Possible Redemption Documentary?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I recieved this message from Claire Horne who runs a group on facebook called Michael Jackson - REST IN PEACE - The King of pop

To all MJ supporters

I have recently been in touch with Geraldine Hughes.. writer of 'Redemption, the truth about child molestation...' which is based on the first case in 1993. Geraldine was actually there herself working for the attorney of the 13 year old accuser's father, in which she saw and heard enough to prove it was a whole scam! Geraldine had planned to release the book in 2003, but it was blocked by the media, she told me:

"Believe it or not, the media was not allowing any positive reporting on MJ to be aired. You only heard negative reporting. I've been trying since 1993 to clear Michael Jackson's name of these false allegations. My efforts continue and remain the same; to clear MJ's name"

But now you can get a copy of the book, wherever you are!!

Geraldine is trying to get funding to make a documentary about the whole ordeal so finally these narrow minded people who put MJ down will finally shut up and see the truth! So the more books sold the more chance of funding! The book is only $15 plus P&P (may be little more to UK)

I have read this and I recommend it to all MJ fans and believers..this book is available on amazon.com. Geraldine herself is willing to send you a copy if you cannot find this online..I know a lot of people in the UK have had trouble getting it You can mail her and then she will email you an invoice from paypal and send the book as soon as payment received.

If you cant find it on Amazon or online then email Geraldine on


Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and I hope, like the rest of you, the truth will finally be revealed to all!

Take care all and thank you for your time.

Do you think there is really a chance for a documentary to clear Michael's name? Even if she made one do you think she'd have to have her own TV channel to broadcast it!?.. because things don't really seem to sway in MJs favour now do they?!
This is the same thing Aphrodite Jones said of her attempts to get Conspiracy published. But because she was a successful writer and had the financial resources, she had to publish her book herself.

This whole thing has been an eye opener. That legitimate news sources wouldn't be interested is appalling. But then again, supposedly legitimate ABC actually hired Martin Bashir and then re-aired his hachett job on Michael, so I guess there is no such thing as integrity or legitimacy anymore.
I always thought maybe it would change after his death. I think a documentary could be a good idea. She and Aphrodite Jones should join forces imo.
I would definitely support this! Does she have a website? Apparently, this has to be a grassroots campaign.

I can't even explain how sick and outraged I felt when I read this-

"Believe it or not, the media was not allowing any positive reporting on MJ to be aired. You only heard negative reporting. I've been trying since 1993 to clear Michael Jackson's name of these false allegations. My efforts continue and remain the same; to clear MJ's name"

You know what I would do. . . I would send this message to all those celebrities that have spoke up about Michael after he died and PROVE that he really meant something to them by supporting this. Like Usher, Diddy, Lenny Kravitz, Donald Trump, Beyonce, Azja Pryor, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, Berry Gordy, etc. If Michael means as much to them as they have said that he does, then they would want to clear his name as much as his fans do.

Plus, if Geraldine gets support from high-profile people, then that means it might really get a chance at being made and shown on TV or made into a DVD.

Well, that's my opinion.
I would definitely support this! Does she have a website? Apparently, this has to be a grassroots campaign.

I can't even explain how sick and outraged I felt when I read this-

You know what I would do. . . I would send this message to all those celebrities that have spoke up about Michael after he died and PROVE that he really meant something to them by supporting this. Like Usher, Diddy, Lenny Kravitz, Donald Trump, Beyonce, Azja Pryor, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, Berry Gordy, etc. If Michael means as much to them as they have said that he does, then they would want to clear his name as much as his fans do.

Plus, if Geraldine gets support from high-profile people, then that means it might really get a chance at being made and shown on TV or made into a DVD.

Well, that's my opinion.

I think what you said was a great idea. MJs tarnished reputation has worried me since his death. I want MJ to have a more balanced image for future generations to appreciate him. Also I would suggest her posting a brief video of herself on youtube to get people aware of what she is doing since so many people are trying to re-discover MJ.
Yeah, Geraldine can approach Berry Gordy and the likes who can then sponsor to fund it and have it air on say BET, then from there, have it distributed to other networks worldwide.

When it's successful, it will rebound and be aired on major american networks.

To try and start with major American networks is a waste of time as they have shown they have little interest in the truth when it comes to MJ unless it's in their face and it's popular all around the world, meaning they cannot avoid it.
I've just been trying to find her website, if she has one. Can't find it but I came across this..

