pleas make a comment...

As an enormous Morrissey/Smiths fan, I'm glad to have read that. It was lovely. I've been scared to venture into other forums of singers since I can't deal with the haters... but that was nice to read. Shame about some of the other comments, but oh well.
nice post:)

but those people on there really have know clue what-so-fudging-ever, about what they're talking about!:angry:

i saw someone had posted "what has Michael Jackson influenced?", i mean are you kidding me?

some people really don't know who or what they're talking about.
What these people don't understand is that most of the music that has been made the past 20 years are all inspired of what MJ did in the 80's. Some people just can't see past the pop side of Michael Jackson and see that he was a composer and a producer also.

Michael's music is much more then catchy melodies and good lyrics. They are masterpieces in production and innovative in style. At the ened of the day it all boils down to taste.

But I'll put MJ's cataloge against any other artist/band any day.

And how they say MJ didn't create anything good since Bad. All opinions based on little or no knowledge of the era in question.

I to often get pissed off at kids who didn't experience the 80's and 90's trying to tell me what music was back then. Michael set the standard on everything. I mean everything. Even how to balance guitar playing to the rest of the song in production came from MJ.

Just ask any guitarist. Eddie Van Halens guitar solo on Beat It is considered the ultimate solo ever done, and they always say how it sounds and fits the song so perfect. And if you listen to rock music made after Thriller, everything in production is done exactly like MJ did.

I also read that MJ was not really the guy who paved the way for black artists on MTV, but Rap did. Again an argument from ignorance. The rap artists of the late 80's would never have gotten airtime if MJ had not done Thriller.

I mean, will the people who don't know shit in this world keep their mouth shut?
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There were some nice comments, but I found it irritating on the whole. How can one not find morals/ethics in Michael's music? Man in the Mirror comes to mind, just to name the obvious. One of the things I find distinctive about Michael as an artist is his habit of creating songs with meaningful messages. Also, from all the accounts I've reading recently of people who have been working with him I get the feeling he is the last of a dying breed-- a musician who is a true professional, someone with a serious work ethic and common courtesy and respect for his colleagues, something he probably got from being a kid in the business and being trained and groomed by Motown. Maybe I just misunderstood that comment because I don't see a lack of ethics in Michael's work.

And saying he hasn't made any good songs in 20 years, please. I hate that people keep writing off half of his career. Just because his other albums did not match Thriller's commercial success doesn't mean they are not good. I like a lot of his subsequent songs better, in fact. I don't see many newer artists held to this nearly impossible standard, and I doubt their music's will endure as long as MJ's.
I also read that MJ was not really the guy who paved the way for black artists on MTV, but Rap did. Again an argument from ignorance. The rap artists of the late 80's would never have gotten airtime if MJ had not done Thriller.

I mean, will the people who don't know shit in this world keep their mouth shut?

I read that too. Almost considered signing up JUST to set that person straight... but then again, someone that ignorant isnt worth my energy.