Premonitions About Michael's New Music


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've had a strong premonition ( or vision) about the music that is going to
released on Michael Jackson's new album.

I am still processing my vision; but I feel Michael's music will
I feel within this new music will be a message sent to us from Michael Jackson.

Have any of you had any premonitions about Michael's upcoming
music realease? :girl_butterfly:
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I'm not kidding around when I say I literally dream of the music. The new songs play in my dreams and the songs make me so happy. When I wake up, I don't remember anything about the songs at all. Not the titles, not the lyrics, nothing. I can't help but feel these dreams and the music comes straight from MJ's spirit. But I'm honestly not the type of person to believe such things.
Thank you, thank you, electrickeyez, for responding to my post.
I thought I might have been going crazy.
Now, I know if I'm going crazy, I'm not alone. :better:
Great to hear, guys! You're not alone in your experiences.

Music is such a universal language that translate Love effortlessly, that is why so many can feel exactly that.

Modulation, YES!!! YES!!!
Indeed, even scientific research has shown music therapy can alter brain patterns and offer therapeutic help for patients suffering from anxiety and depression.

For example listen and watch this video of
Michael's song "Fly Away".[youtube]caZCGlpozns[/youtube]
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Cherubim, I see you carry the word "God" in your signature...

I really, really like what some say about the expression of "the word of God"- that it was most likely a mistranslation due to so many languages.
And that more accurately "the Sound of God" would be a closer translation. If you think about music that way, it somehow could make sense.

To me it makes sense that certain people are indeed capable of "Hearing the Sound of God". (one can easily substitute "God" with Goddess, the Man upstairs, the Absolute or whatever other terms corresponds with you)
Modulation, YES!!! YES!!!
Indeed, even scientific research has shown music therapy can alter brain patterns and offer therapeutic help for patients suffering from anxiety and depression.

For example listen and watch this video of
Michael's song "Fly Away".

Oh Goodness yes, Fly Away is one of THE BEST examples. Just the lyrics alone are mindblowingly multi- layered. That song has kept me busy on a few levels, totally agree!
Cherubim, I see you carry the word "God" in your signature...

I really, really like what some say about the expression of "the word of God"- that it was most likely a mistranslation due to so many languages.
And that more accurately "the Sound of God" would be a closer translation. If you think about music that way, it somehow could make sense.

To me it makes sense that certain people are indeed capable of "Hearing the Sound of God". (one can easily substitute "God" with Goddess, the Man upstairs, the Absolute or whatever other terms corresponds with you)

Your words remind me of Michael's poems from Dancing the Dream.


“When all life is seen as divine, everyone grows wings.”


“It's strange that God doesn't mind expressing Himself/Herself in all the religions of the world, while people still cling to the notion that their way is the only right way. Whatever you try to say about God, someone will take offense, even if you say everyone's love of God is right for them.

For me the form God takes is not the most important thing. What's most important is the essence. My songs and dances are outlines for Him to come in and fill. I hold out the form. She puts in the sweetness.

I've looked up at the night sky and beheld the stars so intimately close, it was as if my grandmother had made them for me. "How rich, how sumptuous," I thought. In that moment I saw God in His creation. I could as easily have seen Her in the beauty of a rainbow, the grace of a deer bounding through a meadow, the truth of a father's kiss. But for me the sweetest contact with God has no form. I close my eyes, look within, and enter a deep soft silence. The infinity of God's creation embraces me. We are one.”

Your words remind me of Michael's poems from Dancing the Dream.


When all life is seen as divine, everyone grows wings.

Indeed. We may have forgotten, but we do remember the time, we're getting closer. Angels near and far, so that we may grow and remember that we are indeed the the same spark.


“It's strange that God doesn't mind expressing Himself/Herself in all the religions of the world, while people still cling to the notion that their way is the only right way. Whatever you try to say about God, someone will take offense, even if you say everyone's love of God is right for them.

