Prince and Paris to Screen "This Is It", Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” Dedicated to His Children


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Jul 25, 2011
Prince and Paris to Screen "This Is It", Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” Dedicated to His Children

Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” Dedicated to His Children

By: Roger Friedman // Thursday October 22, 2009
When audiences finally see “This Is It” next week, they will also have a lump in the throat moment at the end: a dedication of the movie to Michael’s kids, Prince, Paris, and Blanket.
I’m told the decision was made to dedicate the film that way by Jackson’s executors, John Branca and John McClain. They are also the film’s executive producers.

Also, the Jackson brothers who added vocals to Michael’s Paul Anka song, “This Is It,” get credit as back up singers.
Sony is also releasing a companion album to the movie next Tuesday. But it won’t contain any of the live music played during rehearsals in the film. Instead, it’s an album “inspired by the film.” In other words: it will contain the known studio recordings of songs included in the movie like “Human Nature” and “Billie Jean.” Fans who expected a true “live” album from Jackson may be a tad disappointed. The album does include the title song, however. That’s something!
Meantime, here’s the latest clip from the movie. Jackson is thin, no question. But he’s also in charge, giving instructions on how to perform his songs to director Kenny Ortega. And his voice sounds perfectly Michael, lovely and all there.

And flash: Jackson’s kids will finally see the movie either today or on Saturday, sources tell me. The producers of the film have been offering tickets to the family for the last couple of weeks, but there had been no response.
Now, they say, Prince and Paris saw
“This Is It” trailed on TV and asked when they were going to see the movie.
It’s unclear who else from the family will see it with them.