Please, Lets NOT judge Michael!


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007
I am so damn sick of everyone trying to make Michael look like a drug addict. He was so against that although he did have a problem in 1993. I feel like everyone is on his case, the media and even his own fans! What the hell happened?

We do not know what the truth is but if it does come out that he was addicited to painkillers again, please, please, lets not judge him. Let's not stop loving him. He had so much pain in his life that I wouldn't be suprised if he did have a problem with them. If he used them for emotional/physical pain, lets not judge him. He had a hard life, we know this. He was a beautiful, amazing, sweet, loving, caring person. Lets not let this crap about drugs drown these things.

His fans judging him and going against him would be the worst thing to happen after his death. Michael needs us to protect his name and carry on his legacy.

Lets not forget how loving this man was and how much he did for us.

I love you and heal the world :flowers:
actually i dont care if he was a drug addict or not... cuz even IF he was, i would totally understand it, just thinking about what kind of life he had to live.

i personally dont care if he was a drug addict or not, but i wanna know what he died of... :(
mystery is our mistress. our master. we are it's bitch.
it is Michael's friend, and always has been.

the greatest thing about mystery is, it keeps us from being true judges, tho we might think we are true judges.
wouldnt care if he were. so would i be if id been treated like was
actually i dont care if he was a drug addict or not... cuz even IF he was, i would totally understand it, just thinking about what kind of life he had to live.

i personally dont care if he was a drug addict or not, but i wanna know what he died of... :(

Yes, so would I.

I am so against drug addictions but with the kind of life that Michael lead, with all the pain and loneliness that he went through, I'm actually suprised he carried on and stayed positive about life.
I agree. Even if he did have a drug addiction which appears to be the case, I will not judge him or be angry with him ever. We were not in Michael's shoes. The type of fame and pressures he had to deal with are something no one can relate to here. I don't think anyone can relate actually, because what happened with Michael is unlike anything i've ever seen. He is a special case. Now I don't think it's right to ever use drugs and I wish someone would have staged an intervention for him, but Michael had a lot to deal with. I feel sorry for him. He was struggling a lot and I feel bad. No anger here from me at all.
i haven't seen any fans here judge him. the media is not even worth discussing.
exactly. he always was so positive about life.... hard to imagine still....

I know. I am suprised how he remained so sweet, gentle, loving and humble despite what life threw at him. An inspiriation, really, he is.
As I have been saying since day 1 of those. I don't blame MJ and it's not his fault.

It was not like MJ was seeking out crack. He was taking MED's for true pains and aches! When a person goes to the hospital it is up to the DR to prescribe the right things for their patients. When Doc's over prescribe they set up this whole addiction thing. Also, just cause someone ask you don't give it to them. This is why you are the doctor. If Michael or anyone is hurting you are gonna take med's. Shoot I used to suffer Migrains and 4 tylenol was not hitting it! and You know you are supposed to only take 2. So I felt MJ on this! I too was also over prescribed med's when I finally saw a doctor about my migraines.

He was not taking painkillers to kill himself or get high..he was taking them cause he was truly in pain. If MJ was weak cause of the me he would have sought other illegal drugs for that to escape. No he took things to make him be able to function.

I don't wanna hear about Michael Shoulda! No...he was hurting and he took med's. Doc's took advantag of them pockets and did this to him.

And if someome tellls you they way to sleep! You just don't drug them up!:doh:. Maybe suggest other things! But see if MJ knew he got good sleep with certain things! yes he is gonna ask for it. Especially if the Doctor assures it's safe.

I remember the Doc prescribed me Vicodine for a procedure I was to have done cause I was too nervous to let them do it without med's. I never went back to the docter for the illness and took the Vicodine for some other pain (Which I should not, I know..but I was in pain and ain't feel like going to the DR)! That stuff knocked me out and yes it was some good sleep! So I knew where MJ was coming from.

Even the Med's websites tell you that people build a tolerance for certain drugs and you need higher dosage to get the effect of being pain free.

