Put A Video to a song that was only sung...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I always hear so many mj songs that never got turned into a video concept and always imagined what would have been a great idea...So lets try and do a thread of everyone's thoughts on what would have been a good video for a particular song...

I posted this in another bit but the i Kept visualising a good video everytime I heard privacy.It was an angry mj song and i thought a good idea was to somehow have all these paparazzi, jornalists etc being taken hostage and the whole video is them in a huge row, sitting on chairs.helpless unable to speak..hands tied behind their back and without their cameras, microphones , newspapers etc...and the whole vid is mj singing the lyrics to them, dancing around the chairs, taunting them , taking pictures of them and doing everything they do to him...just an angry mj being able to say what he wants to say to these people face to face..and them not being able to do anything...

i think that would have worked imo lol...
I always hear so many mj songs that never got turned into a video concept and always imagined what would have been a great idea...So lets try and do a thread of everyone's thoughts on what would have been a good video for a particular song...

I posted this in another bit but the i Kept visualising a good video everytime I heard privacy.It was an angry mj song and i thought a good idea was to somehow have all these paparazzi, jornalists etc being taken hostage and the whole video is them in a huge row, sitting on chairs.helpless unable to speak..hands tied behind their back and without their cameras, microphones , newspapers etc...and the whole vid is mj singing the lyrics to them, dancing around the chairs, taunting them , taking pictures of them and doing everything they do to him...just an angry mj being able to say what he wants to say to these people face to face..and them not being able to do anything...

i think that would have worked imo lol...

gr8 video idea :clap: :clap: :clap: ... I really like it :D ...

I love thinkin' of videos for songs which don't have one :D... I have got some ideas for Little Susie (2 versions), Smile, The Girl Is Mine, WBSS, Human Nature, PYT, She Drives Me Wild & The Lost Children :) ... wanna hear 'em? :D
I've always thought Human Nature and PYT would have made great music videos.
Oh and too bad Butterflies was never made into one. Really creative concepts could have resulted from a song like that.
Well we could always make our own videos with what footage we have. :) I made videos for youtube as well as DJTommy. I would love to make a Butterflies video this year. I have an idea for it but it will be announced later on :)
hmm good idea..I have talked about this concept before...here is my idea for Morphine

Pretty much just think the Scream video on acid. I see the video being in back and white and its in a mental institution. MJ would be in straight jacket and his hair is ALL messed up. Like it would look like he hasnt slept in days, eyes are baggy and all that. And i see like distorted images kinda like that movie Requiem of a Dream. Through out the 1st half of the song i see the doctors dragging MJ down a hallway into a room were they inject him with the morphine. Now, the Demoral part of the song is pretty much the only part of the video that is in color. MJ is pretty much high and he is coming down off it. Like pretty much I see a single spotlight that is just with MJ and it is him sitting playing on the piano singing. And though out all this in the background it starts to get more distorted the more he sings the song, the more fu*ked up it gets, until he goes "OOOH!" and BAM! it goes black and white again. Of course u have ur shots of MJ dancing and all that. But all in all that video would have been on sum OTHER sh*t..
hmm good idea..I have talked about this concept before...here is my idea for Morphine

Pretty much just think the Scream video on acid. I see the video being in back and white and its in a mental institution. MJ would be in straight jacket and his hair is ALL messed up. Like it would look like he hasnt slept in days, eyes are baggy and all that. And i see like distorted images kinda like that movie Requiem of a Dream. Through out the 1st half of the song i see the doctors dragging MJ down a hallway into a room were they inject him with the morphine. Now, the Demoral part of the song is pretty much the only part of the video that is in color. MJ is pretty much high and he is coming down off it. Like pretty much I see a single spotlight that is just with MJ and it is him sitting playing on the piano singing. And though out all this in the background it starts to get more distorted the more he sings the song, the more fu*ked up it gets, until he goes "OOOH!" and BAM! it goes black and white again. Of course u have ur shots of MJ dancing and all that. But all in all that video would have been on sum OTHER sh*t..

