Protests & Vigils for Victim Michael Brown Shooting


Proud Member
Aug 11, 2009
Michael Brown Shooting

STORYLINEMichael Brown, an unarmed black teen, was shot and killed by police in Ferguson, Missouri.

#NMOS14: Vigils Held to Honor Ferguson Victim Michael Brown

By M. Alex Johnson

Thousands of people gathered in more than 100 U.S. communities Thursday in remembrance of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager whom police shot to death last weekend in Ferguson, Missouri.

The centerpiece of the observations — being held at such historic places as New York's Union Square, Boston Common and St. Louis' Gateway Arch — was a simultaneous national moment of silence at 7:20 p.m. ET.

"I have two grandchildren, and I want them to be able to walk the streets safely without the police shooting them," said Debbie Ray, who attended the rally in St. Louis, of which Ferguson is a suburb.

"There doesn't seem any reason in the U.S. for rifles to be aimed at people in the streets," Ray told NBC News. "Will they have firehoses and dogs in the street next?"

"We want to stand in an effort of love and support and organize community support for how we can mobilize our anger and our upset and our disappointment," said Renee Chapman, an organizer of the vigil at Marshall Park in Charlotte, North Carolina.
In many cities, local organizers broadened the scope of the rallies to remember other victims of what they called "police brutality." People in Kansas City, Missouri, for example, were encouraged to bring posters bearing the names of other people killed by police over the past two decades — a focus that concerned Mayor Sly James, who said: "To start talking about police brutality in a general raw way is simply to incite more problems. It's not a problem solver."

National organizers, who rallied communities from coast to coast under the Twitter hashtag #NMOS14, were adamant that the gatherings weren't protests or boycotts after four days of unrest and confrontation in Ferguson.

"We are not protesting. We are not going to be chanting or anything of that nature," Chantelle Batiste, an organizer of the vigil at New Orleans' 225-year-old Lafayette Square, told NBC station WDSU. "We want to make sure everyone comes like-minded and everyone stays peaceful."

Rick Brown contributed to this report from St. Louis.

Visit source link to view entire story, footage etc.


Thousands Rally in Times Square for Slain Missouri Teen Michael Brown

Thousands of demonstrators flooded into Times Square Thursday evening in protest of the death of Michael Brown, the unarmed black 18-year-old shot and killed by a white police officer outside St. Louis on Sunday.

Demonstrator carried banners and marched down the busy midtown streets yelling, "Hands up, don't shoot" -- the cry protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, have taken up in the days since Brown's fatal encounter with police -- as they joined in on a concerted group of rallies observed in more than 100 U.S. cities, dubbed the National Moment of Silence.
Visit source link for the rest of they article.

President Obama:

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This is what happens when there's no one policing the POLICE. When they're given carte blanche to be judge, jury and executioner on the streets, the citizens (regardless of race or sex) are no longer being served or protected.

Once Michael put his hands in the air and began to retreat, he was no longer a threat to the cop. As for the new surveillance tape from a gas station that showed someone that looked like him stealing cigars, it still doesn't justify his being turned into swiss cheese after he motioned a surrender. This concerns me, because it isn't an isolated incident. It goes beyond Missouri. . . :(


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I agree with your post. a hundred. I do think that technology helps at we the people to publish our own media and send it out to the world when the true media should be doing this anyways.
I agree with your post. a hundred. I do think that technology helps at we the people to publish our own media and send it out to the world when the true media should be doing this anyways.

It may have helped in this sad case. A resident of Ferguson live-tweeted the shooting from his residence and his eyewitness account contradicts what the police said happened! The article containing the tweets is posted on the site called "The Free Thought Project".

Here's the link. *Warning* the tweets include pics of the crime scene:
Yeah... sadly this happens everyday in the states and it happens on a global scale too.. It just, makes me 'feel' many things.
Why do we live in a police state.. it's been this way, it's getting worse. for Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and so many, many others, it's beyond sad, some of these injustices was pushed to the forefront of the news so people could be heard louder, not so silenced.
I was on tumblr and found out that way, before the major news media started to slowly get it published
and how can they stop people from using our phone to etc. when something like this happens.. it's all just messed-up. smh
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Yeah... sadly this happens everyday in the states and it happens on a global scale too.. It just, makes me 'feel' many things.
Why do we live in a police state.. it's been this way, it's getting worse. for Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and so many, many others, it's beyond sad, some of these injustices was pushed to the forefront of the news so people could be heard louder, not so silenced.
I was on tumblr and found out that way, before the major news media started to slowly get it published
and how can they stop people from using our phone to etc. when something like this happens.. it's all just messed-up. smh

I wish I knew the answer, but it certainly doesn't help the situation when some people still blindly trust law enforcement and the government. One of my coworkers actually believes the lie that "if you have nothing to hide or haven't broken the law, then you shouldn't mind when you're stopped/questioned/probed by the police" . . . :wtf2

The false sense of security that settled in here after Sept 11, 2001 ushered in a new round of giving more power to the police state. Trading in our individual rights for "security" is a joke and dangerous.

Edit Some of the gear I see used by local and state police is on the level of things I've seen and used in the MILITARY.