For me the form God takes is not the most important thing. What's most important is the essence. My songs and dances are outlines for Him to come in and fill. I hold out the form. She puts in the sweetness.

I've looked up at the night sky and beheld the stars so intimately close, it was as if my grandmother had made them for me. "How rich, how sumptuous," I thought. In that moment I saw God in His creation. I could as easily have seen Her in the beauty of a rainbow, the grace of a deer bounding through a meadow, the truth of a father's kiss. But for me the sweetest contact with God has no form. [B I close my eyes, look within, and enter a deep soft silence. The infinity of God's creation embraces me. We are one.[/U][/B]

How much dear Michael longs for us to understand this, he said it throughout the years.

This Is It Concert Announcement:


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How much dear Michael longed for us to understand this, he said it throughout the years.

This Is It Concert Announcement:



Thank you, these words are a blessing to me.
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I find the subconcious mind in all of us is a genius and the concious mind cannot hope to replicate the epic events of dreams. I had a dream with a new MJ song and video, both of which were so incredible they were better than anything i've ever seen in music history, i was crying at how amazing it was, call me insane lol. When i woke up i could barely remember any of it, i could never come anywhere near this level when awake, so i could never write an amazing song. It's like i've had dreams sometimes where they were just so amazing the storys, full on hollywood blockbusters. But when i'm awake i write a story that just quiet good :(
48 hours after Michael's passing I dreamt of a choral work that he composed. He was showing it to me, on sheet music. An invisible chorus was singing it, while he was showing me the sheet. It was at least (!) 6 voices, four female, 2 male.

Polyphony, of beautiful complication. We were standing in front of a golden Altar- I woke up crying because this choral work was just beyond anything I had ever heard. Apparently in that dream he chose to be able to master a) complicated polyphony that would have blown Bach away and b) being able to write sheet music.

I woke up and literally tripped out of my bed to the nearest desk to write down what I had just seen and heard- I managed only three bars- and all I remember were syncopations and trioles. (not sure about the right english term,lol)

I am still so miffed I couldn't retain more.
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I find the subconcious mind in all of us is a genius and the concious mind cannot hope to replicate the epic events of dreams. I had a dream with a new MJ song and video, both of which were so incredible they were better than anything i've ever seen in music history, i was crying at how amazing it was, call me insane lol. When i woke up i could barely remember any of it, i could never come anywhere near this level when awake, so i could never write an amazing song. It's like i've had dreams sometimes where they were just so amazing the storys, full on hollywood blockbusters. But when i'm awake i write a story that just quiet good :(

No, not crazy in my mind.

Do you know what he said in an Interview in 2005? (Geraldo at Large, I think)

GR: So, when you’re being the quote on quote, King of Pop, that’s when you’re the most comfortable? Or is it the creative process?

MJ: The creative process, yes. I’m obsessed with creating…

GR: Do you ever look back and contemplate, oh my goodness, Thriller is the biggest selling musical performance ever, do you ever get your arms around that?

MJ: I try not to think about it too hard because I don’t want my subconscious mind to think I’ve done it all, you’re done now. That’s why I don’t put awards or trophies in my house. You won’t find a gold record anywhere in my house. Because it makes you feel you’ve accomplished. Look what I’ve done. But I always want to feel, no I haven’t done it yet.
MJ knew exactly that he needed to spurn on his subconscious mind to keep delivering and grant him the access to the good stuff. Of course, being Michael Jackson and not being afraid of his own success (and having the necessary confidence...) helps- most of us are lacking in the confidence department.

Same way we in return tell out subconscious to please let the good stuff through to us- when we are already dreaming about it.

I do think it works both ways! Telling yourself "I can" versus "I cannot" does make a huge difference!

Always blown away how Michael did describe all of this.

Or in the Bashir footage he gives an example how he creates- by envisioning himself an audience and a desired outcome.

“I told you I’m on stage. … I love it. I told you, I sleep with bright lights on. I can’t sleep unless I’m lit up. … I don’t remember not being on stage. … I love it, when I shut my eyes, I just feel so warm, I can see the audience, I can see the performance, I create.

Combine that with this:

MJ: How do I write a song? If I sat down here at the piano and played some chords and said, I’m gonna write the best song I’ve ever written- nothing happens.

Something thing in the heavens has to say, look, this is the time that this is gonna be laid on you and this is when I want you to have it. Now I remember when I was writing Billie Jean, I was in my car riding down Ventura Boulevard. All I said to myself beforehand was: I wanna write a song with a great bass hook, you know. And I just let it go, really. And then, several days later, *starts singing*

Interviewer: “Where did that come from?”

MJ: From above.

Interviewer: “You were singing the bass line. Sing that again- and than what happens? How did you get the other instrumentation and composition? How did it work?

MJ (grins): See the thing is…Artists seem to get in the way of the music. Get out of the way of the music. Don’t write the music. Let the music write itself.

Interviewer: “And the dance as well?”

MJ: Same thing.

Interviewer: What’s going through your mind when you’re dancing?”

MJ: NOT THINKING! Thinking is the biggest mistake a dancer can make. You have to FEEL. You become the bass, you become the strings…”

He basically agains starts knowing what he wants- "song with great base hook".
Then he steps out of his way, trying not to think about it- as if not to stand in the way of his own subconscious mind.
"Not thinking!" is a biggie. Our thoughts are our conscious mind and can drown out everything very easily.
He sat that a few times with Bashir, citing how he watched a dancer, watching her face. By watching her face (not her feet, mind you! her face!) he knew that she was counting "1, 2 and 3 and NOW."

That is the precise reason why Maestro should have been giving Master Classes- because that knowledge is universal and true- and no matter what your "style" of music- Pop, Classic, Opera- the mechanisms are the same.
He makes an excellent teacher and he would have made an outstanding conductor, just listening to the way he describes what he wants.
"Let it simmer!" (anybody can say "wait 2 bars"- takes a poet to say "Bathe in the moonlight! instead- much more fun too!)
48 hours after Michael's passing I dreamt of a choral work that he composed. He was showing it to me, on sheet music. An invisible chorus was singing it, while he was showing me the sheet. It was at least (!) 6 voices, four female, 2 male.

Polyphony, of beautiful complication. We were standing in front of a golden Altar- I woke up crying because this choral work was just beyond anything I had ever heard. Apparently in that dream he chose to be able to master a) complicated polyphony that would have blown Bach away and b) being able to write sheet music.

I woke up and literally tripped out of my bed to the nearest desk to write down what I had just seen and heard- I managed only three bars- and all I remember were syncopations and trioles. (not sure about the right english term,lol)

I am still so miffed I couldn't retain more.

This is what i'm talking about :D it's amazing our brains can do it, and just shows music can still get a lot better than it has done. It goes so quickly cause you've been allowed a glimpse into another you, but your just borrowing it, it was never really yours. It's a shame how these storys can't be remembered, i've had dreams that were so moving i've woken up in a puddle of water after watching cinematography 10x that of hollywood but i couldn't evisage such a scene whilst awake, i find this fascinating.
No, not crazy in my mind.

Do you know what he said in an Interview in 2005? (Geraldo at Large, I think)

MJ knew exactly that he needed to spurn on his subconscious mind to keep delivering and grant him the access to the good stuff. Of course, being Michael Jackson and not being afraid of his own success (and having the necessary confidence...) helps- most of us are lacking in the confidence department.

Same way we in return tell out subconscious to please let the good stuff through to us- when we are already dreaming about it.

I do think it works both ways! Telling yourself "I can" versus "I cannot" does make a huge difference!

Always blown away how Michael did describe all of this.

Or in the Bashir footage he gives an example how he creates- by envisioning himself an audience and a desired outcome.

