Promo Epic International Single Collection 2001


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Slovenia, Europe
I am searching for information about this promo single compilation of various artists for some time, but none of people i asked know anything about it.

The cover looks great!

Either there is no interest in this CD-considering the fact that there is only one, the first one, song Michael's or it's very rare.

Sony music Japan obviously produce, or it was producing, compilation of current singles of various epic artists for some people.
For instance, yesterday i got this one on ebay:,345116856,345116873&formats=0,0,0,0&format=0

Who are these kind of CD compilations usually given to?
^ They are given to radio stations. They include selected songs by various artists from a record label for the current season/month/week or a special event (Christmas, Valentine etc.) or genre.

This CD pictured above includes "You Rock My World".
The cover does look great :yes:

Never seen this before, thanks
Hey, thank you for taking time to reply.

This CD includes only Cry, as first track...i took picture of it.
^ Oops, my bad. I thought it had YRMW. :D

Can you show me the picture please?
The picture was taken by a member here when they sold their copy prior to the forum rules being changed. Seriously though, why are you so cagey about the pic being seen?
It seems it's quite rare, one more picture:

Yesterday a friend send me link to one on ebay...

However they both have same cat. number, same cover, BUT mine has Cry on it and 17 tracks instead of 19.
I asked seller for more pictures but he hasn't replied back...

Just be careful, this seller sold the exact same item using the same photo a few weeks back for just $91. Makes you wonder where he/she is getting them and why the sudden inflated price...? LINK HERE

These pics are of a similar Sony Promo for YRMW;
DSC00088 small.jpg

DSC00089 small.jpg

DSC00094 small.jpg

Hope you don't mind me posting this info here Jan?
Wow, really great looking cover! Too good for this crappy compilation :p

Nono, as i told you before, i dont mind you posting here, we should share information,stick together & help each other.

The reason for not showing more pictures is simple, even if a cd is not worth hundreds of $, scammers are watching for our photos of not so common CDs on this forum…and you might one day see ebay listing with same picture you shared with us here.
I believe most of them are just too lazy to take pictures of their cds for ebay auctions, but some use them for their scamming activities.

For instance,posting pictures of smile 5 track cd in HQ without watermark, isn't really a great idea…