I just wanted to share my personal experience in you all can get a clear idea of how I really don't blame MJ for what happened to him and would never judge him on it. Anyone that has taken Med's for serious problems knows about this.

God Bless,
why would WE judge him on that?
o_O Fans are the last people to do that.
just to think of all the shit he's been put through.. i don't think ANYONE could go through half of that sh*t without going insane, committing suicide or doing drugs. What Michael (apparently) chose, was painkillers, which is understandable.
I would never ever blame Michael, i never have. I have enormous admiration of him, his strength is unbelievable.
I'm really tired of all the drug talk, it makes no difference to me. His life was filled with some emotionally painful times.

I hope the Arvizos and JC get the karma they deserve. They're more to blame in my eyes.
so true i dont lik e weisner but he said mj stasarted dieing after Lwmj is was a slow death he never recovered and tbh he was right and add on 93. the media helped to kill him i hope they are proud
In Michael's own words: "Before you judge me, try hard to love me" I think we should all do that
My love and admiration for him is unconditional.
Standing in Michaels shoes is something that no one will ever ever know, its no wonder he felt lonely, who else could he really relate to. Angelica Houstons comments where she met him not long ago and he talked about how hard the trial was for him makes me realise that although a free man, he couldnt be set free from it emotionally.

Im in no doubt that he probably struggled everyday to recover from all of that, his faith must've been beaten up so much by everything that was slung at him.

Still, I think his kids were the one true happiness in his life, thank goodness the last 3-4 years were filled with nothing but outings and adventures with them, seeing the world and watching them grow.
The drug stories will soon run their course and it will be his music that will live on. Already the media has run out of fuel to regurgitate that story.

They have done their best to turn Michael's prescription medicine into a "drug" story and then into an "overdose" story, now they are onto the "drug addict" phase of the story.

What will they say next? Never in my life have i seen one human being treated the way that Michael has been treated and when the dust settles, people will look back at it and see the worst excesses of the media, the raw hatred they had towards him.

In any case, i'm amused that the LA police, DEA and state attorney general spend resources investigating this when they hardly spent these resources investigating Michael's false accusers despite Michael's lawyers asking the state attorney General to intervene.
our Angel, how can we judge you? We love you so much. btw Michael wasn't drug addict.
What will they say next? Never in my life have i seen one human being treated the way that Michael has been treated and when the dust settles, people will look back at it and see the worst excesses of the media, the raw hatred they had towards him.

I completely agree :(

I think this is a good thread, as I have seen a few people on here, not angry at Michael, but all going on about this drug thing.

It's not Michael's fault, and I will never blame him or feel angry at him. I even heard someone say on here that he took these drugs to try and get out of the gigs.. get a GRIP :no: Michael is a victim, he always has been and always will be, of greed, demoralisation and hatred :(
come on michael was a victim...I'm pretty sure people around him tried to take advantage of him one way or another and I think other people contributed to what happened to him. I don't agree with "mike was addict - case closed" no I think it's more complicated than that it's not fair to michael to let everything else slide like that
and I don't believe he was an addict I think he was taking painkillers if he was in pain or sleeping pills when he needed the sleep but I don't believe he couldn't function without drugs
Michael Jackson got burned during the Pepsi commercial back in late January 1984 a few days after he won all those American Music Awards. That area on his scalp was something he had to deal with all of those years. Yet we NEVER heard of him being addicted to painkillers UNTIL 1993---9 years after that burn accident.

