Prince Philip is in the hospital with a chest infection...

It is just a coincidence I guess that Prince Phillip is hospitalized and the jury in the Princess Diana Inquest continues to deliberate.
I wonder...
if it took two hours to drive Prince Phillip to the nearest hospital.
It is just a coincidence I guess that Prince Phillip is hospitalized and the jury in the Princess Diana Inquest continues to deliberate.
I wonder...
if it took two hours to drive Prince Phillip to the nearest hospital.

What do you think?? Do you think the Royal Family had anything to do with the death of Princess DI?
i think they will give him medication that only the royals can get, while the rest of us will have to suffer
i think they will give him medication that only the royals can get, while the rest of us will have to suffer
Why, Have you got chest complaints too? In all the years this man has lived I have never heard of him being in hospital. Even royals are allowed to be ill too. Geese. Get well soon prince philip.
Royal people cannot help their birth anymore than I can help being black. They did not choose to be there.:)
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Why, Have you got chest complaints too? In all the years this man has lived I have never heard of him being in hospital. Even royals are allowed to be ill too. Geese. Get well soon prince philip.
Royal people cannot help their birth anymore than I can help being black. They did not choose to be there.:)

You are too funny DatsyMay....LOL!