Please help this beautiful little girl urgent!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
For the past couple of days this has been on ITN a news channel here in the UK.
Sophie Attay is only 2 years old and she has a very rare aggressive form of cancer :(
She urgently needs to get to the USA for treatment.If she stays in the UK she has a 20% chance of survival after the treatment in the US she stands a 90% chance of survival but time is running out and every day this beautiful little girl is getting weaker.
Lets get her the treatment she deserves!
You can follow her story here

Also a youtube video of her

You can donate here or by donating
directly to Nat West sort code: 50-30-05 Account no: 24132837. Time is
ticking away for this little girl!!! xxx
I wish I could help but have a 12yo in hospital with Leukemia. I'm sure some kind hearted people are out there that will lend a hand
aww that's wonderful I hope everything will be alright with her.

@ chrissybrown I wish you all the strength you and your kid need :hug:
I wish I could help but have a 12yo in hospital with Leukemia. I'm sure some kind hearted people are out there that will lend a hand

Sending all my love and best wishes to you. :better:

I saw this on the news, so glad they managed to raise the money that was needed.
Wow that's wonderful news. I'm glad they were able to raise enough money.

& the 12yo is not my child. She's my boyfriend's oldest adopted daughter. If she was mine would have had to be 12 to have her since i'm 24 lol