I remember when Johnny Cochran said that a few months before those 1993 allegations hit, Michael had to have reconstruction surgery on his scalp--which is a VERY sensitive place. So he had to have painkillers. Now with that recent surgery and recovery to his scalp, add on the hell Michael had with the horrible accusations of Jordan Chandler and the huge media scrutiny after that---with this one and that one coming forward to 'tell their story' of what they supposedly knew, what they supposedly saw. Remember the husband and wife Filipino couple who drew a press conference claiming they had a diary of what they saw Michael doing with young boys? Then there were other ex-employees coming out of the woodwork seeking money by claiming what they saw at Neverland. At the same time, Michael was doing his Dangerous Tour. And don't forget, Latoya (instigated by her then 'husband' Jack Gordon) doing a press conference and going to different shows claiming that Michael was a pedophile. All of this was happening when Michael was doing the Dangerous Tour--he had to keep performing through all of this turmoil. All of those things contributed to him being more and more dependent on painkillers. He had physical pain AND emotional and mental stress. Finally he got to the point where Elizabeth Taylor had to convince him to get into rehab to help him with his painkiller dependency. He was obviously able to beat it after time. During his recovery he stayed at Elton John's home but he had to come back to the States to 'face the music'. Elton John, in an interview, stated that he feared for Michael going back into that mayhem just after he was recovering.

In the early 2000's (particularly in 2001/2002) I noticed Michael didn't look like himself. At the 30th anniversary shows at Madison Square Garden. The first day he looked out of it. During around that time, his hands were swollen, which was unusual since he always had slender hands and he was abit heavier that usual. I really believe he was going through a bout with Lupus and was on medication. People who have lupus go through periods of time when they're in remission and then it flares up again without warning. In 2003, he started to look more better. Remember how GORGEOUS he looked at the BET awards when he was on stage with James Brown?

Now go down to 2005 when Michael was going through that trial brought on by the lies of the Arviso family and aided by a crooked racist DA and Diane Diamond and others. The beginning of the trial Michael was in strong fighting spirit (remember the criticism he got when he stood on top of his SUV to wave at his fans). But as that trial went on he got weaker and weaker. It was obvious he was in a lot of physical pain and mental and emotional pain and his spirit was breaking. That day when he showed up late for court in his pajamas....the media had a field day with their criticism accusing him of not respecting the court of law. What they failed to understand was Michael was in the hospital emergency room due to him falling. Anyone who's been to the emergency room knows how slow it is in there. Time was running out and Tom Mesareau had to call Michael to let him know that Judge Melville was threatening him with arrest if he didn't show up at the specific time. So Mesereau told Michael to come to court with what he already had on (his pajamas) because it was too late for him to go home to put his suit on for court.

When he arrived at court in his PJ having to be assisted by his brothers, it was obvious he was in alot of pain---not to mention humiliated. I felt for him.

That trial took a toll on Michael. It took him years of get to the point where he was comfortable to even getting back on stage to perform. In the final months of his life his seemed to be where he wanted to be. Many people close to him said he was very happy and excited and was finally getting back on track and was definitely looking forward to the O2 concerts AND did not show any signs that he was addicted to any substances. That's why I'm NOT convinced that he drugged himself to death. He had too much to live for and too much to look forward to. I think it's unfair for people to use those times of 1993 and 2005 to say that Michael was a drug addict and that's what killed him. At this point, we don't know. It's only speculation and sensationalism.

However, I personally will not look at him with disappointment regarding this prescription drug dependency, IF it turns out that was the cause of his death. I probably would have ended it myself years ago if I went through what he did.
The drug stories will soon run their course and it will be his music that will live on. Already the media has run out of fuel to regurgitate that story.

They have done their best to turn Michael's prescription medicine into a "drug" story and then into an "overdose" story, now they are onto the "drug addict" phase of the story.

What will they say next? Never in my life have i seen one human being treated the way that Michael has been treated and when the dust settles, people will look back at it and see the worst excesses of the media, the raw hatred they had towards him.

In any case, i'm amused that the LA police, DEA and state attorney general spend resources investigating this when they hardly spent these resources investigating Michael's false accusers despite Michael's lawyers asking the state attorney General to intervene.

this says it all. Michael did the very best he could given the circumstances and nobody can ask for anything more. I also agree that thank God Michael got to spend quality time with his kids over the last 4 years
