Please help Mima! Dog whose legs were chopped off...

"Currently, there are no laws against Animal Cruelty in Bulgaria. Sadly, the monster who did this to Mima will likely go unpunished. However, due to this horrific crime and outrage from Bulgarians and citizens from around the world, there are now talks of new laws being passed."

My goodness, there certainly should be laws against animal cruelty everywhere. I hope these laws are passed!
Poor dog and still she trust humans
I read headlines in a swedish catforum about a humilated dog , but I didn´t want to read more about it.
Now I wanted to know if it was about the same dog but that dog was found dead in the forrest.They don´t know if they used her in dogfights or if they used her to have other dogs practise on her .
I Joined her facebook!:yes::wub:
How can this be legal in a country, this deeply saddens me, who could hurt a poor defenseless animal :cry: there is just no justice anymore in the world :no: :cry:
I know... It's terrible... :cry: I just can't understand how anyone is capable to doing that... :no: It's not a human being, it's a monster.

She's such a brave little girl! When I see the video, she's still so happy! :heart: I hope she'll be able to walk again, perhaps with the help of prostheses.
This happened to another dog in Serbia named Mila right after(or before?). Stuff like this makes me completely lose faith in humans. Purely evil acts against the most innocent beings should be punished with the death penalty. Someone capable of this should never be allowed free in society.
Wow I live in Bulgaria and I didn't know that this happened. Today there was a petition at school against animal cruelty, but only students over 18 were to sign it, anyway I signed it too. I was shocked that some of my classmates, well most of them did not wanted to sign it, very sad. I hate the society I am living in.
I cant watch the video. If I do, I'll have that image in my mind forever. I hope Mima will be able to escape from that person who did that to her. I really wish I could help her :( I hope there would be laws against cruelty in the Bulgaria soon and to the countries that haven't. Justice must be bought to these poor animals be it domestic or wild animals.
I had to call my dog and hug her after reading that. I actually don't know what to say because calling this story heart breaking is simply not enough. This just goes beyond my comprehension...I would never dream of even taking my dog for granted. The world is really going to shit...
OMG !!
this is Sickening
Terribly Disgusting !
some people are Sick !