This was an interview I found of her on fox news. She kinda wasted her opportunity..


Geraldine Hughes Speaks Out in Support of Michael Jackson

Monday, February 02, 2004

This is a partial transcript from The O'Reilly Factor, January 30, 2004.
Watch The O'Reilly Factor weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET and listen to the Radio Factor!
TONY SNOW, GUEST HOST: In the "Factor Flashback" segment tonight, as we just told you, friends of Michael Jackson (search) spoke out today in his defense, after new allegations made public in "Vanity Fair" magazine. One of the people trotted out in this defense was Geraldine Hughes. She was the secretary for Attorney Barry Rothman (search), who represented the boy who accused Jackson of molestation in 1993. That case was settled but Hughes has come out with a book called "Redemption: The Truth Behind the Michael Jackson Child Molestation Allegations." She says the allegations were absolutely untrue.

Bill spoke with her recently.
O'REILLY: In the "Impact" segment tonight, 45-year-old Michael Jackson will be arraigned next week on child molestation charges in California. As you know, the case is the subject of endless speculation, but there is a story you might not have heard.
In 1994, Jackson settled child molestation charges with a 13-year-old boy and his family for millions. At the time, a lawyer named Barry Rothman was representing the boy.
Joining us now from Los Angeles is Geraldine Hughes, who was Rothman's legal secretary during that case. She is the author of the upcoming book "Redemption: The Truth Behind the Michael Jackson Child Molestation Allegations."
All right, I want to walk through this, Ms. Hughes. I want to be very specific. All right, you contend that the boy's father, Dr. Evan Chandler, was behind this whole thing and that Jackson did not molest the boy. Is that correct?
GERALDINE HUGHES, "REDEMPTION" AUTHOR: That is absolutely correct.
O'REILLY: And you base that on what?
HUGHES: Well, basically, I was on the inside. So I was able to witness behaviors. I was able to witness what was going on the inside. I knew from the very onset of the allegation that Michael Jackson was absolutely innocent and that it wasn't a case...
O'REILLY: All right, now give me one -- your biggest convincer. You've got millions of people watching you right now.
O'REILLY: All right? The biggest reason you felt Jackson was innocent was?
HUGHES: I guess, if I were to give one -- there were a lot -- but I will try and pull one. Basically, it was -- I actually recall the letter that went to Chandler, where he was advised about how to report child molestation by using a third party without liability to a parent. And that was like three weeks prior to the actual launching of the allegations.
O'REILLY: All right, now Ms. Hughes, if I am a parent, and my child is molested, all right, I immediately go to my attorney for advice. If my attorney advises me to take a certain course of action, as Dr. Chandler's did, all right, because you worked for the man...
HUGHES: Right.
O'REILLY: ...all right, why would that mean that this didn't happen?
Why wouldn't this be just the methodical, orderly way to place the complaint?
HUGHES: I guess if that was the only thing I had that I could say made me believe that, you would probably be right and I would probably look into it further based on your view. But there's many occasions...
O'REILLY: All right, but I asked you for the big gun. And the big gun hasn't convinced me. Give me something else.
HUGHES: Well, okay -- well, basically, it's -- my contention is that it was an elaborate -- elaborate, meaning it was multifaceted. Multifaceted means I can throw you one thing and it's really not going to matter until you pull it all together. Minus physical evidence, you have to look at the whole picture. You can't just -- one thing is not going to do it for you.
O'REILLY: All right.
HUGHES: But I will say this. I will say this. We have the finest police, law enforcement agency in the nation. There were four police agencies that went looking for evidence to corroborate with the little boy, and they found nothing. That really should be your biggest thing right there.
O'REILLY: Well, here's what swayed me to disagree with you, and maybe you can put this in perspective for us. During the settlement hearings...
O'REILLY: The father, Dr. Chandler, all right, and your boss presented a scenario whereby the 13-year-old boy would identify marks on Michael Jackson's body that nobody would have known about unless they had seen his intimate parts.
HUGHES: Right. Yes, okay.
O'REILLY: Now what say you, Madame?
HUGHES: I said did they bring him -- did they arrest him based on their findings? Because had he accurately described parts that only someone could have described if they had seen it, that would have been -- that was really what they were looking for, the mere fact that they didn't bring him up on charges after that. And Michael even said the only reason why...
O'REILLY: The boy -- after the $20 million changed hands, the boy then wouldn't testify. And that's how it went.
HUGHES: Well, that was before that. That was before that. That was before the settlement negotiations.
O'REILLY: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I will cede you one point, Madame. You're not making your case for me, I have to be quite honest with you. I'm not believing...
HUGHES: That's fine.
O'REILLY: ...you know, I'm not going to get it, Bill.
O'REILLY: Well, look, I mean I'm not -- if I'm on the jury and I'm listening to you, he's not exonerated. But I will tell you this -- I do believe that this Dr. Chandler, okay, wanted the money rather than the criminal prosecution. Instead of going to the authorities first and backing into the civil suit, he didn't. He went for the civil -- he wanted the money and then the criminal prosecution be damned. I do believe that. And that's wrong.
HUGHES: But we live in a state where you can have both. You can have criminal prosecution and the money.
O'REILLY: Now, but not then. Not yet. You could have.
HUGHES: Oh, then you could too.
O'REILLY: Now here's motivation you may be right about but...
HUGHES: He could have had both. He didn't have to go just for the one. And you tell me somebody molests your child, you're going to take money and not go after the prosecution?
O'REILLY: I wouldn't do it. I know people who would sell their children for $20 million. Ms. Hughes, we thank you very much for appearing.
HUGHES: Thank you.
O'REILLY: Thank you.
O'REILLY: Thank you for appearing.
HUGHES: Thank you.

This is a chat she did with an online community. Its not much interesting but she does say 'sources' say Jordy backed Michaels innocence in the 2005 trial


Wish i could find an email address to email her and ask about the possible documentary
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You know SPIKE LEE has been really vocal about Michael since his passing. Now he is having this big Bday party for Michael tomorrow. I think Spike Lee would be another person that might really listen to Geraldine and be serious about this project.

I guess all I can say is BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. . . .
Have you READ the book? I have. She also had a website during the trial. The book is an account of some conversations she overheard at the attorney's office where she worked, and some documents she saw. Mostly, though, the book is religious in content. She tried to get a new book funded/published about the trial, but she didn't have any particular information about that, other than what was on the news (and that was sketchy) and I think that attempt was dropped?

If Spike Lee wants to do a docu and use Geraldine's book as part of the content, that would be great. In that case, she'd be paid something for using the text, I'd expect? The GQ article (and thanks for posting the link) is much richer in detail and investigating, though. I think Mary Fischer used Geraldine's material, and a lot else, for her article. It's VERY thorough. I don't think it's quite appropriate for fans to do fundraising for Ms Hughes? If a film-maker wants to do a docu about the allegations, he/she WILL, and Geraldine's book would be good reference material. As would the "Was Michael Jackson Framed" article.
I will check this book out thank you for the post I didn't know about this book.

Yeah, I was in touch with Ms. Hughes years ago and I had the luck of meeting her at the Vegas celebration in 2005.

I tried to contact media outlets about the book and all they said was...well, he's old news now blah blah blah...broke my heart. They never wanted to hear the truth.

It's hard to break through to the media...we even spoke with Jessie jackson's daughter and she tried her part to get in touch with Oprah. When I spoke to Oprah staff they told me that regardless of what the topic was, we had to write to her....it was a major topic and could may well have affected the trial, but it was no use.

After a while, I think I just gave up. Same with Aphrodite's book. The media only want to hear trash on Michael....not the truth. I applaud Geraldine's efforts though, but I feel the only way to really get teh truth out there is by staging it on U-tube....have her tell her story whether it be 10-50 sections...as long as it gets hits, it'll make the media listen, maybe. Then we'll see some interest hopefully.

Make it happen! Michael would want his name cleared. Do it in his memory.
I actually think that ^^ could be a good idea. Maybe do youtube Vlogs or maybe she can create a website that can do vlogs and do the documentary in installments. Youtube is the way to go sometimes when you can't get attention anywhere else.

~MJ loves MJ~ Gosh, that is so disheartening that not one of the media outlets that you contacted didn't even want to give Michael a chance. Well, what about Steve Harvey and his morning radio show. Maybe he can have Geraldine Hughs as a guest one morning. I also thought Jesse Jackson had a weekly radio show since he interviewed Michael in 2005.

I wonder if BET might be willing to do something with Geraldine?
Thank you for reminding me about this book! :) I remembered there was another book about the trials, which I wanted to get but the name of the book and its author had slipped my mind. I ordered this book together with the Conspiracy one today.