Prophetic Songs of Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
I know I am not exaggerating saying Michael was a musical prophet along with his other genius of fun song and dance, but how many of us have noticed how many songs prophesize his life? With a Child's Heart is probably the very first. It told of who he would become along with Ben, when it came to being misunderstood and Who's Loving You about being under appreciated until gone. Will you Be there was released as a single the year the first allegations came out. We all know the lyrics speak directly to us as though Michael knew harder times were coming and hoped his fans would be there in the worst of times. IF only he had such good intuition when it came to choosing friends so he wouldn't have lived with so many back stabbers in his life and after. What other "prophecies" do you think Michael made in life or his songs?
With a Child's Heart is probably the very first. It told of who he would become along with Ben, when it came to being misunderstood and Who's Loving You about being under appreciated until gone.

These songs were chosen for Michael to sing, it was not his decision - maybe they asked him if he liked them, but I'd rather say that he sang what Motown wanted him to sing. It's just coincidence.

As for other songs - Michael was no fool. He knew exactly that, as he said, "the bigger the star the bigger the target". This is not prophetism, this is realism.
I know, some of these songs prophetic messages kind of creep me out like Morphine and Heaven Can Wait. And this isn't creepy, but I still find the song Unbreakable to be true, and the lyric from They Don't Care About Us "you can never kill me" is true in a sense because he's more popular now than ever.
They Dont Care About Us is one too, "am I the victim of police brutality"
I know, some of these songs prophetic messages kind of creep me out like Morphine and Heaven Can Wait. And this isn't creepy, but I still find the song Unbreakable to be true, and the lyric from They Don't Care About Us "you can never kill me" is true in a sense because he's more popular now than ever.

Morphine wasn't prophetic, he was talking about his past experience with drug addiction. If it had been prohetic, it would have been called Propofol. Certain songs are autobiographical. The rest is just him singing about things that happen to people, human conditions, situations. Some of them are bound to happen to him as well, as he is human, too.
I totally agree with whoever mentioned TDRCAU - "been a victim of police brutality" and especially the last few lyrics of Will You Be There. I still find it absurd how he managed to release these songs just as the gruesome things were beginning to occur? It's like he knew.

There aren't many "prophetic" songs in Off the wall/Thriller though, are there?
It could be argued that "Fly Away" and "Bad" from his Bad album were prophetic also.

And "my lonely days are gone..." from TWYMMF illustrates his death (to me).

I admire the way he managed to fit "Smile" into History. It was a very good addition to another excellent album and it's what he would have wanted us (his fans) to have done/do when he passed away.