Piece of Jackson’s Neverland Now @ Bowling Green Amusement Park

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Dangerous Incorporated




Source: The Daily News

Michael Jackson’s loss is Beech Bend Park’s gain.

A swinging ship ride called the Sea Dragon arrived Thursday at the Bowling Green amusement park after a long journey from Jackson’s now shuttered Neverland Ranch in California.

After the pop music icon suffered a series of financial problems, many of the rides and other items from his outlandish Neverland were sold in a foreclosure auction last year. Beech Bend owner Dallas Jones put in bids for three or four of the rides and was the top bidder for the Sea Dragon.

But before the ride was transported on a large semi to Bowling Green, Jones had the Sea Dragon cleaned and painted by a California company.

“The sun had faded it. We had it sanded and painted and it’ll be just like a new ride,” he said.

Jones was attracted to the Sea Dragon for several reasons.

“It’s a Kansas-made ride, so we can get parts for it. Rides that are made in Italy or Russia, sometimes it’s hard to get parts for them,” he said. “It’s also something different than what we have.”

The other attraction was the tie-in to Jackson, which Jones said he hopes will bring in the crowds.

“I think it’ll be a benefit to say this was in Neverland,” Jones said. “I think it’ll be a great addition.”

Jones said he’ll put a plaque next to the Sea Dragon, letting people know about the ride’s unique history. Park workers have spent the last two weeks building a concrete platform for the ride alongside Beech Bend’s lagoon.

Seating several dozen riders, the Sea Dragon resembles a Viking ship and swings 56 feet into the air between two support structures.

Jackson reportedly bought the ride new in 1992 from manufacturer Chance Rides Manufacturing of Wichita, Kan. Still being made by Chance for other amusement parks, the ride would now cost about $800,000, Jones said,

Jones declined to say what his winning bid was, but said between it and a new carousel installed at Beech Bend last year, he has spent more than $1 million.

After the ride is cleaned of road grime and re-assembled in the coming weeks, state inspectors will examine the Sea Dragon and see if it’s safe for riders before the park’s May 1 summer season opening.

“I’m glad we got it,” Jones said. “We had heard that it was (Jackson’s) favorite ride.”
that's just great. It's great to know MJ's legacy is now a part of this theme park -- NOT.

Why oh why not just open Neverland up to the public instead of allowing this to happen? Is this better than that?
If Michael opened Neverland up to the public then he would still bear the burden of responsibility. Obviously he didn't want that.

At least the ride will have a good future and not sit rottening somewhere with no use :yes:

I think it's cool.
that's just great. It's great to know MJ's legacy is now a part of this theme park -- NOT.

Why oh why not just open Neverland up to the public instead of allowing this to happen? Is this better than that?

Oh man I could hug you for saying this. That's exactly what I said as well. But can you imagine the traffic going into that place and what those neighbors will be saying :wild:
Open up Neverland? No way. I hope that place is never exploited and commercialized.
I'm glad to see this ride will be enjoyed by hundreds of kids every day. Mj would say the same.
I feel ya, Vstreet. I always thought that Neverland would end up being a place where people can visit and celebrate Michael's legacy. But I guess not.

Then again, for all we know, he still may have plans for it. I mean he still owns it. So who knows what it will become in the future? And the Neverland gates was one of the items Michael had listed on his lawsuit as a item he wanted returned. So you never know what he has planned for it.
I don't know I don't think Neverland should be apart of MJ's legacy. I mean yes it once was a great place for orphaned children, and city kids, but that image has been tarnished. If this place was opened to the public today, I don't think it would be a good idea IMO.
I pretty much agree with Shannon on this. I think it's rather nice that a part of Neverland will continue to live on for kids and adults to enjoy...which I believe was MJ's intentions when he originally purchased the ride...as well as enjoying it for himself. The plaque indicating it came from Neverland is a nice touch, not to minimize the fact that it SHOULD still be in Los Olivos with Michael and his kids enjoying the ride in peace. It's just that if you had to pick a second-best option, this one seems kinda sweet, imo. When you think about it a piece of the Legacy is continuing to live on in this instance, just not in Los Olivos anymore. :)

Thanks for posting.
So what happens to Neverland?

More than ANY other artist in history, Michael should have had Neverland turned into a museum so all people from around the world could visit, specially one day when he passes. He's spirit would live on forever there, people could really learn about him as a person and as the greatest entertainer that ever lived. This is just so sad.

Instead all the memories will be sold to random people... can't believe this is happening!
But when do we respect Michael's own feelings about Neverland matter in this? This is his choice, no matter how much any of us want Neverland to continue as his legacy, if he doesn't want it, then what is the purpose, except for our own desires for Neverland to continue for "us" to experience, the world to experience his 'legacy".

He has chosen to move beyond and away from all that transpired, irregardless of the injustice of it all. He apparently still has partial ownership through the Colony. He could still at some point change his mind. But if he has chosen to divorce himself from the entire thing, no matter how unfair we (or he deem) it to be, it's his decision.

Perhaps he now feels that his legacy is not Neverland, as in Los Olivos. But in his beliefs, messages, and hopes for the world that supercede a plot of land. Does he deserve better than what has been dealt to him? A resounding hell yes. It was his Neverland, and he has chosen to move on, no matter how unjust. If that plot of land is now nothing but nightmares and pain, then can't we allow him the freedom to let go? To find a place that he is comfortable to thrive in, create in, live in peace with his children? To let our own feelings let go for what is best and most deserving for him, and allow him decide to what he wants for his future?

IDK, sometimes it just seems like we, his fans, want what we think he deserves above what he personally is seeking and ultimately desires for himself and his children. jmo.
IDK, sometimes it just seems like we, his fans, want what we think he deserves above what he personally is seeking and ultimately desires for himself and his children. jmo.

Absolutely. We can't know what he's thinking so we best assess the outcomes we would think he wants and what is based on our own desires. Just need to sit back and let the man roll his way. It's all what's for the best for him we just have to accept how he chooses to handle things.

Besides we have so much more he's giving us right now. Time to focus on the future not the past.
it seems like some of us hope that Neverland will be like Graceland. but it's not. i used to cry over it, i'm sad that we no longer have Neverland but...
even elvis has Graceland...whats so special about that?nothing. its just a big mansion with his graveyard. (maybe its spooky at night)

But Neverland...its not only a place, its all about love. how Michael love the children,the world and his fans. and also our love to Michael
we don't need a place call Neverland...its sculpted in our heart already. Now...wherever Michael is, as long as he is happy and smiling...that is Neverland
It doesn't matter what we may want all that matters is what HE wants and we should respect it. It's over and he is starting anew, let him be!

I agree with this. We can't even begin to imagine what Michael thinks or feels about Neverland...it breaks my heart to think of that after how much he loved the place and everything it stood for. But if he wants to move on away from there, then good for him for doing what he wants to do. As sad as it is.
I'm really sad and feel depressed about this specially if it was his fav ride!!
I know it was his deceision but Im afraid it really wasnt what he wannet in his heart:(
although i would have liked neverland to be run as a public themepark mj has decided not too and i think the sea dragon going to another park is fine.....its only gonna be ruined if it is chucked away once neverland is knocked down or whatever there planning to do.
I'm really sad and feel depressed about this specially if it was his fav ride!!
I know it was his deceision but Im afraid it really wasnt what he wannet in his heart:(

How could anyone know what's in his heart? No reason to be sad about anything. These are the choices Michael has made and are what is best from him and his family. No since dwelling in things we don't even know.