Planet Earth: Our Mother's News


Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]GREEN JOBS[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]By Tackling Climate Change, United States Could Gain 4.5 Million Jobs by 2030

A serious commitment to reversing climate change over the next 20 years could result in the elimination of 1.2 billion tons of annual carbon emissions and the creation of 4.5 million jobs, with job benefits spread across the country.

Sounds like a win-win.[/FONT]


:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
WATER: H2O = Life - What's your H2O IQ?'s our most precious resource. No living thing exists without it. Water soothes the spirit and sustains the body. It shapes our planet and nearly every aspect of our lives.

Now you can explore the beauty and wonder of water in the visually stunning exhibition, Water: H2O = Life, opening Saturday, November 14.

Water: H2O = Life is an engaging exhibition for the whole family:

  • Walk through a misty curtain of fog
  • See realistic nature-themed dioramas
  • Stroll through a water-carved canyon
  • See a re-creation of a floating fishing village
  • Test your water IQ with a fun quiz
  • Try to pick up an African water jar
  • See live fishes and frogs
  • Spin a merry-go-round that pumps water
  • Discover the challenges to protecting our planet's water and learn ways that you can conserve
Learn about water as is your life depends on it...because it does!

Read more about this special exhibition.


:angel:Heal The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
7/30/2008 12:36:15 PM
By Tabitha Alterman

Tags: food safety, industrial food system, consumer protection, food regulation

Recent food safety scares have the American public frightened. This year it was salmonella in tomatoes, then peppers. Last year we were scared of peanut butter, spinach, imported seafood and even pet food. And, of course, our megacomplex agribiz system ensures a major beef recall just about every year.
The good news is that this big hot mess has people talking. Activists and policymakers alike are looking for a better way. The bad news is that it looks like the answer to our complicated, industrial mess of a food system is likely to be nothing more than a complicated, over-regulated bureaucracy that stands to hurt all our smallest farmers most.
There’s no better time to join the conversation. (With the Farm Bill shuttered, we have to turn our attention to something ... right?) So here are a few good places to start.

* For a refreshing editorial perspective on our food safety system, check out Local Harvest director Erin Barnett’s take in their latest newsletter.
* Read the New York Times editorial that got Barnett stewing.
* Food safety expert Marion Nestle has also discussed the potential of a food safety overhaul in her What to Eat blog. You’ll also learn more (much more!) about U.S. food safety systems in her numerous articles and books, including Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health (University of California Press, 2002); Safe Food: Bacteria, Biotechnology, and Bioterrorism (University of California Press, 2003); Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Food and Nutrition (McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 2004), and her latest book, What to Eat.


10/23/2009 -- Lifestyles Food Digest

10/26/2009 -- World Food Program says 1 billion people hungry

11/13/2009 -- Giving thanks for a safe Thanksgiving dinner

Let’s Talk About Hunger


:angel:Heal The World...We Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~