Please help this 107 year old Chinese woman find a husband

Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
107-year-old Wang Guiying says she's finally ready to get married

If Wang Guiying took out a personal ad, it could read like this: 107-year-old virgin looking for Mr. Right.
After avoiding marriage longer than most people have been alive, Wang is finally ready to take the plunge.

"Getting married was too frightening," the Chinese spinster told the Chongqing Commercial Times.

So Wang has dispatched her nephews and nieces - the youngest of which is 60 - to find her a mate. And she's given them some marching orders.

First, Wang is not looking for a May-December romance, even though she's older than just about every potential suitor out there.

In fact, a December-December romance would be ideal because Wang really wants a man she can talk with - someone who knows where she is coming from.

Second, Wang wants a man who can help her get around because she got a taste of being a burden at age 102 when she broke a leg and had to stop doing chores like washing her clothes.

"I'm already 107 and I still haven't got married," Wang said. "What will happen if I don't hurry up and find a husband?"Perish the thought.

Wang said she put off - and put off, and put off, and put off - getting hitched because, frankly, it looked like a miserable existence.

Born in southern Guizhou province the daughter of a salt merchant, Wang grew up watching her uncles beat their wives, the paper said.

"I often found my uncle's wife crying in the woodshed after an attack," Wang told the paper. "All the married people around there lived like that."

Chinese wives had few rights and were at the bottom of the totem poll. Many also had their feet bound - an agonizingly painful process that crippled women in order to make them more "dainty and marriageable."

Wang continued living on the family farm long after her parents and older sister died, working the fields until she was 74.

Since then, Wang has lived with a nephew in Chongqing.

"My nephews and nieces are getting older and their children are already tied up with their own families," she said. "I'm becoming more and more of a burden."
Oh Lord, lol. She is probably a Cougar...searchin' for a hot pool boy to fulfill all her fantasies before she passes on :D LOL jk jk
yea but her boobies be a dangling round her neecaps so i aint going there :(

bless her little cotton socks
I wonder if a 107 year old cherry feels the same as a regular cherry, or if it's more rubbery and possibly has Polio. Then again, I don't know what a regular cherry feels like either. Hmm, I gotta do a virgin some day.