I love it :clap: ... very creative...

what I was thinkin' 4 Little Susie:
Version 1...
in the intro, a choir is singin' in the church at Susie's funeral... then it's that sound like someone is turning on a musical box (I imagine it with a ballerina) ... first I heard it I thought that someone is chargin' a gun :lol: ... and then it shows Susie singin' with the musical box... and then the box crushes in slow-mo and tears up in a million pieces, like a fragile dream that broke up...
in the first verse, Susie is lying on the floor with her head full of blood close to the stairs...
in the second verse, "A fall down the stairs" - Susie is fallin' but she doesn't crush, she gets through the floor like a ghost... Michael was in the neighbournhood and heard a scream so he ran into Susie's house to find her dead... he lifts "her with care" and then he looks upstairs and sees... HIMSELF lookin' at them! :huh:
in the third verse, Michael sits singing next to a tree lookin' how their gettin' ready to bury the girl... the priest says "This girl lived in vain... Her face bear such agony, such strain..."
in the fourth verse, "But only the man from next door... Knew Little Susie and how he cried... As he reached down... To close Susie's eyes..." and Michael gets closer to him... they look at the girl with tears in their eyes... and then the camera tunrs suddenly to see... Susie's ghost (with "blood in her hair") lookin' how thay look at her body!
in the bridge, there are images with Susie's toys... the swing in her backyard is swingin' by itself... and then we see Susie's ghost on it... images from the funeral: the ghost screams ("Then to scream out") and all the people turn their heads "And nobody's there" ... "She knew no one cared..." - the ghost is invisible on the swing and a tear falls on the ground...
in the fifth and sixth verse, there is the funeral again, showin' Susie's ghost lookin' at the tombs of her mother and granparents... the blood disspears from the ghost's hair ... "Lift her with care" - the men lift up her coffin... and when the bells start to ring, a dove lands on the ghost's hand and then the ghost turns into the dove and then starts flyin' to the sun...
the video ends with some mysterios hands with black gloves (not Michael's)... that would be the criminal's hands...

phew! that' long... what do you think? :D
Love those ideas you guys. I remember during the Invincible Era I had so many video ideas for Michael's song Threatened. This is probably my favorite out of all of them. And yes I did put myself in the video with Michael.

Rod Serling's Intro:

Then you see me and Michael were walking along the beach holding hands cause we were just married. The sun was setting as we are on the beach. We we were walking along and we notice these seagulls acting really strange and flying away from this really old creepy looking lighthouse over this cliff. Michael wanted to go up there. Because he was curious to know why those seagulls were acting the way they were. Well I didn't because that lighthouse was really giving me the creeps and I wanted to go home. But Michael told me that is o.k. and that he would protect me. From whatever ghosts or monsters that may be in that lighthouse. So when we had gotten to the door of the lighthouse. I told Michael looks like this lighthouse has not been in use for many years. And he agree as we went in we were looking around in the house part of the lighthouse. Looking at all of the old stuff that is there. Then I look up and I suddenly saw Michael was gone. That started to scare me but I saw that there was a door going in to another room. And I thought that Michael had probably went in there. So I went in to the room calling for Michael. And wondering why he was not answering me. That's when I had notice from the window that it was dark outside. And there was a full moon shining through the window. I was about to call Michael's name again when I look up at the wall next to the window. And what I saw really terrified me. This message was written in fresh blood said get out or you are next to die. And I look down and I saw my husband lying there dead. Cause it was Michael's blood that message was written in. I started to cry as I knelt next to him. And that's when I heard this strange music coming from upstairs. So I went to go see who is playing that music. I went upstairs to where it led in to this very large room. And I saw all of these zombies dancing. I was more amuse then I was scared especially since the one zombie I saw was Michael. Dancing and singing this song called Threatened. So I stood there watching until it was over. And Michael came over to me and told me that he wanted me to be zombie too. Where we can really be together forever. So I did allowed them to kill me cause I really did wanted to be with Michael forever. And we left that room happy. Then you hear the outro from Rod Serling.

I think I had watched one too many horror movies at that the time. Or I was probably either watching or reading one too many ghost stories at the time. When this video idea came to me. I have such a huge love for anything that has to do with the paranormal or horror.

I also remember having this dream around the Invincible Era that I was on the set of Michael making a video for Unbreakable. And it was kind of like the way he had made the video for Speed Demon.
^ wow :wild: ... it's really REALLY creative :clap: :clap: ... I love it ;) ... it's like Thriler part 2 :D ...

Little Susie
Version 2
in the intro there is a choir and violonists that sing in the memory of lil' Susie before the ball starts (everybody's wearin' masks) ... Michael enters the room... then there are images how Susie sings with her musical box in her lil' and dusty room... and then, like in the other version, the musical box crushes into pieces...
in the first verse, Susie lies on the floor, dead...
in the second verse, Michael comes dress-up as a detective to examine the corpse and observes the blood in her hair and then she lifts her... Susie's ghost watches them...
in the third verse, more people come to see "The girl that now is dead" and the neighbour said "This girl lived in vain... Her face bear such agony, such strain..."
in the forth verse, he cried "As he reached down... To close Susie's eyes..." again Susie's ghost watches them...
in the bridge, there are images from the ball... everybody dances on waltz while Michael keeps lookin' around... the ghost screams "Then to scream out..." everybody turns their heads but "nobody's there"... and then it dissapears...
in the fifth verse, Michael (the detective) searches in Susie's room for clues he finds out "Father left home, poor mother died... Leaving Susie alone... Grandfather's soul too had flown..." and then thinks "How much can one bear... Rejecting the needs in her prayers..." while picking up something (we don't see what it is) ... his eyes turn bigger and he runs from the room (he discovered who the crimianal was...) Michael came the ball to search for the criminal... he supposed he would be there to strike again...
in the sixth verse, Michael still looks for the criminal but it's very hard because everyone is wearin' masks and "Neglection can kill... Like a knife in your soul... Oh it will" - somebody puts something in Michael's drink (Michael didn't see it) and he drank it... then he sees the criminal leaving the room!!! he runs after him but the image turns blurrier and blurrier... he slows down... he reaches the criminal and sees HIMSELF! he backs off... the other Michael runs... he points to the criminal... he falls... and then BLACK (we saw through Michael's eyes :( ) ...
when we hear the bells, a young man discovered Michael lying on the floor, dead, with the eyes wide open pointing where the criminal was when he last saw him... and then we see Susie ghost smiling and thankin' Michael for his effort, takes Michael's ghost hand and they head in the Light together :cry: ...

which version do you like most?!? :)
Heaven Can Wait ^_^

like the beginning hes in a bedroom looking out the curtains looking up at the night sky and starts singing and he like sprouts wings and the angels try to take him and he looks back at his girl breaks free from the angels grasps and whispers the chrous to her . Then a montage of them happy together goes on til thenext chorus where the angels try to take him back but hes holding on to her for dear life. He breaks free again. To hold her tight for one more montage. Then the next time the angels come back and take him and you think its for good but nah he gets back to find out she really passed and the angels were taking him to be with her. and she coems out in white and holds her hand out to him. and they live forever happy on the clouds

thats something i always visioned for that song if it had a video

also when i hear it i just think that the video would go so well to you are not alone the angel version
^ extremely beautiful idea :cry: ... why does Michael keep on dying in so many videos we imagine :( ...

I'll make a happier post now :) ...

I imagine a b&w video Michael dressed-up like Charlie Chaplin alone on a street singing sadly the first 2 verses... than he starts singing with a beautiful smile on his face slowly moving on the melody :wub: ... in the first instrumental break there are some Charlie Chaplin movies images and he morphs into Michael ... in the end, in the instrumental break Charlie comes to Michael and start doin' a lil' dance together... and then the movie cuts off :D ...

that was pretty short, so I'll also post my idea for...

The Lost Children
Michael starts singin' on a beautiful sunny meadow slowly dancin' back and forth... in the chorus the children start appearing and then they play hide'n'seek together, Michael hides, in the chorus a lil' girl finds him and he lifts her up and then the others come from their hiding places to play tag and then they go together to the river in the magical forest with fairies and unicorns and launch boats on the river and wave them goodbye as the sun sets while they dance happily with deers and rabbits and other cute animals ... and then it gets dark and thay head together to Michael's home :D ...
wow, i love all these ideas. The morphine one could have been really really freeky. Some fans could make some of these videos, with a stand in for michael. I know it wouldnt be the same, but it would be a fun little thing to do
we should do a competition for this actually, make a video concept and actually make it, use a stand in for mike if you have to. It would be great fun

yea..i guess...but like Mike says...it needs to be perfect...and it is NOT perfect without the G.O.A.T :(...
and the Morphine video needs a BIG budget...but that is just me :) haha
this one BIGDB2B did was creative...pretty smart how he put MJ in it

sorry 4 doublepostin' but I bet nobody will look in this thread if I edit my last post :lol: ...

Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
in the chorus, Michael is on concert singin' WBSS and dancing :D...
I imagine the verses with movie borders... we see 2 so rectangles and the film strip keeps moving up the screen... every scene is like a picture and it starts moving and then stops and the pic after it starts animating, etc ;) ...
so, in the 1st Verse, the first pic Michael is takin' his girlfriend to the doctor, the second one we see them talkin' with the doc assuring them there's nothing wrong and they smile, the third pic the newspaper boy throws the newspaper at their house, in the fourth pic we see the title in bold "Michael Jackson's girlfriend had a BREAKDOWN!", in the fifth pic the girl opens the door in the next pic she gets the newspaper and closes the door...
in the chorus she reads the newspaper and then starts crying and throws it in the recycle bin and goes away as Michael passes by... he picks up the newspaper, he reads it while singin' "It's too high to get over [...]"
in the second verse (again with the film borders), in the first pic we see Michael in the kitchen, searchin' somethin in the phone book, in the second pic, he circles something, in the third one he calls at the number he circled, in the fourth pic he's writing in a letter "So your tongue became a razor!" in the fifth pic he goes outside, in the sixth pic he opens the mailbox and sends the letter, in the seventh picture he grabs his coat and in the last pic he looks on the window how his baby's crying...
in the chorus, he arrives at the newspaper's editorial building shuting the door loudly, goes at the editor's desk and starts complaining by singing (including the "You're a vegetable" part :lol: ) and then he gets out the office...
in the lil' musical break he goes back home...
in the third verse, in the first pic we see Billie Jean talkin' to a group of people all kind of lies in her office at the editorial... in the second pic all the other from the group are silent... in the third pic she rubs somebody's shoulder while laughing nervously... in the fourth pic somebody throws a newspaper at Michael's door: "Billie Jean's mouth is a MOTOR!", in the fifth pic he picks it up and goes inside to show it to his girlfriend who was washing dishes and starts laughin' with him... "Talkin', Squealin', Spyin'" - we see Billie Jean spyin' at the kitchen's window and then Michael sees her and runs outside...
he goes to Billie Jean and stats singin' her the chorus... at the "vegetable" part he gets closer to BJ to whisper the song, "They Eat Off Of You, You're A Vegetable" - BJ kisses him on the mouth and runs!!! :huh: ... his girlfriend saw this from the window and walked away crying...
in the musical break Michael chases BJ but then he returns home realizin' that "his baby" might be crying again...
in the 4th verse in the first pic he arrives home, in the second pic he picks up a newspaper smiling, in the third pic he finds "his baby" crying on the living room couch, in the fourth pic he goes on the couch, in the fifth pic he gives her a big hug, in the sixth pic he asks her to stop cryin' while wipin' her tears, in the seventh pic he shows her the news that BJ was the one who made up those crazy stories and in the last pics they're happy that it was written in the newspaper that nobody believes her and that she's now fired ("Now baby's slowly dying" means that her lies "babies" aren't true "dying") ...
in the chorus Michael takes the newspaper and sings to BJ's pic then he tears it up and starts dancing... BJ appears at TV and he throws th remote in the TV and brakes it :lmao: and he starts laughin' like mad with his girlfriend :lol: ...
in the ad-lib he's at th concert again and dedicates his girlfriend the part 'til "So You Believe In You" (she was in the first row of course ;) )... and the ma ma se ma ma sa ma ma coo sa part is also at concert and in the end everbody claps like mad :D ...

what do you think? is it a tl;dr post :lol: ?