Please rate my moves!!!


Proud Member
Sep 25, 2012
I had lots of energy today and did some moonwalking dance for exercise...No practice... not got the room, completly spontaneous and random... with practice and some work i could be pretty good.. im imitating the master of course but i hope to put my own style into my dancing, because i really want to work at it, i have talent no doubt just not got the instrument/body to move how i want yet. ENJOY! and tell me what you think.
I watched your video. It is kinda short, so I watched it a few times to get the feel.

Your dance moves are not bad. I like your moonwalk, you just need more space to continue it. It was quite short. You sort of did a sideways moonwalk, it almost looked like you we're going to do one, but not so. I would say work on the sideways moonwalk. It is one of the classic moves.

You have talent. Just work at it man. Be positive!