Put The Blame on Mame from TII (I FOUND IT!!!)

Such a great scene. I love the smirk on MJ's face. So cool.
yeah his little smirk is too cute!!
All I do is sing "Put the blame on mame" now since seeing this film! lol Gets in your head
I'm not sure.

I love those old film noir movies. Anyone seen Double Indemnity? It's a classic.
does anyone know which movie the Humphry Bogart scenes are from?

According to the ropeofsilicon.com (a movie enthusiast website) they claim that 3 classic Hollywood films used for the 'SC' sequence were 'Gilda' (1947), 'In A Lonely Place' (1950), and 'His Girl Friday' (1940).

Now 'Gilda' was played by the great Rita Hayworth, 'A Lonely Place' starred both Humphrey Bogart and veteran character actress Gloria Grahame (best known for her role as Violet Bick in the 1946 American classic 'It's A Wonderful Life'), all three actors we see in the 'SC' sequence. Then there's another Hollywood legend seen: Edward G. Robinson. However Robinson didn't appear in any of the 3 films ropeofsilicon lists, so some thing is missing here, a fourth classic film was used that he starred in was edited in too. We're gonna need to do some research find out that detail.

Furthermore 'His Girl Friday' starred Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell neither of whom we see in that sequence, so we need to confirm exactly what scene from that film was edited into 'SC', or even if in fact was at all. Ropeofsilicon could be wrong.

'...film tributes including Gilda, In a Lonely Place and His Girl Friday serving as the backdrop for "Smooth Criminal"...'

also see:

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According to the ropeofsilicon.com (a movie enthusiast website) they claim that 3 classic Hollywood films used for the 'SC' sequence were 'Gilda' (1947), 'In A Lonely Place' (1950), and 'His Girl Friday' (1940).

Now 'Gilda' was played by the great Rita Hayworth, 'A Lonely Place' starred both Humphrey Bogart and veteran character actress Gloria Grahame (best known for her role as Violet Bick in the 1946 American classic 'It's A Wonderful Life'), all three actors we see in the 'SC' sequence. Then there's another Hollywood legend seen: Edward G. Robinson. However Robinson didn't appear in any of the 3 films ropeofsilicon lists, so some thing is missing here, a fourth classic film was used that he starred in was edited in too. We're gonna need to do some research find out that detail.

Furthermore 'His Girl Friday' starred Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell neither of whom we see in that sequence, so we need to confirm exactly what scene from that film was edited into 'SC', or even if in fact was at all. Ropeofsilicon could be wrong.

'...film tributes including Gilda, In a Lonely Place and His Girl Friday serving as the backdrop for "Smooth Criminal"...'

also see:


thanks for the info sir :)
thanks Marty! I knew it was more than just Gilda cos Bogart wasn't in that.
I wanna see all three of those films now. I just love those old movies!
thank you that was great....I am glad that Michael had a eye for the old time movies.....:)
yeah, I get the feeling that Michael was very into the Gansta pics. His Smooth Criminal short film is oozing that feel...not to mention his live performance of Dangerous!
has anyone here seen LITTLE CAESAR? I think that may be what the Edward G. Robinson scenes are from. I have it on DVD actually but have never watched it. Think I will.
yeah, I get the feeling that Michael was very into the Gansta pics. His Smooth Criminal short film is oozing that feel...not to mention his live performance of Dangerous!

especially since Smooth Criminal was taken after another old movie The Band Wagon,1953. it wasn't a gangster film though, but musical on broadway plays. you can see the resemblance in the last play of the movie, very gangster feel...the suit Fred Astair wore, the club sequence, the red dress Cyd Charisse is wearing. Cyd was a sharp dancer! What was more interesting to me was some of the lines in the movie that mirrored his later song 'Dangerous' though. In the song it goes: ''The girl was bad--The girl was dangerous'' and Fred says in the movie: ''She was bad--She was dangerous.'' and another Dangerous line: ''She came at me in sections--With the eyes of desire'' and in the movie Fred says: "She came at me in sections--more curves than a scenic railway.''

haha, pretty sweet, i admire how Michael brought music and old movies together like that, watching them you see some reminiscences of Michael's stuff. the West Side Story ''gang's dancing'' deal Michael did. old movie lovers can't deny Mike.

Gilda is a great movie if anyone hasn't seen it.:p
thanks wondered what that song was.never connected at the time when i saw the credits
I saw TII again at the late show last night and can tell you during the film's closing credits I counted as many 6 different films MJ used to create the 'SC' sequence.

Would one of you fans please go to the theater and stand in the front row while the credits are rolling and grab a video clip with your 2 megapixel cel phone then post it at YT so we can see the names of those 6 films?

I hate to encourage this kind of 'immorality', but now I've just got to know!


Marty In LA