Prove it on how much you love Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We raised Michael to first place in the voting. But our rivals are catching up with us already, we need your help! Help, please.
Fans of Plasibo decided today to take first place and move to second, Michael. Please help us, we do not have enough people to vote. We are voting every night to keep Michael in the first position, but fans Plasibo very active. Their voices are growing two times faster than Michael.

Votes may be many times, give him as many votes.

You must click on the "Vote ..." ("Голосовать...") under the inscription " “This Is It” Michael Jackson". Then he opens a window where you can enter the numbers from the picture (code). In order to vote again, you should click on the inscription Back to the list of the most popular clips "Вернуться к списку самых популярных клипов". And to do so again and again.

PS. The first time the window does not always work out the figures, and called inscription error, and the first vote does not count, but then you can 1000000000 times to vote.

Sory for my BAD english.
Yes, but fans of Plasebo very active voice, we could barely holds positions. They gather fans from around the world, to his support. And we are alone and no one helps us to support Michael.
Voting will continue until December 30. And every day Plasebo gain of 20,000 votes.
we don't have to prove how much we love Michael. He already knows how much we all love him. The proof is already known.
I know that Michael the great man. Every day I pay for Michael's 1000 votes. I would like you to help.

I understand. You do not want to vote for Michael. I done to get you to support. But I was wrong. All thanks for your kindness and sympathy.

Fans Plasebo from around the world more united, than we are.
People, help me please, vote for Michael. Fans Plasebo active voice, are we worse and we can not support Michael??
Please, I have given every day for Michael's 500 votes, but we need help.