Phrases used in your country?


Proud Member
Jul 19, 2009
I'm trying to write a monologue about diversity in laungages (Im a comedian) and I thought I should use the help of my fellow MJJCer's.

So what are some weird things that you say in your country. Ill get started, were full of them in Australia.

Our equivilent to telling someone to p*ss of is; 'why don't you get a dog up ya' (probly my fave :D)

If someone is annoying us, we say; 'your giving me the sh*ts'.

Say if a friend gets angry and storms off and someone later asks what happened? We say 'He cracked the sh*ts'

Ill ad more later, but what about your country?...

"That's sick" to describe something as cool, particularly when it's badass or extreme. "That's money" to describe something as cool, particularly when it looks or sounds good. "That's tits" to describe something as cool... We have a lot of weird ways to call stuff cool.

"That's balls" or "that's ass" to describe something bad.

"Good lookin' out" when someone... looks out for you, lol.

There's a lot more, obviously. I probably use half of it myself.
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Yea we use the 'thats cool' here to. But the rest Ive never heard of. By the sounds of it, Americans like refering to parts of the anatomy lol. If you don't mind me asking, what part of the US are you from?
Great thread ! thanks for starting it ! English only or can we try and translate from other languages ??
here's an old one...when something is cool....we use to say...."that's the bomb"
thats also from America
From French :

You can be so thirsty that you would drink the sea and the fish (one of the rare occasions when we drink fish)

When you are extremely bored, or when something or someone is bothering you , well that thing or person makes you sh*t (don't worry it doesn't actually happen), or that thing or person "gets you drunk".

when something is great, it becomes a bomb or a ball.

when it's raining a lot, then it's raining like a pissing cow.

If you are very hungry, your stomach can fall into your heels.

when you pass out, you fall into the apples.

We have someting similar to your australian "he's cracking the sh*ts", here he would be producing "a nervous sh*it", or he would be "snapping a cable"

Someone who is not very bright doesn't have light on all floors.
Another term for "cool" is "wicked."

If somebody does well at something, sometimes people will say that that person's got "mad skills."

When something is awesome--"That's off the hook."

When somebody messes up--"My bad!" (My mom used this last night).
Some of those French ones are pretty funny. Most are just weird :lol:.

"that's the bomb"

OMG, that is SO old, lmao. Oddly, saying that something was a bomb as opposed to the bomb means that it sucked.

I don't really remember this because I was too young, but I know that calling something "stupid" at one point in the early 90s also meant that it was cool.
Some of those French ones are pretty funny. Most are just weird :lol:.

yes, phrases in foreign languages are funnier !!! I hope we will have more people from different languages ! Thanks for starting this thread !

Actually, I mistranslated the "nervous sh*t", we actually say "nervous pooh" (we use the childish word). Just imagine what it can be !!

When someone you were supposed to meet doesn't show up, this person puts a rabbit on you. Then you go back home with you tail between the legs (like a frustrated dog)

When someone lies a lot , he or she lies like tooth puller (or however a dentist was called 2 centuries ago)

Something that is not likely to happen will happen when chickens have teeth, or on a week that has 4 thursdays.

If you can't sing, you sing like a saucepan, or a frying pan.

If you're bad at something, you do it like a foot.

If someone is telling you something boring, or that you don't want to hear, ask him or her to talk to your hand, because your head is sick (if you vant to be extra rude ask him or her to talk to you a*s)

If someone is stupid, or very superficial it could be that that person has a chickpea , or a green pea, in the skull (instead of brains)

When you have a hangover your hair hurts (because your hair grows inside your head instead of growing outside, as it is supposed to grow, and it gives you a headache).

Don't ask "who did that ??" if the answer is obvious : in this case it's the Pope who did it (no offense, it's extremely common, everybody says that, regardless of religion).

When someone is pretentious (from becoming famous for example), that person has swollen ankles.

When a situation is catastrophic, then the carrots are cooked. It's also the end of green beans.
From French :

You can be so thirsty that you would drink the sea and the fish (one of the rare occasions when we drink fish)

When you are extremely bored, or when something or someone is bothering you , well that thing or person makes you sh*t (don't worry it doesn't actually happen), or that thing or person "gets you drunk".

when something is great, it becomes a bomb or a ball.

when it's raining a lot, then it's raining like a pissing cow.

If you are very hungry, your stomach can fall into your heels.

when you pass out, you fall into the apples.

We have someting similar to your australian "he's cracking the sh*ts", here he would be producing "a nervous sh*it", or he would be "snapping a cable"

Someone who is not very bright doesn't have light on all floors.

