Pranks for April Fools day.... Share your plans!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Ok I'm a devious kind of person I just love practical jokes :p

and April Fool's day is just around the corner.... :wild:

So I thought I'd re-post old ones that I've used and that have been very effective :shifty:

L.J's recipe to a morning full of pranks:

Liquid pockets:

Step 1.. line a pocket in a jacket... with a plastic bag on the inside make sure you line it real well....

Step 2. then when talking to someone make sure you have a drink handy...

Step3. Proceed to pour your drink in your pocket... act like its completely a normal thing to do.. if they give you a funny look/say something.. just say... "I'm keepin it for later" .... :p


Loud surprise!:

Step 1. Tape down a blown up balloon to the wall behind a door

Step 2. Get a pin and push it through some tape.

Step 3. Tape down pin to door so that its pointing away from the door and is in line with the balloon so when someone opens door...... pin and balloon meet together... BANG!!!

(NB: best place is to have the balloon and pin at head height) ... louder that way


Office fun:

Step. 1 hop on another person's computer and open Microsoft word

Step 2. Open up the auto correct .... (this is the thing that automatically changes adn.... to and)

Step 3. reverse the stuff in it heh heh... or have certain words become other words..... :lol: ....

(NB: don't do this if it has the possibility of gettin you fired...) :lol:


For the truly foolish:

Send someone to buy striped paint.......


Messy one...
Splashback fountain

Step 1. Get some plastic cling wrap

Step 2. Lift toliet seat

Step 3. Cling wrap toliet bowl carefully so its stretched taunt... so no one will notice it is on the bowl...

Step 4. Lower lid... and wait for someone to go pee..... :lol:


Short and sweet ones:


Step 1. Fill manila envelope with shaving cream
Step 2. Slide the end of folder under the victims door....
Step 3. Stomp! real hard on envelope! heh heh :lol: shaving cream will coat everything in the room

(i've found this works best in crowded places.....)

Step 1. get a spray bottle & fill with water
Step 2. when someone turns away from ya do a real big sneeze and squirt em a little at the same time... :lol:


Step 1. Gather all bars of soap in household....
Step 2. Coat all but one (this one will be your soapbar) in clear nail polish
Step 3. Replace soapbars... heh heh ... :lol: they won't foam up now heh heh

So come on share yours :woohoo:
I did a Prank on MJNO once :D

Can't remember what it was, but most people wanted to kill me :lol:
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please don't prank us with fake MJ news.. like ALBUM UPDATES etc..

we will go crazy and click on the thread and be VERY BUMBED..

it's too touchy right now.
what if mj plays a joke on US...and gives us an album update (a REAL one) on April fools,a nd no one believes him? :lol:
I want to do one on my boyfriend... any ideas? (I can't act like i'm pregnant cuz i'm a virgin.. hahahaha ) and I don't want to be too harsh. I wish I could do a prank on his mother actually... I'm always at his house and he lives with his mother and sister, and a little kid is there.
^^ hmmmmmmm!!

This is somethin'.. Call the house. Tell them to not answere the phone for the next 40 minutes because you (use an orginization name) will be active on the phone lines do to a power outage in the area.. It's dangerous to answere do to electrical currents. etc..

Call back in 20 minutes or so. and bretend your someone getting electricuted... Like them picking up the phone caused it.. HA HA!!

IDK where I have seen this done, but I laughed..
I did a MJ prank for some of my MJ friends last year and I got so good laughs! :D

I told them that Michael's coming to Stockholm (Sweden) in a couple of weeks. Of course they were asking where did I read it and I was like "Woot you haven't heard it, it was on entertaining news on tv!" They went absolutely nuts and some of them were almost packing their bags already! And when I told they were fooled, they just wanted to kill me.. and I was laughing my butt off because their first reactions were priceless! :lol:

Why it worked so well and why they didn't even question me so much is because they always trust me.. It's usually me who tells them the latest news :lol:
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You better believe there'll be a lot of "album updates" on April Fools Day. It's happened every year since MJ forums existed. Someone will post a fake news about a new MJ album and, without fail, everyone will click into it.
Thats not funny. Please if I want to see jokes done they either be done in very good taste. Or better yet see them done in my many favorite silent movie comedies. Or I won't find them funny. Which is why on April Fools Day I will be planning on watching 2 of the best silent movie comedies ever made. Which is Safty Last and Girl Shy. Girl Shy is like ridicously (Sp?) funny. Especially the whole scene where Harold Lloyd has to go stop this wedding.
It's only noon and I had my share of AFD fun.

The ones on this board, I gotta be honest...not so fun only cuz I really want to see some movement from MJ soon. LOL And the possibility of some real news happening was there in front of us...and now it's gone lol. So we're back to square one...MJ drought :p


Today instead of getting up to my alarm clock, I got up to a tornado siren LOL I know it's not the town playing an AFJ....but its just funny that their routine tornado siren testing lands on AFD lol

go to the showers of my dorm....there were official looking letters from the university saying that u can't use the showers cuz of maintenance. They said that they were doing some electrical work, and the water flow had electrical current...."to that of a stun gun" tHAT is what i call a funny AFJ :lol: "By entering the showere, you waive your right to hold the university responsible for any harm that may result from doing so" ROTFLMAO

And guess what? Half of the guys in the hall DIDN'T take showers...oh the comedy.

There was residents in our hall that got engaged earlier in the week...the guy purposed in the cafeteria...and everyone has been talking about it all week...turns out...April Fools! LOL

I played an AFJ on my poetry professor. We had to turn in a poem today...and I made one about how much I hate him and the class. He was SO pissed when he read the first few lines...He was like "F U!" :lol: He was soooo appalled :lol: I kept telling him to read the last line, which alluded to the date. He took it well after that. The class got a kick out of it. Love it! LOL
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