Please Save Dolphin Slaughter Please i love Dolphins


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i watch oprah show everyday pass years :yes: & last week on thursday i watch it about Dolphins i love dolphins they're the happiness ever just like people who have disablility who is the happiness on earth that's who we're that's what i feel

so please help me save the Dolphins please help me is so mean :( :cry: :cry:

here is story: The Cove's Shocking Discovery


here is link there is 7 page to the story:
thanks Nova for that link ;) :yes: not :cry: we'll find away to save them o.k :yes:

i sign it so did you sign it too
I signed the petition after seeing the Oprah show. I'm glad she is spreading the word about this important issue and documentary.
thanks Nova for that link ;) :yes: not :cry: we'll find away to save them o.k :yes:

i sign it so did you sign it too
You're welcome. Yes, I am a member of the Care2 Petitionsite, and I signed the Dolphin petition in March. :)
Thank you for giving the direct link for the petition, I couldn't possibly watch it as it's too upsetting.

I've signed it though.
I´ve signed it before and I don´t need to see anything.
I can imagine.

I think the Cove´s won a price for best documentary , could it have been for Oscars?
I still can not see video, but I'll see you later and I'll sign the petition. This reminds me that in China there is the consumption of dolphin meat. :(

It's an animal so beautiful.... I really do not understand and is so sad for me to try to understand these things. Unfortunately there are many cruel people in this world. :cry:
I already sign that petition the moment I had heard about it on Oprah. I had to turn that part of Oprah off. When they were about to murder those poor dolphins. I was just so horrified and upset by that. That I just couldn't handle watching it. The same thing goes for the Japanese for murdering whales. That is something else that I am just totally against.
How could slaughter such cute sea mammals like dolphins? I love dolphins, they're cute with their communications, nice eyes, flipping and playing around. I loved them since I watched "Flipper" all the time. Remember that show?