Pic of MJ (from 2004) at Leesburg House


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
Nice fan story, too... :)

Jackson Slept in LoCo

Couple Say Michael Jackson Rented Their Leesburg House in 2004

The same year Michael Jackson was indicted on child molestation charges, the pop sensation temporarily stayed in a house in Loudoun County.


There was a time–a mere blink of Father Time’s eye–that Loudoun could lay claim to being home to royalty. No, not the kind of potentate who required gilded carriages and wistful gals with palm leaf fans at the ready. This was monarchy of song. The leader of style. The purveyor of albums. So, who was this mysterious lad whose voice could send damsels into tears? Why, the King of Pop himself: Michael Jackson.For nine days in 2004, Jackson, along with his three children and army of handlers, ate, bathed and slept in the Leesburg-area home of Del and Robin Walters. This was the same year Jackson was indicted on child molestation charges.
“I realized for the first time that Michael Jackson was more than a singer,” said Del Walters, a former anchor for Channel 7 news. “It was like having the entire corporate staff from IBM in your house.”
So, how did the recently deceased one-gloved wonder wind up in the Walters’ home? Simple happenstance.
According to the couple, Jackson’s representatives were in the area in advance of their boss flying in to accept an award from the African Ambassadors Wives Association at the Ethiopian embassy. While at a Safeway store, they caught sight of the then-latest edition of Washingtonian magazine, which featured a photo of the Walters family in front of their home. The article was about “Great Places to Live.”
Liking what they saw and read, the representatives contacted a friend and real estate agent for the family, who alerted Del Walters of Jackson’s desire to rent their home.
“We thought–like most people would–that our friend had lost her mind,” he said.
But soon enough a meeting was arranged with Jackson’s people, who often referred to the pop star as “the Client," the couple said.
At the meeting, “I just sat there dumbfounded,” said Robin Walters. “You have to know that I was one of those girls who wanted to marry Michael Jackson.”
After discussing Jackson’s request with their reverend and deciding to keep Jackson’s visit a secret in order to avoid a media circus, the couple agreed to turn over their home to Jackson and his entourage.
All told, 14 people–including a nanny, personal chef and bodyguards–moved in to the Walters’ home, as the couple and their two daughters, Taylor and McClaine, moved out to a nearby hotel. They would not reveal how much Jackson paid to rent their house. “We were compensated,” Del Walters said.
While at the home, the couple said Jackson had the windows covered and sealed with tape. Also, when he did venture out to visit area businesses, including a bookstore in Chantilly, his people had the proprietors sign confidentially agreements stating not to discuss his visit.
The couple also said Jackson and his entourage appeared to have used their theater room and hot tube on occasion. Also, by the sight of food build-up on the stovetop, the Walters deduced that the group must have stayed in and cooked often.
Near the end of Jackson’s stay, the pop star hosted a reception for the family at their home, where Jackson signed autographs and gazed at the couple’s assortment of family photos and mementos.
“We just walked around the house talking about our photos,” Robin Walters said. “He said he was very comfortable in our home.”
Also during the reception, Robin Walters said Jackson was very kind and nurturing to his three children, and hugged everyone he greeted.
Like other fans, Robin Walters said she was shocked by the superstar’s sudden death. She said the news saddened her even more, knowing Jackson called her family’s house home for nine days.
“He was a gentle giant,” she said. “My first reaction to his death was, ‘I can’t believe this man is leaving me.’ He stayed in my house. I’m floored to have known him.”
