

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How good a job do you think Barrack Obama is doing as the American President:unsure:and who would you want to run your country:)
I don't like Obama, but he's better than what we had before him, so I guess he's ok. If we had it my way, we'd all be ruled over by Putin. ?
^You must be kidding, right? Throw in some Berlusconi as your vice-president and voila, the most corrupt ''democratic' government is what you have.

I quite like Obama. He's going against the consensus when necessary and is not afraid to make unpopular decisions. He couldn't possibly be handed over the country in a more miserable state than it was in 2009, so I applaud him still opholding some ideals when at the same time trying to work through the mess he landed himself in. I'm afraid he wont get reelected because of this bravery unfortunately.

Sometimes I'm considering going into politics one day, but I don't know if I'm suitable because I'm allergic to stupid opinions. Did I just say that? So yes, I should first gain some more patience and respect and then maybe...
Ewwwwwww! Putin scares me. I disagree btw, Obama is a fairly handsome man. But being hot is not the most important characteristic for a president, thank god ;) I never really had the hots for any president to be honest, although as a little girl I loved Clinton a lot (before the ML mess he got himself in) and the former Japanese prime minister Koizumi was a grey hottie in my book. Ok, now I'll stop with these embarassing revelations.