PLEASE READ... Fans arrangement for memorial on tuesday at staple center


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Since the memorial has been rescheduled for Tuesday at the Staple Center...

Yesterday, June 30...LA fans, French Fans, and the Spanish Fans who flew to LA...we all gathered at Beverly Hills to plan the flower arrangements for the Memorial..

We wanted to do something nice and big in honor of our beloved idol...We want it larger the life...

We are ordering a custom made HEART covered with white roses...the BIGGEST size size can ever measure our LOVE for Michael but we'll try to get the biggest size possible..

Also we all the decided to wear all white with a red rose for the memorial...

If anyone would like to donate to the arrangements for Tuesday. Please message me or the email address if you have any questions..

Send it to this paypal account:

Michael Joseph Jackson...May You Rest In Peace.
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ok this is getting slightly worrying now there has been no official statement regarding funeral arangements.
will his body be on display if he wearing something nice or would the family think it would be a better idea if he was buried before the public memorial service
NO... Neverland has been cancelled because the city was concerned about the security of the amount of people attending...

staple center can only hold 18,000 people... I honestly don't know how they will handle the people on tuesday... and the staple center is located at downtown LA... the heart of the city...
this is sickening to me... tomorrow you have to register.. to be able to have access to the first free 11,000's as if it's a concert arrangement.. I seriously can't believe they're are doing it at the Staple center... its so ridiculious
i dont know why, my P.Ms are saying that ive switched them off i cant P.M you,

How do i donate? i dont have much, but id like to do what i can.x
Staples is an it gonna be a concert?

how will the people in the higher seats find use of this???
Hmmm... let me see... I know you just need an email for the Paypal account.. it's not my account it's one of the Fans here in LA... we had another meeting tonight and we have recieved... some money from fans... if you're having problems sending.. let me asked her if there's another way... and I'll message you...

here's the email:

thank you so much
Staples is an it gonna be a concert?

how will the people in the higher seats find use of this???

I'm not sure.. I HOPE it won't be like a concert... that would ridiculous... Tomorrow there's a press conference at the staple center regarding what's gonna happen on Tuesday.. hopefully we'll get more information...
It is so surreal i think it wil hit me on tuesday..just let me know what your friend says as im not sure how to transfer from one paypal to another, ask her what info i need, i will let the other fans know by phone, and we will keep an eye out for you guys when its televised.xx
it was easier than i though, i have sent what i can, its in british pounds so i dont know what it workd out as in dollars.

Can you post pics of your tributes please.xx

and take my love with you.xxxxxxxxxx
On Larry King Jermaine said the family tried other locations but were not given permission to use them. He also said no where would be big enough as they know fans will be coming from all over the world. I believe the family are doing the best they can with the time available.
I agree that the family is trying their best. What location is actually big enough to host an event of this magnitude. Over 20,000 people are flying in (or are already in LA) from the UK alone. This funeral will be huge. Realistically I expect to see a minimum of 100,000 people there on Tuesday. Numbers as high as 500,000 would not be surprising. This could be a huge problem since the Staples Center only holds 20,000 people tops. Even if they use the neighboring Nokia Center to seat people as well...that still only brings the total to 30,000. Basically the parking lots of both arenas will be jam packed with people. Helicopters will be flying over the area. People will be hungry and food venues within a half mile walk will be overwhelmed.

What interests me just as much as the funeral is the burial location. Jermaine stated on CNN's Larry King last night that they STILL don't know where Michael is going to buried. He brought up a good point; "Where does one bury Michael Jackson?" I personally would like to see the laws changed and for Michael to buried at Neverland. It would be amazing for them to open Neverland to the public with MJ's grave on site. It could be a Graceland multiplied by 100. If that location is impossible then I guess the next best spot would be either in Gary, Indiana or that Forest Lawn or whatever its called. What do you guys think?
i just saw a massive floral heart outside the staples at the o2...i really hope thats the one girls, if so you did us proud.x