Please help me meet TII dancer Timor Steffens!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
missin' my SOcal life (The Netherlands)
Hi you guys!!

I am currently participating in a competition to win a meeting with TII dancer Timor Steffens (Oh, and a trip to LA xD). The thing is, that I signed up really late and I basically need 60 votes a day to get into the top 10. When you get into the top 10, they'll invite you to the 'live rounds'.

SO MJ FANS, I NEED UR HELP (BIG time lol). Could you guys please vote for me as much as you can (you can vote once every day). The competition is about trends that have to do with the sneaker/hip hop scene. I uploaded some pictures, but that website cropped most of them to smaller sizes, so you won't even see half of the picture in most cases.

All you guys need to do to help me, is to

1. Click on the link
2. Check if the link really says 'snorlaaaax' (on the top on the left).
3. And click on the medaille that says 'Geef props'.

I really want to meet Timor, more than I want to win the trip to LA lol, so please help me. :p I'm usually not the type of person who asks people to vote for her, but I'm really desperate now lol.

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When I read the topic title I was like ohh that can't be hard to meet him coz he's just a normal Dutch guy..LOL But going to LA is cool so ofcourse I voted :) Succes!