey.It was taken too early from the mother and I suppose it hadn´t got necessary vaccine so it was left ,I think in Germany in quarantin.
JB didn´t care about his pet monkey and didn´t go back to get the monkey when the quarantin was over.

Michael cared about his animals, it seems like JB doesn´t .
Yhat´s a big difference between them.
So what does PYD stand for? "Pretty young..." never mind...lol. That was one of the most pointless things I've ever read. Michael didn't write PYT anyway, so it doesn't count.
So what does PYD stand for? "Pretty young..." never mind...lol. That was one of the most pointless things I've ever read. Michael didn't write PYT anyway, so it doesn't count.

Yeah, he didn't write it, though he came up with the title (in the original song he and Greg wrote).
All I know is that P.Y.T. in those days as I were alive and saying that slang then simply means Pretty Young Thing or thang depending on what part of the country or region you lived in here in The States.
That's all the logic I can add to that article.
Oh, look, another article trying to force people into thinking Bieber actually can be compared to MJ
PYD = Put you Down???

I have only heard that term used in two ways..

1. Putting an animal down (killing it) ... How sure are we that he's not singing about that? lol!
2. Putting someone down is not a nice thing to do...

Either way not a very seductive way of speaking haha!! Maybe if he spent a little less time pissing in public and acting like an idiot and actually spent more time with some real MEN.. he would know what seduction is all about..

You don't Put a woman down, you lay IT down.. haha
PYD = Put you Down???

I have only heard that term used in two ways..

1. Putting an animal down (killing it) ... How sure are we that he's not singing about that? lol!
2. Putting someone down is not a nice thing to do...

Either way not a very seductive way of speaking haha!! Maybe if he spent a little less time pissing in public and acting like an idiot and actually spent more time with some real MEN.. he would know what seduction is all about..

You don't Put a woman down, you lay IT down.. haha

Is Will Smith a real man? define 'real man' for me. that's interesting.
I do like the circle graph lol, "Michael: Tenderoni, Sugar, Lady, Pretty Young Thing. Bieber:...................... babe. :unsure:" Lmaoooo, I dunno why but that cracked me up.

Yeahhh... the article itself is utter horse sh-t though. :puke:
I stopped reading after ''Justin Bieber has a lot in common with Michael Jackson''

Why do some people have to drag Michael down to the level of teeny booper pop stars who only appeal to 13-15 year old girls? It's degrading and insulting

me too. thanks for this post.:bugeyed
So what does PYD stand for? "Pretty young..." never mind...lol. That was one of the most pointless things I've ever read. Michael didn't write PYT anyway, so it doesn't count.

'Pretty Young Dumbass' maybe.