Poor Michael!!! :(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
"I would never look at myself in the mirror. Ever. I would turn off all of the nights. I had pimples really badly and it was just difficult to face the public.

One time we were in an airport. I remember. I think it was somewhere like Virginia or something. Some lady recognized my brothers and all of us and she goes 'Oh my God it's The Jackson 5! Where's little Michael? Where's little Michael?' She's looking around and looking down and another person goes 'there he is!' and she goes 'ugh, what happened?' Just like that. I just could have died right there. That's exactly what that lady said to me."

-Michael Jackson

I can understand how he felt. What that lady didn't know is that Michael (and was always was) grew up to be a beautiful, good-looking man.
A lot of people have that problem, like the people who can't leave their house without makeup due to pockmarks or what have you. Poor Michael. His acne did eventually clear up, though, and he's beautiful anyway. :heart:

Same :sad: :cry:

Poor Michael I know what that was like for him. I had really bad acne myself at one time. But my brother had it far more worst than I did. He even had to be put on prescription medicine. I never was but it was always a constant hell when my mother had to squeeze the black and white heads out of my face. Which more than half of the time I didn't even let her get near my face. For her to do that because it just hurts so much. But I am glad that his acne did eventually clear and he turn out to be the world's most sexiest and gorgeous man. :heart: :wub:
It must have been so hard for him, going from cute child star into the awkward teen years and everybody wants you stay a cute little child forever.

I can relate to the acne. I'm still fighting it at 47 but it's more under control now because I'm taking prescription meds. When I was in my late teens and into my early 20's I had very bad cystic acne (the kind that bleeds). It can be devastating.
that's why it's not a mental thing. it's because people talk about a person, that that person might want to change their appearance.
that's why it's not a mental thing. it's because people talk about a person, that that person might want to change their appearance.
I agree completely, its a sad true, and more for sensitive people like Michael, living in the spotlight... God bless him now, no more worries to be what the the other wanted you to be...this superficial world makes me sick, wonder under how much pressure he went ALL his life...
That's terrible and saying that kind of stuff can be damaging to a teenager going through adolesence. Michael and I are very similar in this way. I feel the same way about myself as he did about himself. It's not a great feeling at all. I just wish he could have seen how truly handsome he really was. Michael was always a good looking guy and a cute kid. It's heartbreaking to hear him put himself down.
I can totally understand what he was going through at that time. That's something we have in common; as a teen I was the one in our class who was most badly affected by acne (and I'm still fighting it although it's better now). It changed me and my whole personality completely; I became really shy and reluctant and like Michael I used to wash my face in the dark. I was able to look at myself in the mirror, but just when I had make-up on.

So I know how Michael must have felt. And I feel so sorry for him...:(
Yeah I rememeber that story. Michael was only going through his teenage years, which is normal. The last thing he wanted was someone doing that to him. Don't worry MJ you are now in a safe place. No one can harm you with bad words.
I wish I was by Michael side from where he was born to his death. He must know that I feel his pain, his loneliness, his world.. everything.. I wish I could do anything to make him happy, because I care for him so much. I will do this because I love this man.
I remember when I was about 13 years old, I had bad acne...Really, it wasn't that bad, but of course, I was a teenager, so it wasn't as bad as I made it out to be...I was really depressed about it, but when I had heard Michael talking about his case of it, it made me feel better....Just to know he had gone through the same thing... It's not a fun thing to go through at all.