PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do this NOW for us and him!


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
Everyone, please, please call, write to the media in your country to be fair to Michael at least now and from now on. Please ask them to focus or at least mention his outstanding HUMANITARIAN work, that he was unique not whacko, that he ws a beautiful human being who was harrassesd by gold-diggers, liars, sleaze-hungry media all the time for no fault of his!The world needs to know Michael not only as the King of Pop but also as the most beautiful, generous, spiritually aware human being who inspired people of the world to make this world a better place, who lived his life according to the word of God and exemplified beautiful virtues. PLEASE, PLEASE DO THIS. It will only take a few minutes but it will help Michael's name and his beautiful legacy from being tarnished even now when he's gone! he gave us so much, please don't ignore the lies, the wrong fcts, the deliberate injustice now. We owe that much to him. They killed him already, what more do they want? I'm sick and tired of seeing Uri, Oxman, bashir and the likes who never cared for Michael shamefully sit in their living rooms and give out interviews after freaking interviews and we who 'truly' knew Michael, his life, the facts behind the lies choke and weep, first watching them cruely stab him over and over (and our hearts too) over the years, kill him finally and now make a mockery of his death. Don't think Mike's gone so it doesn't matter. It matters to his legacy. It matters to the spirit of goodness. It matters to his beautiful children who lost their loving father at the hands of the cruel world he did the best to heal.It matters to us for all he gave us.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CALL as emails may be too many to deal with and may not get read!
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thankyou thank you so much. pl. everyone.

As a fan, the past 16 years have been the hardest in every sense-mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically, as I have ceaselessly fought the lies of the media, the naysayers and detractors because I have known that Michael is a blessing to the world in infinite ways and its my duty to stand by, support and speak out for the most glorious, beautiful, magical gift from God to my being and to the world! For the past 16 years, and especially after 1999 I gave up my prospective career as flourishing engineer to seek, find, be one with God, to do the best to make this world a better place, to devote my life and talent to protect the environment, help the less fortunate, heal the world all because of Michael. I've been walking the spiritual path since and have been praying for 'hours and hours' 'ceaselessly' since 2003 for Michael to be blessed in every way, for your fanbase to grow and for the whole world, for the critics and the world media to love, honour, admire him now and forvever more!