Combine that with this:

He basically agains starts knowing what he wants- "song with great base hook".
Then he steps out of his way, trying not to think about it- as if not to stand in the way of his own subconscious mind.
"Not thinking!" is a biggie. Our thoughts are our conscious mind and can drown out everything very easily.
He sat that a few times with Bashir, citing how he watched a dancer, watching her face. By watching her face (not her feet, mind you! her face!) he knew that she was counting "1, 2 and 3 and NOW."

That is the precise reason why Maestro should have been giving Master Classes- because that knowledge is universal and true- and no matter what your "style" of music- Pop, Classic, Opera- the mechanisms are the same.
He makes an excellent teacher and he would have made an outstanding conductor, just listening to the way he describes what he wants.
"Let it simmer!" (anybody can say "wait 2 bars"- takes a poet to say "Bathe in the moonlight! instead- much more fun too!)

Thats a fantastic post right there. Michael was clearly more at one with his subconcious mind. Hooks like billie jean don't come along to me in the car, nothing does, but they do in my sleep. I love the quote about the piano aswell, a major slap in the face for those who say he wasn't a true songwriter.
Thats a fantastic post right there. Michael was clearly more at one with his subconcious mind. Hooks like billie jean don't come along to me in the car, nothing does, but they do in my sleep. I love the quote about the piano aswell, a major slap in the face for those who say he wasn't a true songwriter.

Thank you...

Did you ever drive in your car and thought you heard strings through the sound of your tires- but quickly talked yourself out of it?

I actually started hearing music before I fall asleep- which prompts me to stand up in my bed, jump, nearly break a foot in the darkness, somehow smoosh my glasses onto my head, as long as they stick and write down whatever I hear. Same with poetry.
I love it and it's also a great way to ensure insomnia because every time you want to sleep, you don't.
Thank you...

Did you ever drive in your car and thought you heard strings through the sound of your tires- but quickly talked yourself out of it?

I actually started hearing music before I fall asleep- which prompts me to stand up in my bed, jump, nearly break a foot in the darkness, somehow smoosh my glasses onto my head, as long as they stick and write down whatever I hear. Same with poetry.
I love it and it's also a great way to ensure insomnia because every time you want to sleep, you don't.

Fantastic! you sound like a very creative person! i'd love to hear some of you work :)
I've had a strong premonition ( or vision) about the music that is going to
released on Michael Jackson's new album.

I am still processing my vision; but I feel Michael's music will
I feel within this new music will be a message sent to us from Michael Jackson.

Have any of you had any premonitions about Michael's upcoming
music realease?
Hehe, I remember back some years ago I wrote a post about believing I'd heard new MJ music in dreams that turned out to be for real and everyone avoided it like the plague, like I was a nut. :lol: I think such things are totally possible. So, to answer your question, yes, to a degree, I think. I saw the new album cover in a dream last week, but of course I couldn't remember when I woke up. :doh: I think the color blue was prominent, but I'm not positive on that and it could have been just a plain old dream. And months ago I dreamed of hearing the whole song Another Day and was told it would be on the new album (this was before the 'new album' threads had even started). I guess I'll be shocked if it's not on it now. I've heard other songs in dreams that are just amazing, but they're just poof, gone by the time I wake up. That's pretty rare for me, though.
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Hehe, I remember back some years ago I wrote a post about believing I'd heard new MJ music in dreams that turned out to be for real and everyone avoided it like the plague, like I was a nut. :lol: I think such things are totally possible. So, to answer your question, yes, to a degree, I think. I saw the new album cover in a dream last week, but of course I couldn't remember when I woke up. :doh: I think the color blue was prominent, but I'm not positive on that and it could have been just a plain old dream. And months ago I dreamed of hearing the whole song Another Day and was told it would be on the new album (this was before the 'new album' threads had even started). I guess I'll be shocked if it's not on it now. I've heard other songs in dreams that are just amazing, but they're just poof, gone by the time I wake up. That's pretty rare for me, though.

