prince and michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Two of my favorite artist are prince and Michael Jackson and I was always surprised how they barely ever mentioned each other. Did prince ever say anything about mike or other way around. I know about the duet they were supposed to do in BAD.
Well, I think in year 2000 Prince gave a press conference and someone asked him, who would win in a fight: He (Prince) or Michael. And Prince just answered: "Michael is a lover, not a fighter." Which I thought was a great reply, because he didn´t want to get into the whole thing "Who is better"... Unfortunately, I couldn´t find it on youtube anymore, but here is some other link, I think you would´s James Brown, Michael and Prince on the same stage...Well. Prince wasn´t "well-behaved", but that´s how I like him. He is the baaaad guy :)
I found ages ago, a youtube audio (no video) of prince live in concert where he plays a couple of MJ tracks......can't remember what it was but i think it was Billy Jean.
Michael mentioned Prince quite a few times over the years I think. Not directly in an interview or anything but it's been written in books and articles that he felt quite competetive with him. The thing that most comes to mind is We Are The World where he apprently said to Quincy Jones "Prince won't come if I'm here".

Apprently he wanted to star in a film because Prince had been in a film? There was something too about the song Bad; I've read a few stories about that, all different. One saying that Prince didn't want to duet on the song with Michael because he thought it was going to be a huge hit without him, another story saying he didn't want to do it because he didn't like the song.

Idk this is probably all a load of tabloid BS but there definitely is quite a lot of times that Michael has supposedly talked about Prince.
I personally think Prince was jealous of Michael because he has said a few snide things about Michael in the past. And I also remember saying in an interview that he was invited to a Prince concert a couple of years ago in Vagas and Will asked Michael to go with him and Prince came down off the stage and started playing his guitar real close in Michael's face and Will said Michael asked him "What was that all about?".
I found it a little curious that Prince never made a public statement about Michael's death. Katherine's lawyer,L Londell Mcmillan is also Prince's attorney. He was asked on a radio interview why Prince never released a statement. He just said that Prince WAS sad about Michael's passing but preferred to keep his thoughts private.

I believe they were rivals but I think they each respected the others work, at least I hope so.
I think it was all a bit of friendly rivalry? I'm sure they both thought a lot of each other musically.

In the Moonwalker film doesn't Michael ask what Bubbles is wearing after the Bad scene, to which the answer is 'a Prince t-shirt! while MJ nods in disapproval'.
IMO, Prince and Michael were heavily competitive with each other in the 1980s, especially during the Thriller years. I mean, we all know how competitive Michael can be. But I also think that they heavily respected each other and throughout the years may have even developed a friendship on the DL. I know there is a lot of tabloid brouhaha about their rivalry, but I've picked up various tidbits on discussion boards that has led me to believe that there was respect and friendship btw them. I'll post them here, but I'm not saying everything here is 100% factual. But it's positive instead of people saying that they are jealous of each other and all that other stuff. . . so it leads me to go, 'Hmmmmm'.

The only time I read Michael saying stuff about Prince was from that Taraborelli book or tabloids and stuff. I've never heard stuff that came directly out of his mouth, all third person. So who knows how he really felt about Prince as a person. I do believe that Michael was very competitive, but I doubt he would ever publicly badmouth Prince and vice versa.

BTW, I am not a Prince fan. Just a Michael fan. :) I just found all these little tidbits interesting because I actually did think that they couldn't stand each other. I mean, who would have thought that Madonna and Michael were actually going on real dates with each other?!?! So Micheal and Prince being friends doesn't sound too farfetched.

• The first concert (or one of the first) that Prince went to was a Jackson 5 concert.

• Prince would come over to have dinner at Hayvenhurst (at least once or twice) during the early to mid 1980’s. Rumored to have a crush on LaToya and/or Janet.

• Prince was supposed to be part of ‘We are the World’ standing next to Michael, but Prince didn’t make it. Michael sang Prince’s part in the song. According to Harry Benson (photographer), Prince kept calling all night to say he was coming, but Michael thought for some reason that Prince wouldn't come as long as he was there. Quincy told Prince not to come or that it was over.

• Michael went to visit Prince during the making of ‘Purple Rain’ just to ‘hang out’. They played ping pong together.

• Some of Prince’s band said that they have seen Prince and Michael play basketball at Paisley Park, which is Prince’s home.

• Some of Prince’s band said that Michael would send Prince footage of Sly and the Family Stone concerts from Europe. He knew that Prince loves Sly and Michael owned the song copyrights for the group.

• Prince and Michael were both at a James Brown concert in the early 1980s. After James brought Michael on stage, Michael whispered something to James. James told Prince to come up on stage per Michael’s request.

• Michael and Prince were supposed to duet on the song ‘Bad’, but Prince backed out of it.

• Prince has reported to have performed ‘Dancing Machine’ and ‘Don’t Stop till you get enough’ or ‘Working Day and Night’ during his concerts. He even allowed someone to sing ‘Billie Jean’ at one concert.

• Prince’s concert DJ would play Michael Jackson songs before and during breaks in Prince’s concerts.

• Michael Jackson had a portion of Prince’s song played during his Bad concerts also.

• Michael and Prince had a public musical rivalry going on in the media. Michael wanted to play up the rivalry because it adds to the mystery of his image. But Prince didn’t really want to take part in that, promoting the rivalry (I think).

• Michael and Prince met at a studio in 1994 when Michael was recording ‘History’. No other info about what the meeting was about.

• ‘Hot Little B*tch’ was a rumored duet btw Michael and Prince which would have been on Prince’s album.

• Prince defended Michael in a 2000 press conference when journalists were trying to make fun of MJ, saying that ‘we don’t know everything that is going on. We should leave some room for Michael.’

• Prince made a statement of support for Michael during the 2005 trial (rumor?)

• When Prince was asked to say the first thing that popped into his mind when someone said ‘Michael Jackson’, Prince said ‘Musical Genius’. Next was ‘Janet Jackson’ and Prince said ‘The genius’s sister’.

• Reported to have said to people in soundcheck ‘Why are ya’ll hatin’ on Mike?’

• Michael went to a Prince concert in 2007 in Las Vegas. Will.I.Am and Prince were performing together. Michael did not make it to the afterparty.

• Post-death rumors: Michael asked Prince to do a co-headlining world tour, which Prince declined. Michael wanted to break Prince’s world record of consecutive concerts (or something like that) which was 21 or so, and that’s why he agreed to do 50 concerts for London.

• Prince is in talks to do a musical tribute to Michael Jackson at the World Music Awards this year. Janet Jackson will be there to accept an award on behalf of her brother.

• A possible reason to why Prince has not made a public statement about Michael's death is because Prince is a Jehovah's Witness now and Michael has disfellowshipped himself from the religion. Plus, Prince doesn't really make public statements in the first place.

And I also remember saying in an interview that he was invited to a Prince concert a couple of years ago in Vagas and Will asked Michael to go with him and Prince came down off the stage and started playing his guitar real close in Michael's face and Will said Michael asked him "What was that all about?".

Michael likes to feel the music! LOL! In his concerts, when Jennifer has her soaring guitar solos. . . Michael's face and body are like inches from her guitar. He always looks like he is musical ecstasy during those guitar solos.

Anyways, maybe Mike and Prince were just playing with each other. :) DJ Rashida (Prince's concert DJ) said that everyone was amazed that Michael was there and they all wanted to meet him and shake his hand and that Michael was so kind and gracious to everyone backstage.
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• Prince and Michael were both at a James Brown concert in the early 1980s. After James brought Michael on stage, Michael whispered something to James. James told Prince to come up on stage per Michael’s request.

And what a moment that was:
(Please notice James Brown's laugh 2:10 into the clip :lol:)

Honestly, it's like... Why should they mention each other all the time?
It's not like Usher goes around and talks about Justin all the time?
I think it's just the media and the fans that want to look at the whole thing from a certain angle.
Sure, both Prince and Michael are competitive - Michael wanted to do 50 shows in the o2 to beat Prince's record and set the bar so high that no one could ever top it.
But I don't think they have any reason to hate each other - People just want to create drama around them, you know.
• A possible reason to why Prince has not made a public statement about Michael's death is because Prince is a Jehovah's Witness now and Michael has disfellowshipped himself from the religion. Plus, Prince doesn't really make public statements in the first place.

That is a very good explanation. I had not thought of that. Thanks. :)
Yeah, I read that Michael went round to Prince's and had a game of ping pong and the ball bounced into MJs crouch LOL I think the reason Prince doesn't mention MJ much is because Prince rarely speaks to the media as it is. To be honest I don't think there was rivalry in the first place, I think it was the media making people think there was. Michael and Prince are brilliant artists in their own right and shouldn't be compared. Michael is out of this world dancer and Prince is an extraordinary musician.
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Wonderful thread and thanks to Elmari for writing that wonderful collection of MJ/Prince interactions. I've been meaning to do a chronology of all that stuff for a while myself. There' a couple corrections and additions off the top of my head:

On Prince's 'My Name Is Prince' from 1992's Symbol album, a rap lyrics (not rapped by prince) goes 'You got to be a Prince befo' yo' King anyway'.

On Prince's 1998 'The Truth' acoustic guitar album on the song 'Fascination' a verse goes:

The most vital thing in pop is the epitome of doom
U wake up in a cold sweat cuz one of them's in your room
(There's one of them in your room)
Singin' on the telly makin' more bucks than sense
So called King gives birth 2 so called Prince

I doubt Prince minded MJ encouraging all the King of Pop stuff (and) for all the planks who constantly defend him saying 'It was Liz Taylor', ffs have you seen the making of Jam video or the HIStory teaser? Of COURSE he wanted to be known as the KoP because he knew he wasv and he wanted to do one better then Elvis) but I imagine that by 1998 after going independent a few years earlier he was frustrated by the complete lack of support he received from the press for his music as they marginalised him yet still treated MJ like they did in the 80s in terms of blanket coverage. He also probably didn't know that MJ's grandfather was called Prince and may have seen the naming as an indirect slight in the sense that for most people Prince is the only person in the world they know called Prince. Imagine what would have happened if MJ had named his daughter Madonna as well. So I don't begrudge Prince that verse.

On Invincible MJ sang

He's givin' you Diamonds and Pearls
But he can't do it like me

Prince's 1991 album and one of his biggest, most recognisable songs is called Diamonds and Pearls. Unquestionably a cheeky little dig.

Ortega told MJ to ask his muse to stop sending him new songs until after TII rehearsals were done so MJ could sleep. MJ said 'No, cause then he might give them to Prince.' LOVE that. That says everything about how highly he regarded Prince's talent.

Barry Gibb said that Mj once asked if he thought Prince was better than him. Probably sometime in the 80s.

Once when asked about playing instruments MJ said he leaves it to the professionals which may have been a conscious reference/thought on Prince playing literally everything on his own albums.

I know there are more but I can't think off the top of my head.
• Michael Jackson had a portion of Prince’s song played during his Bad concerts also.

Which song/clip?

• Michael and Prince met at a studio in 1994 when Michael was recording ‘History’. No other info about what the meeting was about.

I REALLY wish we had more info about this but apparently Prince kicked all the engineers etc out of the room. Gutted.

• Prince defended Michael in a 2000 press conference when journalists were trying to make fun of MJ, saying that ‘we don’t know everything that is going on. We should leave some room for Michael.’

"We should make a home for him to come back to. But I should right hook him when he gets here, right? (shakes head and rolls eyes as if to say 'honestly, what's he like :p'

• Michael went to a Prince concert in 2007 in Las Vegas. Will.I.Am and Prince were performing together. Michael did not make it to the afterparty.

According to Will, MJ was bemused and said 'Why did Prince play his bass in my face?' Will explained that Prince was doing him a favour by letting him remain anonymous and not making a scene of the fact MJ was there so he'd get noticed and have to leave. Prince had arranged for MJ to sit with Michael Jordan at the aftershow but MJ didn't go. I always thought maybe that was because MJ was annoyed at Prince but now I know he went backstage i'm not so sure. I'd love to know if he was backstage with Prince as well as Prince's peeps. I doubt it cuz Prince would likely have left already to prepare for the aftershow but still.

• Post-death rumors: Michael asked Prince to do a co-headlining world tour, which Prince declined. Michael wanted to break Prince’s world record of consecutive concerts (or something like that) which was 21 or so, and that’s why he agreed to do 50 concerts for London.

I highly highly doubt MJ asked Prince do co-headline for many reasons. Who would open/close? How could they make the audience equal? Tickets would be a nightmare. The fans would WAR at shows. Prince's religion. Prince playing instruments and singing everything live as good as records he made 25 years ago. Prince plays world tours, MJ would never have gone city to city again for like a proper tour. Just, no.

As for 21, MJ agreed to 31 specifically for that reason. I don't know what to believe about how it got to 50 because none of the people who were directly involved in it can agree as to who knew/said what about more shows being added.

• Prince is in talks to do a musical tribute to Michael Jackson at the World Music Awards this year. Janet Jackson will be there to accept an award on behalf of her brother.

That would be almost unbelievable. I highly doubt he would, I really do. And his voice is SO different to MJ's I don't know what he could possibly perform or how: stand and play guitar or highlight the fact that he moves and dances very differently and not as magically as MJ. And has really bad hips and doesn't really dance much anymore anyway.


• Prince made a statement of support for Michael during the 2005 trial (rumor?)

Sadly no although i'd like to think he supported privately in some way. But he didn't in 1993 publically either.

• When Prince was asked to say the first thing that popped into his mind when someone said ‘Michael Jackson’, Prince said ‘Musical Genius’. Next was ‘Janet Jackson’ and Prince said ‘The genius’s sister’.

He just said 'Genius' not musical genius.

• Reported to have said to people in soundcheck ‘Why are ya’ll hatin’ on Mike?’

'I don't know why y'all hate on Mike so much in reference to the hardcore fans on the Prince boards always ripping into anj MJ fans there and tearing MJ down as inferior to prince and/or guilty.
Thanks for all that xtra input JordanRose. :)

Yeah, like I said, they were just stuff that was floating around discussion boards. I think I got a lot off of gearslutz, which is that discussion board for musicians and engineers. A lot of engineers that worked with Michael posted some stuff, as well as, fans of Michael and Prince.

So JordanRose, do you have an opinion about a Prince/Mike friendship? I think they had a cheeky rivalry. I don't know how Prince is, but I do know that Michael is sooooooooo competitive and I do know that he wanted to promote that rivalry with Prince very much.

But I think it does say something that he wanted to work with Prince, perhaps at least more than once.

I imagine that by 1998 after going independent a few years earlier he was frustrated by the complete lack of support he received from the press for his music as they marginalised him yet still treated MJ like they did in the 80s in terms of blanket coverage.

Unfortunately, Michael was getting so much coverage because of the allegations, then his two marriages, and then the birth of his son. Somewhere in there he's also get a little bit of coverage on his music. But I think we can agree that the majority of the coverage was no longer focused on Michael's music, unfortunately. :(

For some reason, I would never think that Michael was insecure about his musical abilities. In fact, he always says that it's not even him. It's always God and it's God's gift to him. So I don't think that Michael was ever jealous of the music that Prince made. But I think Michael did care about what people thought about him and he always, always wanted to be the best. So if people were comparing him to Prince, then of course he wanted to be better than him in the public's eyes.

• Michael Jackson had a portion of Prince’s song played during his Bad concerts also.

Which song/clip?

I don't remember, sorry! I got the info off of gearslutz. The name of the song is there.

I never believed the rumor about the co-headlining tour. It's just something that I don't think MJ would do. Sorry, but ya'll know that he would want all the attention on him. Maybe he made a joke and someone heard it and thought MJ was serious. :)

As for the WMA tribute, I mean there must be a reason that it was reported and it wasn't from a gossip site or anything like that. With all the random tributes here and there, I would really like to see a proper one. Prince wouldn't BS around. But didn't Prince perform some of Michael's OTW songs during some concerts?

Anyways, I was still very little in the 1980s so I don't know how big or hyped up their rivalry was. I discovered MJ in 1991 and Prince after that. I just don't think they hated each other or didn't like each other.
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I read in "The Vault" (Prince-related book), that Prince paid a visit to Michael and Quincy in the recording studio while they were doing demos for what turned out to be the "BAD" album in 1986. Prince shared a pizza with Bubbles lol. Tabloids got a hold of this story and turned it into...well...something else.

Around the same time, Prince sent a song to MJ called "Wouldn't You Love to Love Me" (an updated version of a song he wrote in the late 70's). It obviously didn't go very far, but it's not known if there was any work done on it. Prince later gave it to Taja Sevelle, an artist signed to Paisley Park.
good topic! i might have missed it posted but didnt Mike call his Dog in Moonwalker 'skipper' Prince's nickname.
I read in "The Vault" (Prince-related book), that Prince paid a visit to Michael and Quincy in the recording studio while they were doing demos for what turned out to be the "BAD" album in 1986. Prince shared a pizza with Bubbles lol. Tabloids got a hold of this story and turned it into...well...something else.

Around the same time, Prince sent a song to MJ called "Wouldn't You Love to Love Me" (an updated version of a song he wrote in the late 70's). It obviously didn't go very far, but it's not known if there was any work done on it. Prince later gave it to Taja Sevelle, an artist signed to Paisley Park.

that makes me giggle :p
I found it a little curious that Prince never made a public statement about Michael's death. Katherine's lawyer,L Londell Mcmillan is also Prince's attorney. He was asked on a radio interview why Prince never released a statement. He just said that Prince WAS sad about Michael's passing but preferred to keep his thoughts private.

By mid October, there were news on this:

Prince talks Michael Jackson, pays tribute to Jackson 5: 'It is always sad to lose someone you love'
When asked if his performance of the Jackson 5 Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) at his concert at the Grand Palais was a tribute, he replied, "My singer Elisa has the same timbre as Michael when he was young. And a good song is a good song." The mood shifted when Prince was asked about his feelings on the death of Michael Jackson, "(Prince, obviously reluctant, does not want to dwell on the subject.) It is always sad to lose someone you loved."

The only source I could still found for this is:

But this was posted also in several MJ forums. The original source for this is "Le Monde", but you have to pay to see the original article. This is the summary:

Prince : « J'aime être le premier et le dernier à faire quelque chose »
Article publié le 15 Octobre 2009
Par Propos recueillis Stéphane Davet
Source : LE MONDE
Taille de l'article : 895 mots


A few words.... but they say a lot, don't you think? :-(
In Prince's 21 Nights book, there is a live CD. During an instrumental interlude, Prince talks about stardom and how he missed being anonymous. At one point he says something about photographers wanting to get a picture of him & Mike together, that they (paps) could retire if they got that shot, lol.
They don't really compare..........

I can't even remember Prince breaking any significant records like Michael did.

Madonna is a much bigger artist then prince ever was.

But I think that the media created a "rivalry" in a attempt to make Michael look like more of a normal popstar instead of a King.
They don't really compare..........

I can't even remember Prince breaking any significant records like Michael did.

Madonna is a much bigger artist then prince ever was.
Breaking records, sales, and awards has nothing to do with music. All of that stuff is just pop culture and payola.
Breaking records, sales, and awards has nothing to do with music. All of that stuff is just pop culture and payola.

LOL. These two are very mysterious to me, the relationship, that is. Rejecting a song doesn't mean anything bad. I'm sure alot of artists do that. But it seems that Prince was aggressively competitive, whereas MJ was dicreetely competitive. It was a healthy competition. I guess Prince is really sad because there's really no one out there worth competing anymore. I think they both had fun with each other.LOL. Its cute is what it really is.:wub:
I agree. Seriously, what does breaking records have to do with good music?
I don't get that sort of thinking. People having a heart attack over what something sold and so forth. "There is no possible way The Eagles outsold Thriller!" "Mike won't get any credit because of Billboard's 'catalog' rules!" "Bad was ignored at the Grammys." Is that really anything important? As long as somebody bought the music and enjoys it, that's all that matters. A lot of the singers and bands I like have never really sold big or got any industry recognition, but I enjoy their music just as much as the 'superstars'. I don't think it's inferior just because the acts didn't have any hit records or that not a lot of people know about their music. A lot of music that sell a lot of copies isn't really any good, it just has big money backing it.
A lot of the stories about MJ and Prince not liking each other were planted in the press by their management teams I heard because it was good PR.

I saw an interview a few weeks ago that said MJ visited Prince on the Purple Rain tour a few times and really they were friends.

Also, on the website GearSlutz the engineer Rob Hoffman, who worked on HIStory, said MJ and Prince had a secret meeting during the HIStory sessions.