Psychic Sylvia Browne on How Michael Jackson and Princess Di Are Doing in Afterlife

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania, United States
Most people know psychic/spiritual medium Sylvia Browne from her appearances on 'The Montel Williams Show' and 'Larry King Live,' but she is first and foremost a spiritual author. Her latest book, 'Afterlives of the Rich and Famous,' features several accounts of celebrities who've passed away, and what they're up to in heaven.

Browne's spirit guide Francine, who's been with her since she was a child, communicates the messages of the deceased celebrities to her. Francine speaks with various stars, ranging from James Dean and Marilyn Monroe to Michael Jackson and Heath Ledger. Browne sat down to talk with PopEater about the afterlife, where heaven is exactly and some predictions she has for the upcoming year.

How could you first tell that you had a psychic ability?
I was doing things at age 3 ... I knew who was going to call, I knew who was going to come by. I remember at 5, sitting in my front room with my two great-grandmothers, and I saw their faces run. I ran from the room screaming. My dad grabbed me and took me to my grandmother, who was a working psychic at the time, and she said, "What you saw is them being called to God's House." And sure enough, in two weeks, they both died. So that was not a pleasant way to be introduced to the whole thing.

Wow. Not really, no. So is this gift hereditary?
We go back 300 years. It's actually validated by ancestry. I think it comes from God, but I also know that there's probably a genetic component to it. My son has it, my grandmother had it, her brother had it, my granddaughter has it, on and on it goes.

How can you tell if a psychic is the real deal?
Oh, please. Some of them play a guessing game. One "psychic" I saw got up there and was like, "Does anyone here drive a truck?" I was like, "C'mon!" That's what we call a generalized cold reading, like when someone says they're sensing the initial "D." Or to say you're going from darkness into light. It's just nuts.

Do you have any opinion on other psychics – like John Edwards or James Van Praagh?
I like John Edwards. Van Praagh is the one that I have trouble with. He constantly wants validation. He's always playing the guessing game. Nobody expects anyone to be 100 percent. Only God is.

What made you want to publish this book, 'Afterlives of the Rich and Famous'?
It was very strange. One night I was lying in bed and I was thinking about Clark Gable and his love affair with Carole Lombard. I asked my spirit guide (Francine) if they ever got together, and she said that they're very much in love "over here." When she says "over here," she means the Other Side. They rowboat together, they walk together. Then I started asking about Michael Jackson, and that's how it started. It was my own curiosity.

What is the number one misconception about the afterlife?
That there isn't one.

And if people do imagine one, they imagine a place with clouds...
Or sitting on a cloud with a harp. That's really stupid. In actuality, the afterlife is 3 feet above our ground level. People keep looking up to the sky, which isn't correct. When people see "ghosts," they always say they're floating. They're not actually floating, they're walking on their own solid ground. It has libraries, it has record centers, it has concert halls, it has everything except the negativity.

Obviously people are skeptical about the afterlife and psychic ability...
You know what? I don't care. Everybody is skeptical on everything. Who cares? If you know, between you and God, that you're doing the right thing, that your motives are pure, then who cares what anyone else says?

Now, about some of the specific celebrities in your book: Brittany Murphy, how's she holding up? Did she reunite with Simon Monjack when he passed?
Brittany initially said that she felt like she died prematurely, but then after that initial feeling, she said she was really happy to be there [in the afterlife]. When he died, she was right there to greet him. They had a lovely reunion. What people don't realize is you meet up with people from other lives as well, not just your current one. Your relatives are there, your pets are there.

And what about Michael Jackson? How has his transition been?
He said that he was very maligned in this life, and he's not holding any grudges. He feels a definite unfairness because they accused him of so many things. You've got to realize that he was like a [9-or-10-year-old in a man's] body. He felt more at home with children than people his own age. He's in a healthier body now. I can say that he probably never would have made it through those concerts he had planned before he died. He was sick.

How does Princess Diana feel about Prince William getting engaged?
She's thrilled. She thinks Kate is a wonderful person for William, because she has a tougher skin than she ever had. Di was very shy and everything hurt her feelings.

Do you have any predictions for the upcoming year?
I don't think Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are going to last. They may make it through this year, but I think they're pretty much doomed. I'm also concerned that Liz Taylor isn't going to make it through this year. And you know what? I don't know why they're keeping Zsa Zsa Gabor alive. They had to remove her leg, she had a stroke, she doesn't remember anything or anybody -- I don't believe in Kevorkian, but when it comes time, just let them go.
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omg. are u serious? i could of told you the same things she said about michael. does that make me psychic.
sorry but i don't buy a word of it...
this is too much..she didnt say anything that we didnt already know about Michael...thanks for posting though..:)
There IS such a thing as the psychic realm and in order to believe in it or understand it, you must somehow experience it. It is a form of knowledge, you can read it and see it like pages in a book.

Now, yes, there are people out there who aren't really psychics and are there to drain your psyche. those types of people I would be careful about, they can drain you very quickly and are considered vampires. then there are those who do not drain you of your psyche, but they use their's hard to explain. but Sylvia is very close to what is real...and what she said about Michael sounded legit.
You have got to understand... THEY are asking THIS WOMAN her OPINION on what happened..she carries no license and is no professional..HER MESSAGES ARE MERE OPINIONS and if you goto someone like this you MUST take her words as an opinion.

