Prayer corner for Michael and his family, fans, please post them here!


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hello everyone
I thought it would be nice to start a prayer/good thoughts thread for today and the hard days ahead for Michael, his family and us his famiy.
I will start.
Dear God,
Please protect any members of the Jackson family going to court today. Gave them the strength to face the man who killed their son, brother, father, uncle. May the fans love and light wrap itself around the courthouse and justice be done for all of us that loved our Mchael, the King of Hearts.
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Re: Prayer corner for Michael and his family, fans

Thank you for the prayer AngelofInnocence. I will send all my loving thoughts and prayers to the Jackson family, MJ's children and Katherine especially, to the fans, to be strong and courageous in these difficult and trying times.

God bless you!
Re: Prayer corner for Michael and his family, fans

I'm going to pray for Michael and his children.
Re: Prayer corner for Michael and his family, fans

Everyone please feel free to share your prayers/good thoughts for Michael in this thread. It would be great to gather some positive energy to keep us all going for the many months ahead.
Thank you for this thread angelofinnocence. :angel:

I pray for his dear children, family, his true friends and us - his fan family everyday. May God send his Angels to wrap their wings around us all and comfort us... God bless you.
I am praying for Michael, his children and his fans all over the world. We should stay strong and united for Michael. May God bless Prince, Paris and little Blanket and make them strong. May God help us all see these difficult times through. Truth and justice will prevail, I really believe it and I pray to God to make it happen.
I am praying for Michael, his beautiful kids and family and for all the fans around the world, including those ones who can't join us in a forum and are feeling alone and misunderstood. God bless you all.

Dear Father,

Please be with us, the fans, and the Jackson family, as we realize that the injustice in this world continues. Please help us to remain calm, continue to fight peacefully, to not act out in rage. Please be with the Jackson family and help them to remain united, both spiritually and physically during this ongoing battle against apparent evil.

In Your Precious Name I pray,
Amen. :angel: