Project Runway - Season 7 coming up...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
Anyone else addicted to that show? DId you like the one where they made outfits from car parts? OR the one where they made drag queen outfits? Or the last season - with Irena winning? What did you think of her?

Personally, I think Irena was a witch with a capital B. And the outfits she had in her "collection"? Those hats looked like the hats that the flying monkeys wore in the Wizard of Oz!! No kidding!!
The Guys on that show...some can be a bit bitchy too, can't they? I love that show and the "Models" one....cause I just love the drama!! LOL!
Christian is my fav. LOVE HIM. I just want a little pocket christian that I can just pull out whenever I'm feeling down. All I have to hear is 'That's fierce!' and I am set. LOL! I love me some Christian. Hehehe.

Last season...ugh I couldnt stand that woman who won. I wanted to take her "better then everyone else" attitude and shove it down her throat. I loved how she was talking crap about that petit blonde saying stuff like 'I dont know why she's here?' etc. Making her out like she was a horrible designer. And then at the end of the ep. the petit blonde girl won. I was like OH IN YOUR FACE IRENA! It made me sick that Irena or whatever the hell her name was actually won...whatever...I cant stand Project Runway's host...cant remember her name, but I cant. LOVE ME SOME TIM GUN though!


Anyone up for some Red Lobster? Andre and Tim HIGHLY recommend it. LOL!
Did any of you ladies like Logan Neitzel?? OMG. Was he hot or what? Here's a pic of him now...

Christian drove me nuts, but I was rooting for him to win. If anyone deserves an award for the biggest Bitch on PR, that should go to Wendy Pepper. I wanted to slug that woman.

Hey, does anyone remember "Bliss Boy" Daniel Franco from Season 1 and 2? He drove me up the freaking wall. I wanted him to take his bliss and shove it. LOL

My favorite designers from PR are Austin Scarlet, Daniel V, Malan Breton, and Kayne. Who are your favs?