Prince's tribute to Michael Jackson

Oh yeah, here is what Prince said in an interview to those that missed it.

Performer, and singer extraordinaire, Prince, in a new interview breaks his silence about the death of his peer, Michael Jackson. Prince speaks specifically of concerts, what Michael Jackson showed him as an artist, and his thoughts on MJ's untimely death.

When asked about his years of cultivating the art of surprise concerts in exceptional locations, Prince revealed, "I now prefer this format above the traditional tour, it tempts me more. I like being the first and the last to do something. When I played in London in 2007, the O ² Arena, I asked the producers what had been the record number of shows played consecutely in their venue. They said six. I said that I wanted to do twenty-one. During two weeks they refused me, nobody had ever played for so long. All concerts were nevertheless sold out. Since then, Michael Jackson showed me that I should go farther (Michael Jackson had planned to fifty concerts in this venue for what should be his big comeback)."

When asked if his performance of the Jackson 5 Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) at his concert at the Grand Palais was a tribute, he replied, "My singer Elisa has the same timbre as Michael when he was young. And a good song is a good song." The mood shifted when Prince was asked about his feelings on the death of Michael Jackson, "(Prince, obviously reluctant, does not want to dwell on the subject.) It is always sad to lose someone you loved."