"Poppin Taco taught Michael Jackson's dance"?


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
Rio de Janeiro-Brazil
I was reading the comments on the site of MTV on the Ne-Yo tribute to Michael and one person says:

"birdsbasics (06.26.08 | 3:22 PM)

Haha first off, you're invalid and I probably shouldn't even be addressing you back because I'm going to venture out to say you aren't a true hip-hop dancer, so I won't discredit you too much for being naive...Second of all, if you did try and do your homework "invinciblep" you'd notice that there aren't too many videos of him when he was young, and if you're a little more than basic you'll type in "Poppin Taco taught Michael Jackson" in Google and see what you find instead of being a newby youtuber and go to some vids, knowledge is in tha literature not videos silly, although they do help...*NOTE* - Poppin Taco Was Michael Jackson's Personal Dance Teacher For 18 Years And Should Take Alot Of The Credit To The Skills Of Poppin, Animation, Style & Creativity To What Michael Jackson Is Often Praised For! (http://chopperdanceblog.com/?p=82) Do your research dude, don't go watch some youtube vids and think you gon just find tha answer; this link might help you, and its not hating, its called truth; A man isn't less of a man for getting help, he's smarter, look what it did for MJ, Ne-yo should have done what Poppin Taco did, stayed in tha cut and played his position, poppin was wiser which is why he didn't seek tha fame, he chose to help so he lived with that, Ne-yo chose to be a hit maker, but now he getting greedy and thinking he ain't respected because he don't do like tha artist he write for do, but that's our generation for you, ignorant and taking bad advice, no one wants to play a role, everybody gotta be tha "stereotyped" NUMBER 1 I also want you to notice how when you type in Poppin Taco taught Michael Jackson in google some links are gone, yea that's because people think it's bashing Michael for letting tha truth be known when really it's just informing so people aren't ignorant...no Poppin Taco couldn't do what he taught Mike, but how many coaches you know can do exactly what they teach their players, hmmm......"

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We know that Mj is a great dancer and worked with great choreographers.He's very talented.But how this person said it seems that MJ did nothing alone. I don't like this!!
Do you know this story? This is the video of Taco Poppin:


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i think that's dumb as hell. First of all, MJ knew "how to" dance since he was five. Unless "poppin taco" was in the cut behind Joesph during the J5 days, he aint taught MJ how to dance.

second of all, MJ never claimed nor pretended to invent poppin and lockin. MJ is the genius that he is because he takes those styles that already exist (like the moonwalk for example) and make them his own. so yeah OTHER people do poppin and lockin. many moves that MJ does...other people do too....AND? lol Yeah, he uses coreographers...so? There's no news there. Fact is, No one has fused the many different styles (those other than pop lockin) and created the entertainment that is MICHAEL other than MICHAEL himself. And no one can execute it the way Michael does. Whoomp, there it is lol
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Michael most probrobly was doing Poppin before Taco and all the Robot/Popin/Lockin choreographers he's worked with. People always over look the fact Michael's being doing the Robot/Poppin since late 1973-early 74 when he did the Robot on television performances of Dancing Machine with the Jackson 5.

The fact is no matter who showed Michael certain poppin moves, none of those choreographers from can dance as good as Michael Jackson, PERIOD !!!
MJ hired choreographers to do a job. Jeffrey was hired in around 1979-80to teach the Backslide/Moonwalk. His job was to create routines and teach the movements. Jeffrey Daniel, Michael Peters, Lavelle Smith, Taco Falcon are the main one's who's routines became legendary via MJ and they are credited with Awards. Look at the credits on Moonwalker and Ghosts etc. You will see all the names I just mentioned. This in no way belittles MJ as the legend of the dance. He never said he invented the moves.


More Jeffrey Daniel


However the Backslide aka Moonwalk is an old dance that dates back to the 1930s. However MJ is still the Greatest of them all.

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Michael ALWAYS was a dancer. Before the Moonwalk, Michael's signature dance was THE ROBOT.
Michael most probrobly was doing Poppin before Taco and all the Robot/Popin/Lockin choreographers he's worked with. People always over look the fact Michael's being doing the Robot/Poppin since late 1973-early 74 when he did the Robot on television performances of Dancing Machine with the Jackson 5.

The fact is no matter who showed Michael certain poppin moves, none of those choreographers from can dance as good as Michael Jackson, PERIOD !!!

I explained it in another but I guess I'm going to have to explain it again...

The robot and popping are different. Their similar, but they aren't the same!
Robot Dane of the LA group The Lockers taught Michael how to do the robot after he saw Dane do it on Soul Train.

Poppin Taco...I don't know what he contributed, but I do know for sure that Geron "Casper" Candidate, Cooley Jackson, Jeffery Daniels, and Michael "Boogaloo" Chambers taught Michael different moves and worked with him for years.

Michael Chambers worked with Michael on the Victory Tour and Geron Candidate and Cooley Jackson worked with Michael on the moonwalk before Jeffery did AND was in the Bad videos. You remember that clip from The Private Home Movies where Michael and 2 guys were working on the choreography? One of those guys was Geron Candidate and he also appeared in Beat It and Smooth Criminal
You know what's so ironic, these dance moves have been around before poppin taco bell or whatever his name is was born. Dancing greats like Bill Robinson, Nicholas Bros and Cole and Atkins were backsliding and gliding back in the 30s and 40s. The REAL creators of locking as well was boogaloo and popping are names and faces from the streets you'll never know and never made it on TV unlike EBs and the Lockers. Taco had a teacher, he just didn't grab these moves out of thin air, yet he using Michael Jackson just to get recognized, and only because it's Michael Jackson can he do that. Taco may have taught Joe Shmoe but nobody would give a damn. Michael Jackson didn't invent these moves but he made them distinguishing and worthy of praise and recognition. These guys (Taco, Boogaloo Sam, Casper, Daniels, etc.) can stand tall and proud but Taco better check his ego at the door, he entitled to nothing.
Jeffery daniels influnced MJ.. However freakin Poppin Taco has VERY little if any simularities in his dance.. ANY popper can say the taught Michael.. That does not make it true..

I mean would'nt a dancer like to get creadit on teaching THE Michael Jackson???

Just because Michael pops does not mean he learned it from Poppin Taco.. lol! If we can point the finger at any ONE person that taught Mike to pop, it would have to be Daniels.. And that we don't even know.. But u relize he worked with poppers in general before he started to pop.. He could have easily just saw ppl on set do it and did it after words..
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Intresting videos BUT einstein did'nt invent mathmatics.hmmmmm
We know that Mj is a great dancer and worked with great choreographers.He's very talented.But how this person said it seems that MJ did nothing alone. I don't like this!!
there's no such thing as "doing something alone" in his business and even then, Mike had significant influences from a lot of specialised areas that eventually crafted his great all-round talent potential.

this is something he acknowledges and to be proud of - i don't know why you keep posting shit worrying that Michael isn't the mad scientist pioneer you'd like him to be.
Um, Michael is a pop locker. That doesn't mean he invented pop-locking.

Just like balerinas and other types of dancers. They didn't invent the techniques, but they still perform it. I don't get what the problem here is lol.
U don't have to be an inventor of moves to be a great dancer..

u tell me the last ballroom dancer that made up a move?? lol! U tell me the last salsa dancer that inovated the dance?? lol!

There are great dancers in every genre of dance. 99% of them did not create someting in the dance, the great ones are just simply known to do it great and use the moves in a powerful way..

What seperates great dancers and Michael being THE GREATEST is not the fact MJ that he does some jazz, popping, locking, taping, etc..

No he's not the GREATEST popper, not the GREATEST tapper, not the GREATEST jazz dancer but he is the only one that has been able to mix so many genre's of dance and create a unique style while mantaining the movement from a natural inate function.

U tell Jeffery Daniels to do a tap performance, lets see how he does..

U tell the nicholas Brothers to do a performance with popping and locking.. See how they do..

U tell Michael to do either and he can do it, and MORE..

And in DANCE it's not JUST the moves. Michael is the ultimate live performer. He goes into the music in a way that the dance is FROM the music just as much as it is from him.. (yes several dancers try it, and some do it well) but he does it in a way we can FEEL it more so than ANY other dancer..

He can do something as simple as holding his finger out, move it side to side, while raising his eye brows with an agressive face.. and we find ourselves making that same face (without trying)..

Michael inspires people to dance, and for those who cannot dance, he makes them feel the dancer inside of them.
The dancing Mike, Poppin' Taco and 'em do are a part of black culture, it's just that until MJ, no one in the mainstream really study it.
Um, Michael is a pop locker. That doesn't mean he invented pop-locking.

Just like balerinas and other types of dancers. They didn't invent the techniques, but they still perform it. I don't get what the problem here is lol.
I'm gonna have to correct you on just one thing:

There's no such thing as "pop-locking"

Popping and locking are 2 different styles
I explained it in another but I guess I'm going to have to explain it again...

The robot and popping are different. Their similar, but they aren't the same!
Robot Dane of the LA group The Lockers taught Michael how to do the robot after he saw Dane do it on Soul Train.

Poppin Taco...I don't know what he contributed, but I do know for sure that Geron "Casper" Candidate, Cooley Jackson, Jeffery Daniels, and Michael "Boogaloo" Chambers taught Michael different moves and worked with him for years.

Michael Chambers worked with Michael on the Victory Tour and Geron Candidate and Cooley Jackson worked with Michael on the moonwalk before Jeffery did AND was in the Bad videos. You remember that clip from The Private Home Movies where Michael and 2 guys were working on the choreography? One of those guys was Geron Candidate and he also appeared in Beat It and Smooth Criminal

I never said poppin and lockin were the same, I know there not. I just put Robot/Popin and Lockin together in a sentence for "streetstyle" dancing. I'm also very aware what dancers showed Michael certain "streetstyle" dance moves.

My point is there are some dancers that talk about Michael like he ripped them off, and they often talk like they invented the Moonwalk and the Robot, Poppin and Lockin. I don't know who (maybe no body did) taught Michael how to do the Robot when performed Dancing Machine in 1974. Whilst I'm not denying Michael's used the likes of Michael Chambers (who I think is an amazing dancer) etc to show him new dance moves. Michael is still mainly a self taught dancer (he taught himself those James Brown moves as in infant from watching TV), I'm sure he new the basics of various streetstyle dances from watching them on TV/Video.

As far as Michael Peters is concerned, it is a fact that the choreography in the Thriller video is co-choreographed by Michael. And I'm sure whatever Robot or Lockin etc dance moves he's been shown by other dancers, Michael's also added some moves to the ones he's been shown. Michael's not a puppet who has to be shown dances moves so he can dances. Michael "collaborates" with these dancers, just as Michael collaborated with Quincy Jones, whom Michael "hired" to produce his albums. But some people say those albums genius are all down to Quincy Jones like Michael was nothing more than a hired singer, when the fact is those albums wouldn't be the albums they are without the songs Michael wrote and composed mainly by himself, because those killer songs and hit singles were mainly Michael's creations.
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There is nothing wrong with mj useing cheographers to teach him cetain dance moves mj never even hid the fact that he did. They should be thankful that he imbrass their style and literally put it in the for front that only his popularity could do, because otherwise it would have proably been ignored because it's so street and urban.
I was reading the comments on the site of MTV on the Ne-Yo tribute to Michael and one person says:

"birdsbasics (06.26.08 | 3:22 PM)

Haha first off, you're invalid and I probably shouldn't even be addressing you back because I'm going to venture out to say you aren't a true hip-hop dancer, so I won't discredit you too much for being naive...Second of all, if you did try and do your homework "invinciblep" you'd notice that there aren't too many videos of him when he was young, and if you're a little more than basic you'll type in "Poppin Taco taught Michael Jackson" in Google and see what you find instead of being a newby youtuber and go to some vids, knowledge is in tha literature not videos silly, although they do help...*NOTE* - Poppin Taco Was Michael Jackson's Personal Dance Teacher For 18 Years And Should Take Alot Of The Credit To The Skills Of Poppin, Animation, Style & Creativity To What Michael Jackson Is Often Praised For! (http://chopperdanceblog.com/?p=82) Do your research dude, don't go watch some youtube vids and think you gon just find tha answer; this link might help you, and its not hating, its called truth; A man isn't less of a man for getting help, he's smarter, look what it did for MJ, Ne-yo should have done what Poppin Taco did, stayed in tha cut and played his position, poppin was wiser which is why he didn't seek tha fame, he chose to help so he lived with that, Ne-yo chose to be a hit maker, but now he getting greedy and thinking he ain't respected because he don't do like tha artist he write for do, but that's our generation for you, ignorant and taking bad advice, no one wants to play a role, everybody gotta be tha "stereotyped" NUMBER 1 I also want you to notice how when you type in Poppin Taco taught Michael Jackson in google some links are gone, yea that's because people think it's bashing Michael for letting tha truth be known when really it's just informing so people aren't ignorant...no Poppin Taco couldn't do what he taught Mike, but how many coaches you know can do exactly what they teach their players, hmmm......"

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We know that Mj is a great dancer and worked with great choreographers.He's very talented.But how this person said it seems that MJ did nothing alone. I don't like this!!
Do you know this story? This is the video of Taco Poppin:



Blah, blah, blah. Bruno Falcon taught Michael steps. That's all he did. Michael isn't a trained dancer, he isn't a dancer who has focused his dicsplin on any one style. He's a natural dancer through and through, the most naturally gifted dancer I've ever seen. Talk to any of these guys, Taco, Poppin' Pete, Jeff Daniels, etc... They'll tell you how incredible it is how they'll show Michael a step and he'll instantly duplicat it. That's NATURAL talent, EXTREME natural talent. It can't be taught, no matter what.

But before Michael ever hooked up Taco's ass, he was dancing just as good as ever, from the time he was a child in to his late teens and early 20s. He picks steps up from various dancers, from all over the world, and various forms of movment, and he incorporates them in to creating his own, unique style. Popping and locking are only two forms of movement Michael actually uses in dane. He uses more jazz oreiented steps then anything, more tap and pantomime as well. Someone taught Poppin' Taco, just like Poppin' Taco taught Michael and in the end, everybody taught somebody something. So who really care? Michael is a far superior dancer to Falcon anyway. Bottom line, and the only thing that matters in dance, is how well you execute, not what steps you perform, and Michael executes with greater precisian, power, ease, speed and seamless fluidity then all of them. Period.

It's funny though how no one ever tries to discredit Savion Glover for being TRAINED by Gregory Hines or tries to discredit Fred Astaire for training under Bill Bojangles Robinson. Blah.
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There is nothing wrong with mj useing cheographers to teach him cetain dance moves mj never even hid the fact that he did. They should be thankful that he imbrass their style and literally put it in the for front that only his popularity could do, because otherwise it would have proably been ignored because it's so street and urban.
And is that a bad thing? B-boying has been a major part of dance for years with or without Michael:smilerolleyes:

And popping wasn't gonna get ignored because it was already gaining popularity when Michael started doing it regularly
i think that's dumb as hell. First of all, MJ knew "how to" dance since he was five. Unless "poppin taco" was in the cut behind Joesph during the J5 days, he aint taught MJ how to dance.

second of all, MJ never claimed nor pretended to invent poppin and lockin. MJ is the genius that he is because he takes those styles that already exist (like the moonwalk for example) and make them his own. so yeah OTHER people do poppin and lockin. many moves that MJ does...other people do too....AND? lol Yeah, he uses coreographers...so? There's no news there. Fact is, No one has fused the many different styles (those other than pop lockin) and created the entertainment that is MICHAEL other than MICHAEL himself. And no one can execute it the way Michael does. Whoomp, there it is lol

You know what's so ironic, these dance moves have been around before poppin taco bell or whatever his name is was born. Dancing greats like Bill Robinson, Nicholas Bros and Cole and Atkins were backsliding and gliding back in the 30s and 40s. The REAL creators of locking as well was boogaloo and popping are names and faces from the streets you'll never know and never made it on TV unlike EBs and the Lockers. Taco had a teacher, he just didn't grab these moves out of thin air, yet he using Michael Jackson just to get recognized, and only because it's Michael Jackson can he do that. Taco may have taught Joe Shmoe but nobody would give a damn. Michael Jackson didn't invent these moves but he made them distinguishing and worthy of praise and recognition. These guys (Taco, Boogaloo Sam, Casper, Daniels, etc.) can stand tall and proud but Taco better check his ego at the door, he entitled to nothing.

HEAR HEAR! Michael always said that taking things from "the greats" and making them your own is what he occasionally did! MJ made these moves his own, and added so much to them and NOBODY else could do it like MJ. You can't teach someone who doesn't know how to dance to do what MJ does....dancing comes so natural to mj, and every dance in the world has taken dances from their predacessors......that's the only way it works. UGH! ppl are craaaaaaazy!