Prince talks about Michael Jackson help me please


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
l feel sad l cry everyday l am 100% of the king of pop that's without doubt l start this morning watching bad tour ,l started to cry so l thought about prince to forget this sadness a little bit and l put purple rain even though l start to cry again and again this is the nightmare after he is gone so l found this video but l can't hear what he said clearly fans screaming l hope someone can understand what he said about michael..
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Dont' worry, we're all grieving together. I love Prince i think he's fantastic, sorry i can't help you with that video though, my internet is shockingly slow.
feel better soon, you can voice your concerns in the MJJC member support discussion
Thank you D.S l don't really know what l must do to feel happy again l lost hope,l love also prince he was my 2nd idol in 1987-1991.....

ABC123 it's the same video that l put anyway thanks
ABC123 it's the same video that l put anyway thanks
I see - ok. They ask him who would win a fight between him and MJ and Prince says that Michael is a lover, not a fighter. When people laugh he says something like that people shouldn't make fun of Michael because he may very well know something that the rest of us don't.......something like that - I don't understand much of the rest of it. Prince may very well be right in my opinion in that MJ was somehow on a higher level spiritually than the average person.
I see - ok. They ask him who would win a fight between him and MJ and Prince says that Michael is a lover, not a fighter. When people laugh he says something like that people shouldn't make fun of Michael because he may very well know something that the rest of us don't.......something like that - I don't understand much of the rest of it. Prince may very well be right in my opinion in that MJ was somehow on a higher level spiritually than the average person.

Thanks a lot l can share this video now in my forum ,l would be sure that he doesn't say something bad things about him...
thanks for posting that..
hes the only idol left that im happy is still alive atleast.
hes funny like michael when he wants to be.

There is also Madonna ,Stevie wonder ,Robert plant ,Roger waters ,Witney a list is a long
But all the great artist in the world can't hide the lost of Michael jackson life is horrible without him.
I found something about that.

At the press conference, a "reporter" stood up and asked, "Who would win in a fist fight between you and Michael Jackson?"
Prince busted up laughing and said (of the "reporter"), "He's a plant, y'all. But I planted him." Meaning the reporter was someone known to Prince and the question was a joke.
Then, he said (with a straight face), "Michael's a lover, not a fighter." (refers to the song "The Girl is mine") At which the reporters all cracked up (because this was during the trial, I guess).
Then, Prince stopped and said something about not rushing to judgment because no one really knew the truth about what happened.

Prince was addressing not only the molestation charges, but MJ's "weirdness" overall. Prince seems to be giving him the benefit of the doubt: "He may know something none of us really know." Moreover, we shouldn't be so quick to pass judgement on him, but rather be open to a person who will one day need the graces of those who love him: "Ultimately, we all got to come back home. So, let's just make a home for him."
I found something about that.

At the press conference, a "reporter" stood up and asked, "Who would win in a fist fight between you and Michael Jackson?"
Prince busted up laughing and said (of the "reporter"), "He's a plant, y'all. But I planted him." Meaning the reporter was someone known to Prince and the question was a joke.
Then, he said (with a straight face), "Michael's a lover, not a fighter." (refers to the song "The Girl is mine") At which the reporters all cracked up (because this was during the trial, I guess).
Then, Prince stopped and said something about not rushing to judgment because no one really knew the truth about what happened.

Prince was addressing not only the molestation charges, but MJ's "weirdness" overall. Prince seems to be giving him the benefit of the doubt: "He may know something none of us really know." Moreover, we shouldn't be so quick to pass judgement on him, but rather be open to a person who will one day need the graces of those who love him: "Ultimately, we all got to come back home. So, let's just make a home for him."

It was from 2000, so I really doubt he was talking about his molestation charges.
Prince is a good artist (not as good as MJ) he never had any rival with Michael, I don't know why the media is always trying to create one.
I believe Prince is hurting as well. He just keeps to himself. You can believe Prince is going to miss that friendly Rival.
l do respect Prince as an artist ,the reason why l post this video it's because l did not hear well what prince said about this conference press.

Don't mistunderstand me please and thank you for guide me.
I think this is what's said:

Q: Hypothetically, who would win in a fist fight, you or Michael Jackson? Both relatively the same size, both have the high pitched sound, what do you right hook like?

Prince: He's a plant y'all. I like him but I'd plant him. Keep it light, keep it light. Michael's not a fighter, he's a lover. Can I just say something? Ive never really spoke publicly about Michael. We should all just kind of like chill because he might know something none of us really know. Let's wait it out, you never know. Ultimately we all gotta come back home, so let's just make a home for everybody.

Thanks Shawnt. It's so obvious after listening back to it!
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thanks guys ,but who would win in a fist fight, you or Michael Jackson?

which fight they talked about?