Prince makes deal with Youtube?


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
If this rumor is true, it is unprecedented.

We are hearing rumors that Youtube is now paying Prince to have his music on their site.

Prince, a long standing opponent of youtube, may have finally reached an agreement with the popular video web site. Lately, Prince’s latest videos and songs have been getting posted on youtube (but wanting the videos not to be posted elsewhere and has disabled the embed code to post on various web sites.) So he may be easing off on them.

I think it is a GREAT decision. I have always been a supporter of youtube and if radio doesn’t play your stuff or MTV is too busy showing an episode of the Hills, youtube is an amazing promotional tool.

What do you guys think of this decision?

I don’t really care if it took Youtube to pay Prince, just glad he is open to the usage of it.-Dr.FB
I hope it's true! I just want record of his MV's or concert footage. I haven't seen all of them and i'd love to see those I haven't seen.
this is great!!! im so tired of going else where to find his stuff online. youtube makes things so much easier.
I hope it's true silencing videos is stupid especially if they're a tribute to you ...
I have absolutely no problem with this. Prince does things his way, and if it means seeing some of his old performances/videos again (and some of them were mighty "raw" at the time :smilerolleyes:), makes me a happy camper.
lol they will probably be removed in a year or so if it is true, Prince is a bitch and not a very nice person.
I hope it's true, even if he gets paid..
I just want to be able to watch his videos without searching 3 days for it!

There are already Prince videos in youtube but they are under unrelated names to be sure they won't be found by Prince or his staff or whoever block them...
Some of the older videos are not blocked by Prince himself, but by Warner Bros Records. Warners tend to block a lot of their music.
He should get paid if his music is being used. Too many artists are losing millions of dollars of their hard earned work. Youtube makes billions of dollars off the videos we post. If it's true I'm glad. Youtube should foot the bill for something. After all, we are tired of our tribute videos being deleted.
Why should Prince get paid and not anyone else? What a spoilt brat!
Can't believe so many of you are supporting him in this?
He should get paid if his music is being used. Too many artists are losing millions of dollars of their hard earned work. Youtube makes billions of dollars off the videos we post. If it's true I'm glad. Youtube should foot the bill for something. After all, we are tired of our tribute videos being deleted.
But at the same time, if acts start charging fees, then Youtube might start charging to watch videos. They get advertising money, so shouldn't charge, but you never know. I don't think many people are going to want to pay to look at people's crummy "commentary" home videos and low quality music videos, lol. As far as losing money, most acts don't make anything from the record labels, so were being ripped off anyway. Even the big acts don't make as much from their record sales as the label is.