As American those sayings sound pretty weird to me. Especially that raining a lot phrase. Here in America we either say

It's raining cats and dogs


It's raining by the bucketfuls

To describe how hard it is raining.
''I'll be there now in a minute''

Yeah i don't get it either
As American those sayings sound pretty weird to me. Especially that raining a lot phrase. Here in America we either say

It's raining cats and dogs


It's raining by the bucketfuls

To describe how hard it is raining.

raining cats and dogs is really weird for us !!! if you ever see a cow relieving itself, well "bucketfuls" is the right word !!!
It's raining cats and dogs


It's raining by the bucketfuls

To describe how hard it is raining.

The Welsh equivalent to that is " bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn" - translation is raining old wifes and sticks.

We also have "drost ben llestri" - translation - over the dishes. It bascially means someone who's crazy or overreacted to something.
Another one is "dim pwynt codi peis ar ol piso" - translation - No point picking your pise up after you've pi**ed. Its bascially like that saying, no point in crying over spilt milk.

"siared pymtheg y dwsin" - translation- speaking fifteen to a dozen. bacially means someone who's talking very quickly or someone who talks alot.

"llygaid ei le" - translation - eye of his place. Bascially means if someone is spot on , or correct you say they're eye in place (llygaid ei le).

"Fel siop siafins" - translation - topsy turvy.

"Fel pechod" - means someone who's in a bad mood.

We have loads in Welsh but I think I'd be here all night trying to explain them to you lol. I migh add some more later, see if you can get your head around these first.
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If your busy your; 'flat out, like a lizard drinkn'

If you in debt you; 'up shit-creek'
I just thought of a few more after looking at the last few posts:

1. When someone is in trouble, their "goose is cooked."

2. When someone is lying, their "lyin' like a rock."

3. Something is not likely to happen--"when pigs fly."

I've also heard "up shit creek without a paddle."
In Greece we use alot of weird phrases.....

When it is raining really hard : It is pouring chair legs
"To say the honest truth" : "To say the figs-figs and the tub-tub"
If sth is far far away : It is at the devil's mother
"I am really anxious about sth" : "I am sitting on ignited coal"
When somebody is humiliated : He/she became a robe
Το tell somebody that he talks too much : You ate my ears!
If somebody was rejected : He/she ate door
"He pretends not to be involved in this situation" : "He plays the duck/the dead bug"
To warn that at the end something bad will happen : "The pear tree has the tail at the back"
"I went through a really difficult time" : "I saw the Christ as soldier"
If a case is really complicated : we entangled our thighs
If somebody goes to bed early : He/she sleeps with the chickens
"Do you really think that you can fool me?" : "Does the goat chow fish row salad?"
When it is really difficult or impossible to accomblish sth : Take the egg and mow it or S**t high and gaze
"He got really scared" : "He farted mint" or "He farted potatoes"
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I'm trying to write a monologue about diversity in laungages (Im a comedian) and I thought I should use the help of my fellow MJJCer's.

So what are some weird things that you say in your country. Ill get started, were full of them in Australia.

Our equivilent to telling someone to p*ss of is; 'why don't you get a dog up ya' (probly my fave :D)

If someone is annoying us, we say; 'your giving me the sh*ts'.

Say if a friend gets angry and storms off and someone later asks what happened? We say 'He cracked the sh*ts'

Ill ad more later, but what about your country?...

I love all the Aussie phrases over here and just general words you say differently than we do in the US. I'm going to go home next week and mess with everyone bwhahahahaha :shifty:

You know that in the US people think Aussies say 'gonna go have a shrimp on the barbie'?? After visiting Australia for almost a year I can testify that the saying is a load of crap made up by my fellow Americans :p Shrimp aren't even CALLED shrimp here....LMAO! :doh:

Oh and there aren't kangaroos hopping down the street and koala's in the trees either! :p

As far as sayings from America... my friends here get a huge kick out of me saying.... 'suck it up buttercup' :p

PS: and that phrase.... 'I'm getting the sh@ts' that you quoted above... I now say that... thank you... when i say it on the phone to family they think I'm having lower GI problems! :p
The American view of Australia is very jaded thanks to that stupid Paul Hogan commercial... *sigh*. 'Shrimp on the barbie' is horrible by the way.

'I'm getting the sh@ts' that you quoted above... I now say that... thank you... when i say it on the phone to family they think I'm having lower GI problems! :p

lol. You are now an hounorary Aussie :punk:
^Yes!!! :woohoo: ..... I love a lot of Australia words and ways of saying things. Amuses me no end.... so much that I posted in my blog not long ago about some of the word differences between our countries:

It really is a subject that has no end lol ;)

And you are right, Paul Hogan left us Yanks with a LOT of misconceptions about Australia....
also when something is cool you can also say..."that's Phat"........jeez thank God for my teenagers...when my son was about 13 he said that all the time.....the good old days..:)
Im from the Bahamas a couple phrases we say are
"You runnin me hot or you does run me hot bey" = your annoying me
"Well Mudda sick!"= it means like "wow" or you can believe this is happing
"Bey" = dude
"Musse"= must be
"catchin feelings"= gettin emotional
"kimber/kimba"= waist
ill add more as i think of some :lol: