
Sharon B. Sidney

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

In Michael Jackson's song This Is it he sings "I'm the Light of the World." Many of Michael's fans could already see his light but I believe God has decided to greater share that light with the world. I am being guided to cover this trial and pray that I can express all that God will guide me to according to His holy Spirit and eternal truth. You can find the blog articles at the current article is posted below and is titled "Prepare."


God has recently placed me in a unique circumstance, another of many I have been aligned with throughout my life. This particular situation will be witnessed by the eyes of the world, providing news media and His word while covering the Dr. Conrad Murray homicide trial in connection with Michael Jackson, offering news reports and correspondence.

On June 25th 2009 news shocked the world with reports that Michael Jackson had passed. It seemed as if the whole planet cried for this highly loved and followed star. Throughout his life Michael Jackson was sought after with an uncanny appeal to various races, ages and demographics. Throughout all the circumstances Mr. Jackson endured both at the highest heights and deepest depths, in reflection of his life I see a young child with a gracious heart so big he shared all he had with others, I see a teenage young man with the world stretched before him and every opportunity to yield to the temptations of every sin of the world rather clinging to God, as an adult I see one whose been termed as a global superstar desperately searching for love and acceptance through song and in reflection after reports of his passing I see the above comprised into one gentle human soul.

Preliminary hearings are currently taking place in Los Angeles County where Dr. Conrad Murray is being tried for accidental homicide with a maximum sentencing of four years should this go to trial and should he be found guilty by a panel of Jurors. This previous weeks testimony consisted of witnesses ranging from his security guards who claim police officers were lax in taking their reports and waited months before receiving testimony, paramedics who described Jackson as appearing to be in a state as that of a hospice patient to various ladies in the Dr’s. life who may be key witnesses in what transpired.

I believe one of the many reasons Michael Jackson received so much celebrity is because God had a purpose and plan for his life. A plan stretching far beyond being called the worlds greatest entertainer, having the worlds biggest selling album or being named by the Guinness Book of World Records as the worlds most charitable star, though all of those are good, I personally believe that God’s plan was to use Michael Jackson to gather hordes throughout the world to His throne of grace and mercy and even use Jackson to help bring the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world. Merely the mentioning of his name and universally people find a reason for discussion. Though people feel his life was cut much too short and God's plans will not be fulfilled it is my belief that through us God's will can continue on as I cover the Conrad Murray preliminary hearing and potential trial being led by God's holy spirit, providing news and the gospel as Spirit & Truth. I ask you to join me by reading and or sharing these reports thereby contributing to my efforts and in effect to Jackson’s uncompleted life purpose and your own work for the Lord.

Though Michael Jackson is no longer among us it is more than apparent that his name and history will still attract multitudes. No matter what you ever believed about Michael Jackson you have to admit God was at the center of his success.

I ask those in Christ Jesus our Lord and savior to please pray for me, to pray over this blog and any other endeavors the Lord sets before me. As I am allowed to submit my reports please be prayerful for those whose souls can be sought and saved in light of any and all He would guide to the news updates and find His holy spirit as I continuously seek and follow the will of God in my life.​
Posted by Spirit & Truth​