I have had a funky thing with "we've had enough" once myself.
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I'm not kidding around when I say I literally dream of the music. The new songs play in my dreams and the songs make me so happy. When I wake up, I don't remember anything about the songs at all. Not the titles, not the lyrics, nothing. I can't help but feel these dreams and the music comes straight from MJ's spirit. But I'm honestly not the type of person to believe such things.

the thought of that is so comforting to me....

I believe that all fans will feel that way.... forever. *big sigh*

The tape made me sad because I do not like when reporters try to tell Michael or make him think that the way he feels, acts, understands something, expresses himself, likes to be, etc is not the right way. I wish people will let Michael BE the way he wants to BE.
From the very first moment I heard Michael Jackson had passed over, I knew he had been murdered. I knew it like I know rain falls from the sky. I remember I came here and posted that I believed Michael had been murdered on this website.

Since that time, I have found solace in these passages from the
Holy Bible. In these scriptures Jesus Christ explains to his disciples that death is not the end in a way that perhaps they can understand. So, we to can know the life of Michael Jackson goes on forever in many ways and in many forms. One of those ways is that Michael Jackson dwells within us. Each of us is responsible for continuing the message and music of Michael Jackson.

John 14:1-10
1 Let not your heart be troubled : ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am , there ye may be also.

4 And whither I go ye know , and the way ye know .

5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest ; and how can we know the way?

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way , the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

7 If ye had known me , ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

From the Gospel of Mary Magdalene:
Chapter 5:
5) Peter said to Mary, Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of woman.
6) Tell us the words of the Savior which you remember which you know, but we do not, nor have we heard them.
7) Mary answered and said, What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you.
8) And she began to speak to them these words: I, she said, I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to Him, Lord I saw you today in a vision. He answered and said to me,
9) Blessed are you that you did not waver at the sight of Me. For where the mind is there is the treasure.
10) I said to Him, Lord, how does he who sees the vision see it, through the soul or through the spirit?
11) The Savior answered and said, He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind that is between the two that is what sees the vision and it is [...]
(pages 11 - 14 are missing from the manuscript)

Chapter 8:
18) When the soul had overcome the third power, it went upwards and saw the fourth power, which took seven forms.
19) The first form is darkness, the second desire, the third ignorance, the fourth is the excitement of death, the fifth is the kingdom of the flesh, the sixth is the foolish wisdom of flesh, the seventh is the wrathful wisdom. These are the seven powers of wrath.
20) They asked the soul, Whence do you come slayer of men, or where are you going, conqueror of space?
21) The soul answered and said, What binds me has been slain, and what turns me about has been overcome,
22) and my desire has been ended, and ignorance has died.
23) In a aeon I was released from a world, and in a Type from a type, and from the fetter of oblivion which is transient.
24) From this time on will I attain to the rest of the time, of the season, of the aeon , in silence.

by Michael Jackson**
(published 1992) Quote from : "WINGS WITHOUT ME":

“When all life is seen as divine,

everyone grows wings.”
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Modulation Alert, I found the Bible verse I've been searching for the one that matches the This Is It Concert Announcement:


From the Holy Bible: American King James Version

Galations 3:28
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female:
for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus."

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I had a vision about Michael Jackson's
unreleased music, again, last night.
I can't explain it but; but the underlying message in his unheard music has something to
do with the the planet Earth and the need to protect the Earth's natural fresh water supply.
I believe all of Michael's fans will feel and hear the running water and Michael's new music, soon.
Until then....maybe watching this video will help...[youtube]U09_Ao_va_A&feature=related[/youtube]
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The Earth is changing, like a growing organism, like all rocks and planets are growing and evolving.
And I get something about frequencies on the New Earth, too. Yes.
Something about soothing/healing too, but I think that one's more for us that are dancing on the New Earth. :cheeky: