Pope causes anger at Slamming UK's equality laws


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI has sparked fury among secular and gay rights campaigners after he attacked equality legislation in Britain for running contrary to "natural law" and restricting the freedom of religious communities. Skip related content
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The Pontiff said the effects of some legislation designed to give equality of opportunity had been to impose "unjust limitations" on the freedom of religious communities to act "in accordance with their beliefs".
"Your country is well-known for its firm commitment to equality of opportunity for all members of society," he told the Catholic bishops of England and Wales gathered in Rome.
"Yet, as you have rightly pointed out, the effect of some of the legislation designed to achieve this goal has been to impose unjust limitations on the freedom of religious communities to act in accordance with their beliefs. In some respects it actually violates the natural law upon which the equality of all human beings is grounded and by which it is guaranteed."
His remarks have been interpreted as an attack on the Sexual Orientation Regulations which forced Catholic adoption agencies to consider gay couples as potential adoptive parents.
By the time the regulations came into force in January last year, five of the agencies in England and Wales had cut ties with their Roman Catholic dioceses in order to comply with the new laws.
The Government also suffered defeats in the House of Lords last week after the churches voiced concerns that the provisions of the flagship Equality Bill could expose them to legal challenges if they refused to employ sexually active gay people and transsexuals.
The Pope's remarks were made in an address in which he gave the first official confirmation that he will make his first apostolic visit to Britain later this year. No dates or itinerary were given, but the Pope, who will be 83 when he visits, spoke of the "living faith and devotion" among Catholics in England and Wales, highlighting the recent visit of the relics of St Therese and the forthcoming beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman.
The National Secular Society (NSS) said it would mount a protest campaign against the visit made up of gay groups, victims of clerical abuse, feminists, family planning organisations and pro-abortion groups among others.
Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said: "The Pope's criticism that British equality legislation 'violates the natural law' is a coded attack on the legal rights granted to women and gay people. His ill-informed claim that our equality laws undermine religious freedom suggests that he supports the right of churches to discriminate in accordance with their religious ethos."


Why cant this prick accept that people are people no matter what there sexual orientation is and that the UK accepts people as they are hence the equality law, he can believe in God all he wants so can other Catholics but the belief in God doesn't give them the right to physically & Mentally harm people in the name of Religion, its fucked up!
Someone should tell the pope its 2010, not 1610. This attitude really digusts me. Oh no, I live in a country with equality laws. Oh no how terrible :rolleyes:
One of my favorite quotes is "Love overcomes hate. Love has no color. Love has no orientation. All is love" from Adam Lambert.

I have a degree in Women Studies. Its 2010 and sometimes it seems we move backwards instead of forwards. :worried: Still alot of progress needs to be made.
Why cant this prick accept that people are people no matter what there sexual orientation is and that the UK accepts people as they are hence the equality law, he can believe in God all he wants so can other Catholics but the belief in God doesn't give them the right to physically & Mentally harm people in the name of Religion, its fucked up!

Well said.
I always thought that its a great thing we live in a country of equality laws, that way people are happy. The pope can go back to whatever country he is from. LOL Who does he think he is God or something? LOL Makes me wonder sometimes
Ugh... I agree with all the above comments.
I saw this story on PinkNews this morning, how depressing :(
I don't know where you have got that article from.

If you have read about this properly other than the headline and the article which goes with it, you will see he is not 'slamming the UKs equality laws' that is misleading media bull to create mess, as the Pope is due to visit here in the UK soon, so what better time, huh?

Actually he is talking specifically about how the equality law 'threatend' to force the church to have to employ a certain quota of homosexual priests and vicars - something which was all over the news not long ago - so the Pope must be replying to that. Which is reflected here -
'the effect of some of the legislation designed to achieve this goal has been to impose unjust limitations on the freedom of religious communities to act in accordance with their beliefs'
To be honest if homosexuality is against the teaching of the church, it doesn't make sense to force them to employ a quota of homosexual individuals.

Anyway, the government has already said this won't happen, so I don't get the need to go on about it.

And no I'm not homophobic in the slightest, I'm just trying to get the right news out there...(as media twisting gets to me ;D) then you're free to agree or disagree with it.
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Excellent post Rockin. Too bad these writers don't bother to really read what the Pope himself has said or really do research. It's just a political game for them; right vs. left. Just like the 'Vatican bashes Avatar' article, do you even think the Pope has seen that movie? :lol: C'mon son...

Of course the media is trying to create mess. Expect a bunch of articles that follow this theme regarding the Pope's visit to the UK: "mean super Conservative Pope bashes leftists fighting for all that is good." :lol: Forget about reading what he actually said, they have an agenda to spread.
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