Post Pics Of Your MJ/Non-MJ Tattoos Here!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am thinking about getting a new tattoo, but am still undecided about what to get.

I thought that maybe a thread dedicated to ALL tattoos, not just MJ ones, would be sort of inspirational =]

I will post pictures of my tattoos on an edit in here in just a second...

Can't wait to see all of yours!


the klingon logo is not done yet because i haveto add the name of my 3rd son.

A MJ tattoo is on its way, its coming on my back or shoulderblade.
So I am finally getting around to posting my pictures here...I am quite the slacker considering this is my own thread! LOL



this is their location on my body :D


the flower one is my first one, i got it on spring break in orlando florida my senior year of high school. the star one is my second, i got it on a random trip to the mall LOL.

i am planning on getting a peace sign with 'heal the world' around christmas time becauses it will be for my 21st birthday =] which is 2 weeks before christmas!
Casey those are really pretty! That sounds like a beautiful idea about the heal the world tattoo. I have an the MJ logo tattoo with a crown above it on my leg I got for my 22nd birthday. I want to get a Peter Pan one. I think it would be cute :)

This is on my right foot.


This is on my right wrist.


This is on my lower back


This is just below my neck.

My next one will be an MJ tatoo. I havent decided yet, but i think there will be some of his lyrics and his feet. :)
Cool tattoos! Casey I love yours!
Here are mine:





Sorry for the crap quality pics! The butterfly is on the front of my hip, a bit lower than Casey's.

I LOVE getting tattoos! I want to get a Michael one but I'm taking my time figuring out what and where, I'm sure it'll come to me one day!
dearest mjj-community.

i need your help!
i am searching for such a long time for a special picture of michael.
it must be a picture of the victory tour.
last days i found this pic, but in a very small and bad quality (dpi is very low).
i need this pic in good quality and a high dpi, because i want to enlarge the picture and make a really big size. unfortunately i can't find this pic nowhere.

i just have this pic in a size of a little stamp and i can't find it again. please help me.

look at my avatar. this is the picture i am searching for.
i don't know how to upload this pic in this thread.

can anobody help me to find exactly this pic??

it would be so great!

love and bless.
