Please pray for the Philippines, its under State of Calamity now.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East Coast
Our country, the Philippines is situated along the typhoon belt. We always experience typhoon. But this typhoon is one of the strongest. Our international airport shut down temporarily. The center of the typhoon hit Luzon, where Metro Manila is situated (Metro Manila composes the major cities of the country) and where other provinces are also located. I live in Quezon City which is one of the cities of Metro Manila. As of today, Marikina City and other cities are still flooded people are still crying for rescue and they haven't eaten since afternoon of yesterday. The people are now on top of their rooftops because the flood already reached the second floor of their houses. So if we will estimate it water is more than 15 feet deep now. I am praying for the victims. As of 5am today Sept 27, casualty reported is already 51 and 21 are missing. And its still raining. People and students were stranded in their offices and school since yesterday. I pray for all the rescuers and I thank the nations who already pledge to send their help. We need your prayers. My countrymen is still out there. I pray for their safety. I'm glad to see everyone helping strangers, helping each other. I ask the help of everyone to please pray for my country. I am grief stricken. God save our people! According to news another typhoon is forming in the Pacific Ocean. Please Lord make it go away. Philippines cannot afford another heavy rain in the next few days. My people are still out there :(

This is a different kind of typhoon. If you'll see the news t(I saw this is already in BBC and CNN) the rain that poured over Metro Manila for just 12 hours equals the amount of rain that could have poured for a month. In a satellite view The typhoon almost enveloped the whole country. This is not normal because the southern part of the Philippines does not really experience typhoons but it was a different story this time
Scientists believe it is the effect of climate change, calamities are happening everywhere in the different parts of the world.

MJ is so right that we have to act NOW. Let's all help heal the World before its too late! Please...please...Let's all do our share in Saving our Planet even in our small little way.

51 dead, 280,000 displaced by Philippine Storm

Filipinos cry for help flood cyberspace!


This is what poor countrymen