plastic bags banned in several countries

I always take my own bag with me to the grocery store and if I need one for my trash can, I can buy a bag for 20 cents (Euro). I hated the lousy free plastic bags that were practically forced on me when I lived in the UK. I was at Tesco once buying a carton of milk and I said I don't need a bag for it, but they still gave me one. :doh:
I live in the U.S. and my mother and sister in law always reused plastic bags. And we always try to recycle almost everything. Especially plastics, glass, cans, and cardboard. Though there used to be some grocery stores where I live where plastic bags can be recycle. I don't know if there still around or not but there should. And when my mother goes grocery shopping she tries to remember to bring her cloth bags in to the store with her. So she would have less plastic bags to used. But I am glad there are some places in the world where plastic bags are banned.
effective from Jan 1 this year, shoppers in malaysia need to pay 20 cent for each plastic bags when they shop at stores and petrol station on saturday. the money collected from the sale of plastic bags will be used for environmental project. this effort was actually initiated by a state in malaysia since last year. i'm glad that the effort is extended wider. but there is also a state where no plastic bags will be given everyday.
I agree, they're given out way too freely. I will always take my own bag to the shops with me. We should all make these little steps to help the environment.
good idea. they should do it in the uk. we are so far behind everyone else. they have only just started caring about all the bags handed out like sweets, over the last couple of years
I agree, they're given out way too freely. I will always take my own bag to the shops with me. We should all make these little steps to help the environment.

Screw the environment! Putting a canvas bag over your head is no fun at all. I want PLASTIC. :cry:
Sometimes I make unplanned stops at the market on my way from work and can purchase 4 or 5 bags of groceries. If plastic bags are banned here that means I will have to carry 4 or 5 reusable canvas bags with me all the time whether I want to or not. That would be annoying. Unless the stores provide them to customers for free which will never happen. I mean, what if I went to the grocery store without planning to and I don't have anything to carry my groceries with? I will be annoyed, that's what.

They should find a way to recycle the plastic bags just like we recycle everything else.
I think it is a good thing and if you forget your bag then you should have to buy another one whilst in there, I think this would prevent people from forgetting after a while.