Pictures on FB

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Surrey , UK
Has anybody seen the photoalbum thats been posted on facebook?! I am deeply saddened and angry by what I have seen. Why cant he be left alone :(
I dont think I can say much without the risk of being banned/abused etc! Lets just say pictures have been posted of his final resting place. I cant believe people still wont let him be, If the family wanted pictures made public surley they wouldve done it.
The ones that Karen Faye has posted on her facebook? I believe a member posted them on here the other day too.
This has been discussed and the thread has been closed! This women has disrespected Michaels family by doing this! End of!

Maybe thats why i couldnt find it I did look. I totally agree its sick! I feel pysically sick now becuase of it! Why will nobody write there true thoughts on the pictures though!
Yes they came through on my homepage last night as someone from the this is not it campaign was tagged in it!
They are to remind us all of what happened was what was posted with it. All I say is I don't need reminding I think we all know :(
I heard they were on there and I knew I didn't want to see them and when I logged on they were there :mad:
Nobody had any right in posting them on there.The family requested the final resting place to be kept quiet and I so respect that :(

BTW I think there is already a thread on this somewhere
if your talking about the resting place pictures, Karen posted them, she took fan messages to him. I dont see why people are going crazy over this. Karen is moarning worse than the rest of us and despite her grief is still thinking about the fans. It could have been a private moment between her and michael, but no, she had the kindness to involve his fans as well. I dont see what the big deal is.
if your talking about the resting place pictures, Karen posted them, she took fan messages to him. I dont see why people are going crazy over this. Karen is moarning worse than the rest of us and despite her grief is still thinking about the fans. It could have been a private moment between her and michael, but no, she had the kindness to involve his fans as well. I dont see what the big deal is.

Its not kindness. She has disrespected a descion made by Mikes own family.
Already been posted, Pictures deleted and thread was closed.
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