Post-Beatles Beatles Album

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

It's 1970, soon after the release of Let it Be. The Beatles, amid internal turmoil, decide to come back to record another album. The songs on the album What Could Have Been are:

1. Well Well Well
2. What is Life
3. Imagine
4. Maybe I'm Amazed
5. Real Love
6. Helen Wheels
7. Band on the Run
8. My Sweet Lord
9. Woman
10. Free as a Bird
11. Silly Love Songs
12. This Never Happened Before

Select at least 10 songs the Fab Four made after they split up and create your own post-Beatles Beatles album.

  • Don't be afraid to pick songs I or any other posters choose.
  • At least one of the songs has to be by George Harrison.
  • The year the actual song was released doesn't matter, even though the album you're creating might have come out in 1971.
They did get back together in the late 1970s, they called themselves Klaatu, lol. Just kidding, but they did all play on a Ringo album, and Ringo & George played on some of John's songs.
Yes They Did Play on Ringo's album"Ringo" but not all played on the same tracks. John and George and Paul used Ringo on some of their solo albums and Concerts too. George was heard to be on Paul's Ram album on one track and George had used Paul and Linda and Ringo on The song "All those years ago." John and George would switch and do some songs together on their albums.The very last performance was on The Beatles Anthology DVD disc 5 when all 3 Beatles played a impromtu sesson.And there had been rumored that The Beatles did do an alias post album but that was a rumor unless someone will bring the secret album to life. I always wondered if George and John was still alive today,would there be a Secret album and a small Tour with all 4 together.

Now for my Post list
1 Give Peace a Chance(All together)
2 Not Guilty(It was recorded as a demo with The Beatles but was shelved until George released it on one of his solo albums)
3 Photograph(this would had made a great song for the whole group)
4 Call me back again(I can hear Paul wail more with John and George backing him)
5 You're Sixteen(George,John and Paul backing Ringo)
6 Bluebird(this would be 3 part harmony like "This Boy")
7 Here comes the moon(George leads and John,Paul and George doing background tracks)
8 Give me some truth(George and Paul backing John)
9 Liverpool(I forgot the exact title but Ringo sings about his life in Liverpool and The boys would fill in their parts on how their lives came to be.)
10 You tell Me(3 part Harmony)
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Yes They Did Play on Ringo's album"Ringo" but not all played on the same tracks. John and George and Paul used Ringo on some of their solo albums and Concerts too. George was heard to be on Paul's Ram album on one track and George had used Paul and Linda and Ringo on The song "All those years ago." John and George would switch and do some songs together on their albums.The very last performance was on The Beatles Anthology DVD disc 5 when all 3 Beatles played a impromtu sesson.And there had been rumored that The Beatles did do an alias post album but that was a rumor unless someone will bring the secret album to life. I always wondered if George and John was still alive today,would there be a Secret album and a small Tour with all 4 together.
Paul, John, & Stevie Wonder did a jam session in 1974. It's been bootlegged a lot. Pretty much noise, except when Stevie leads. Stevie & Paul were the only ones taking it seriously. John was high and yelling, Harry Nilsson (who also participated) was drunk. You can find it on youtube as "A Toot and a Snore In 74". It's called that because John offers Stevie (who doesn't do drugs) a snort (cocaine). I guess the bootlegger didn't want to use "snort", lol. The "Toot" recording is in several parts (I think 6 or 7) on youtube, the ending is the best part.
On another topic, Klaatu was a group from the late 70s long rumored to be the Beatles reunited. Actually it's a group from Canada. I've heard some of their stuff and they don't sound like The Beatles to me, so i don't know how that rumor started. At best, one of the songs sound vaguely like Wings, but without Paul singing, lol.
Paul, John, & Stevie Wonder did a jam session in 1974. It's been bootlegged a lot. Pretty much noise, except when Stevie leads. Stevie & Paul were the only ones taking it seriously. John was high and yelling, Harry Nilsson (who also participated) was drunk. You can find it on youtube as "A Toot and a Snore In 74". It's called that because John offers Stevie (who doesn't do drugs) a snort (cocaine). I guess the bootlegger didn't want to use "snort", lol. The "Toot" recording is in several parts (I think 6 or 7) on youtube, the ending is the best part.
On another topic, Klaatu was a group from the late 70s long rumored to be the Beatles reunited. Actually it's a group from Canada. I've heard some of their stuff and they don't sound like The Beatles to me, so i don't know how that rumor started. At best, one of the songs sound vaguely like Wings, but without Paul singing, lol.

I did hear about that one,Toot was something to hear.I guess John was heavy using back then. Some of that just didn't thrill me. I mean John was high when they were doing the Let It Be Sessons. Like Ringo said,When they were doing drugs,The Music sounded like Shit.,Well There you go. It takes more than 2 serious people to make an album sound great and John and Harry wasn't giving it any justice.I guess it was truly a Jam sesson and not a serious sesson. I was wondering if that album was on You Tube. It's hard to find it on Bootleg these days except if it's somewhere on EBAY.
Well at least years later Paul and Stevie got to record together without the stimulants lying around. Lol....(My favorite song is "What's That You're Doing" on the Tug Of War album):yes: As far as that other rumor, It's not The Boys from Liddypool un;ess the changed their style of playing and singing. I mean I still listen to Real Love and Free As a Bird and Those songs Sounded like The Beatles Now(As George Says) And I cried when I heard Free As a Bird the first time.They actually played it on The Televison of The Beatles Anthology before it was put on VHS and DVD. And Real Love was as if It was back in the 60s.
I really miss those guys but I still have the albums and Cds to remember how it use to be.:punk:
unless the changed their style of playing and singing. I mean I still listen to Real Love and Free As a Bird and Those songs Sounded like The Beatles Now(As George Says) And I cried when I heard Free As a Bird the first time.They actually played it on The Televison of The Beatles Anthology before it was put on VHS and DVD. And Real Love was as if It was back in the 60s.
I really miss those guys but I still have the albums and Cds to remember how it use to be.:punk:
It's doubtful they would have kept the same sound if they hadn't broken up. The solo stuff doesn't really sound like the Beatles (whatever that is), except tracks that were designed that way on purpose (When We Was Fab). Abbey Road doesn't sound like Meet The Beatles. Most performers style changes, if they don't it'll get boring after awhile.