ANYONE with SOUND MIND will know this, grasp it, adn respect sylvia and others who actually are successful at predicting such events. The only thing I must admit that I am unhappy with is how sylvia brown charges a lot of money for readigs.. that isn't right and is a flag. Never ever goto a psychic who charges you a LOT of money, whether they are successful or not..this is what I meant by VAMPIRES..they drain off psyche and make you believe them and blind you and bind you...think about it.
She has also said that Michael and another deceased entertainer (I can't remember who) are playing concerts in the afterlife. Oh geez, can't MJ ever rest from work?

I used to watch Sylvia Browne when she appeared on the Montel Williams show. For me it was for entertainment and that tiny inkling that maybe she does know things...or maybe not. I went to a taping of Montel's TV show one time and was chosen to ask Sylvia a question. I asked her if my dead grandmother ever comes around me and she said yes, she's standing right behind you. I know this proves absolutely nothing (I should've asked her a smarter question like what my grandmother's name was heh) but I did feel very strange when she said that to me.
I think she's just saying the things people want to hear, that's all.

Can you imagine her telling that Lady Diana is pissed about her son getting married and she hates Kate? Her carreer would be instantly over.
I use to follow Sylvia...but not anymore. She's been proven wrong on multiple occasions...including predictions on MJ. I don't remember what year it was, but on Montel's show, she predicted that Michael would be back on top of the world again...bigger than Thriller.

Never happened.
I use to follow Sylvia...but not anymore. She's been proven wrong on multiple occasions...including predictions on MJ. I don't remember what year it was, but on Montel's show, she predicted that Michael would be back on top of the world again...bigger than Thriller.

Never happened.

I wish she had been right about Michael being back in the top again.Michael alive.
Dont you realize she is saying what people wanted to hear,
James Randi who has been debunking so called "special giftes persons" for so many years, have offered her a grand prize of 1 Million dollar, to go through a scientific testing of her gifts,
if she passed the test she was offered the 1 million dollar.
she accepted it live on TV, but eventually backed off.

MJzPrincess1982 let me respond to you,

You know what, Sylvia Browne is the worst of the worst,
You are saying is her opinion
"you MUST take her words as an opinion."

WRONG ! you cannot take her words as an opinion when she is selling that opinion
as some sort of special power gift.

Quote from the article
"Her latest book, 'Afterlives of the Rich and Famous,' features several accounts of celebrities who've passed away, and what they're up to in heaven."

Now does this sound like a random person asking her opinion or does it sound more like a plug ?.

Yeah I agree it sound a lot like a plug, and true she is saying what people wanna hear.
after all she is not talking about how her family are doing, or random person who passed away,
cause no one would buy that kind of book, nah she´s gonna target the big names,
the names people wanna hear and buy, notice carefully
how she selects her famous people
James Dean and Marilyn Monroe to Michael Jackson and Heath Ledger.

It gets me angry because she target her victims those who have lost a loved one,
they are very easy to take advantage of, and then she target fans who also feel that emotional connection to their idol.
and I wish she could be sued for exploiting MJ.
this woman is horrible she made me upset as if she can talk about Michael like that, with some of the things we already know it just sounded so insensitive i dont believe her one bit.
i dont know if i believe in pychics but this one just made it hurt a bit more for me, not sure why :(
Well in the article she did say that no one is 100%. N she was right that MJ would be big like thriller again, even though he wasnt alive. That I will give her credit for but I wouldn't believe 100% of what she says.
Well in the article she did say that no one is 100%. N she was right that MJ would be big like thriller again, even though he wasnt alive. That I will give her credit for but I wouldn't believe 100% of what she says.

Backing off, as she always does her profession is first and foremost psychic,
and this is what we human, do when psychics they throw out all kind of claims on the wall,
we pick and choose those that make sense to us, and we sort of leave out
the other 10 claims that was wrong, we do that without really realizing that we do,
our brains are programmed to find the things that make sense to us,
when her 10 other claims were wrong, it didn't make sense to us so we forget about them.

oh and by the way, it was not a rocket science that when a legend passes away, there will be huge automatic interest for that person again, hence Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and even Tupac Shakur.

or forget about legends, just pick the latest example just a small comparison that shows what i am talking about.
Nate Dogg passed away not too long time ago, his name has been a trending topic
on Twitter for several days now, so his new gained fame are because of his passing.
Backing off, as she always does her profession is first and foremost psychic,
and this is what we human, do when psychics they throw out all kind of claims on the wall,
we pick and choose those that make sense to us, and we sort of leave out
the other 10 claims that was wrong, we do that without really realizing that we do,
our brains are programmed to find the things that make sense to us,
when her 10 other claims were wrong, it didn't make sense to us so we forget about them.

oh and by the way, it was not a rocket science that when a legend passes away, there will be huge automatic interest for that person again, hence Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and even Tupac Shakur.

or forget about legends, just pick the latest example just a small comparison that shows what i am talking about.
Nate Dogg passed away not too long time ago, his name has been a trending topic
on Twitter for several days now, so his new gained fame are because of his passing.

Okay.... She made that prediction before he died, and she didn't say that his popularity was gonna come because of death either. No one knew that MJ was gonna die before he did the shows, so she was right about that. For most of us, her perdiction meant that he was gonna be big again as a result of him touring again, not because he died. So saying " when people die, they become big again" is irrelevant. Now if she said he was gonna pass and then reach the status of thriller, then I could see where you are coming from or even if you said is a coincidence. So you could've saved all that stuff you wrote about how I am picking and choosing what I want to believe for yourself.
So now, on top of having threads questioning Michael's death (to be too mild) on here, we're to consider psychics sharing their phantasms from "God" about his afterlife.

... Hope this'll get deleted, what a circus it's continually getting made on this human being.
I'll close this as it's causing arguments
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