Phil spector guilty of murder verdict in

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Jury finds Phil Spector guilty of murder

Music producer convicted after 30 hours of deliberations in second trial

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updated 20 minutes ago function UpdateTimeStamp(pdt) { var n = document.getElementById("udtD"); if(pdt != '' && n && window.DateTime) { var dt = new DateTime(); pdt = dt.T2D(pdt); if(dt.GetTZ(pdt)) {n.innerHTML = dt.D2S(pdt,((''.toLowerCase()=='false')?false:true));} } } UpdateTimeStamp('633752544560670000');

LOS ANGELES - Rock music producer Phil Spector was convicted Monday of second-degree murder in the shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson at his mansion six years ago.
A Superior Court jury returned the verdict after an estimated 29 to 30 hours of deliberations. The jury had the option of choosing involuntary manslaughter, but did not do so.
Spector's young wife, Rachelle, sobbed as the decision was announced.

The 40-year-old Clarkson, star of the 1985 cult film "Barbarian Queen," died of a gunshot fired in her mouth as she sat in the foyer of Spector's mansion in 2003. She met Spector only hours earlier at her job as a nightclub hostess.
Prosecutors argued Spector had a history of threatening women with guns when they tried to leave his presence.
The defense claimed she killed herself.
It was Spector's second trial. His first jury deadlocked 10-2, favoring conviction in 2007.
© 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
i was always under the impression that people were not allowed to be retried, in the usa. i guess they changed their mind. and it's proof that celebrities with money are not exempt if good enough evidence is found against them, despite media induced skepticism.
Re: Phil Spector found guilty of murder

anyone know where to see the documentary where he spoke at length about the accsusations ?

It was quite recent
Re: Phil Spector found guilty of murder

yeah. only one of em was found guilty. the media is evnious of the others, and apparently so drunk with power that they don't realize they don't have as much power as they think and do not jnow what's going on in the world around them.
i was always under the impression that people were not allowed to be retried, in the usa. i guess they changed their mind.
They can't retry someone who was found not gulity but Spector wasn't found not guilty. It was a mistrial.
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His first trial was all over the news and ended in a mistrial because 10 voted for guilty but 2 voted not guilty, armed with that information the DA knew with a retrial he'd get a guilty verdict, everybody knows retrials are never good for the defense because the prosecution knows your whole strategy and they can find a way to combat what you present. Spector should have taken a plea deal before the retrial; instead he's been denied bail and will probably spend the rest of his life behind bars.
Re: Phil Spector found guilty of murder

The sad thing is, he's so loopy that it probably wasn't his fault. The guy is crazy (a genius, but crazy.)

I didn't follow the trial, so I don't know much about it other than what was initially reported.
Re: Phil Spector found guilty of murder

Phil Spector found guilty

stupid reporter on sky new said how he finds it sad when big stars deteriate like Phil Spector, Michael Jackson and Judy Garland.

Yeah, MJ's deteriorated so much all he's got left now are platinum albums and shows that sell nearly a million tickets in a span of hours. What a fall from grace.

This Phil Spector thing is odd. I'm not sure what to think about the whole situation. So much for the jury always acquitting the rich, huh?
i was always under the impression that people were not allowed to be retried, in the usa. i guess they changed their mind. and it's proof that celebrities with money are not exempt if good enough evidence is found against them, despite media induced skepticism.
Lil Kim, Martha Stewart, Robert Downey Jr. and now T.I. (of whom I can remember) have all been to jail so those people who bitch about stars "getting off" need to shut the f*** up.
Re: Phil Spector found guilty of murder

The Wall of sound has deadened with a muffle. This Man has my respect Musically,yes he did change the world with his wall of sound technique but his personality stinks.What he did to his ex wife Ronnie of The Ronnettes was ashame.He taunted women with guns for years who wanted to leave his pressence because he couldn't get what he wanted out of them. Whatever happened to normal casual conversation between Men and Women ? He even brought guns into the studio and almost Killed John Lennon and His friend and Roadee Mal Evans who which we all know years later John was murderd by another nut case and Mal was killed by The Police.Like I said before, Michael's case should not be compared to Spector's or OJ's Cases.The Thing about OJ is he's in jail on another charge not having to do with the murders of his ex wife Nicole and Ron Goldman but there are undertones stating that that was what they were trying to frame him for and the justice system is not really telling the people the truth.Yeah maybe it was his fault that he got people to help get his stuff back and went about it the wrong way,I know and it was just a matter when they were going to get Spector. Now with Michael ,They better not reopen this case for more false allegations again. I know the media and others can't stand the fact that Michael is still among us planning a big comeback from the abyss,Well I think They should leave him alone and let the media pick on and find someone who is really guilty of a crime Like Chris Brown.Yes the comparisons are that they are all rich and alluring people but the essence of the crimes they are all charged with are different. And I know Michael wouldn't taunt or kill anyone who he wanted to have his way with and The woman wants to leave his pressence if he tried to seduce her and she wasn't interested in being seduced.I think Michael has more common snce then that of Spector.
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i was always under the impression that people were not allowed to be retried, in the usa. i guess they changed their mind. and it's proof that celebrities with money are not exempt if good enough evidence is found against them, despite media induced skepticism.
In the first trial there was a hung jury. In this trial, they reduced the charges making it more easy to get a conviction.
Re: Phil Spector found guilty of murder

Phil Spector was a music pioneer but he was an oddball lunatic... I'm not surprised they convicted him. Of course his attorneys are gonna try to appeal but it probably would be quickly turned down. As for the reporter comparing Phil to MJ and Judy well one of them is actually still making history with his music and performances (as soon as July hits) and the other has been dead nearly 40 years so she can't defend herself.
Re: Phil Spector found guilty of murder

She sure can't,T. She was taking drugs for weight gain and whatever else all her little life.Great entertainer though....Too bad she's not with us. Hollywood just can't except not luring people to do drugs to keep the imagination going. The ideal Woman.The ideal Guy. Why don't Hollywood except people as they are and just base things on their performances in the Entertainment business. Now I'm hearing that A Female Sunday School teacher Molested and killed a 8 yearold girl who was a playmate for her daughter and stuff the body in a suitcase. Sick, really bleepin' sick.It's bad enough that this killing was done but You wouldn't think a Sunday school teacher would do such a thing when she is teaching the Bible to Bible students.
the jury had the choice to convict him of manslaughter, they chose not to. it's not a murder 1 case b/c there was no premeditation involved so it had to be either second degree or manslaughter.

vnc he wasn't found not guilty and it wasn't dismissed it was a mistrial. so they chose to retry him.

what irritates me is they still refer to him as a legend producer sorry but his conduct should remove their respect for him.
the jury had the choice to convict him of manslaughter, they chose not to. it's not a murder 1 case b/c there was no premeditation involved so it had to be either second degree or manslaughter.

vnc he wasn't found not guilty and it wasn't dismissed it was a mistrial. so they chose to retry him.

what irritates me is they still refer to him as a legend producer sorry but his conduct should remove their respect for him. know how it goes..MJ can be a candidate for sainthood, and still be called a hood by the media, while other artists can be criminals and still be called saints by the media.
it just disgusts me how woody allen is still a legend, polanski got a standing ovation, and this guy is still a legendary producer. i don't care if he created music, he's a murderer
He has schozophrenia, right? I think mental illness should be taken into consideration, he wasn't in his right mind when he committed those murders.
Re: Phil Spector found guilty of murder

anyone know where to see the documentary where he spoke at length about the accsusations ?

It was quite recent

I recorded the documentary last year. It was very interesting, and I thought he spoke a lot of sense when it came to music and his place in music history. Phil Spector did come across in the documentary as a man his is alive in theory but dead in every sense of the word. He seemed like someone who's taken too many drugs and just isn't a functioning person anymore. He's eyes are filled with water, and one bigger than the other. And one of his hands was always shaking.

I agreed with a lot about what he said about music etc, but I'm not too sure if he is a murderer or not. On one hand he has a history of being violent controling to women, and he has a history of getting guns out and treatening to kill ex wives and girlfriends and men who he's recorded with such as the Ramones. On the other hand on the murder he's been convicted of he appears too weak shakey to handle a gun and commit murder and their is no DNA evidence to link him (though all of the womens blood on the gun is said to have coverd his DNA), and no gun powder in his clothes. But then again in a fit of rage he could well find the strength. It's more than likely Phil Spector can't remember what happened that night, and even with him convicted of murder no one still knows exactly what happened that night. It's just very sad a women was mudered.

There is no comparison between Michael Jackson and Phil Spector, these journalist look for anything to make Michael look like an out of control lunatic which is isn't.

LaToya Jackson said in her autobiography (which contatains a lot of lies about the Jackson family), that she met Phil Spector at his mansion around 1984. And that he locked her in it for hours and scared the sh*t out of her, telling her that Michael was a sh*t artist etc. I wonder what she thinks of his conviction ?
he's assaulted women w/ guns before. he's brought them into the studio and been reckless w/ them. his initial statement to police was that he killed her then they changed his story and said she did it herself.

the man did it. plain and simple. his money couldn't buy him out of it and he'llspend the rest of his life in prison where he belongs
Re: Phil Spector found guilty of murder

LaToya Jackson said in her autobiography (which contatains a lot of lies about the Jackson family), that she met Phil Spector at his mansion around 1984. And that he locked her in it for hours and scared the sh*t out of her, telling her that Michael was a sh*t artist etc. I wonder what she thinks of his conviction ?

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part! While I know much of her book was exaggerated, I know some of it was factual, and judging by what we all know about Spector, I bet what she said there is definitely true.
we might be charged with it but hard pressed to be guilty since spector's pattern of behaviour has firmly been established.
Phil Spector gets 19 years to life.

Phil Spector sentenced to 19 years to life

Music producer guilty in second-degree murder of actress Lana Clarkson


Phil Spector sentenced to prison
May 29: A Los Angeles judge sentences famed music producer Phil Spector to 19 years to life for the shooting death of aspiring actress Lana Clarkson.

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updated 2 minutes ago function UpdateTimeStamp(pdt) { var n = document.getElementById("udtD"); if(pdt != '' && n && window.DateTime) { var dt = new DateTime(); pdt = dt.T2D(pdt); if(dt.GetTZ(pdt)) {n.innerHTML = dt.D2S(pdt,((''.toLowerCase()=='false')?false:true));} } } UpdateTimeStamp('633792206017270000');

LOS ANGELES - Phil Spector was sentenced Friday to 19 years to life in prison for the murder of actress Lana Clarkson, who was shot through the mouth in the music producer’s home six years ago.
Spector, 69, looked straight forward and showed no emotion as Superior Court Judge Larry Paul Fidler ordered a term of 15 years to life for second-degree murder plus four years for personal use of a gun.
Clarkson’s mother, Donna, made a brief statement before sentencing, speaking of her daughter’s fine qualities, sense of humor, intelligence and dedication to her craft of acting.

"I'm proud of Lana, proud to be her mother,” Donna Clarkson said. She added, “No one should suffer the loss of a child.”The judge also ordered Spector to pay $16,811 in funeral expenses, $9,740 to a state victims’ restitution fund and other fees.
Spector, dressed in his customary dark pinstripe suit with a red silk tie, was led away immediately. His attorney asked that he be transferred immediately from county jail to a state prison. It was not immediately known to which prison Spector would be assigned.
Spector gained fame decades ago for what became known as the “Wall of Sound” recording technique that changed rock music.
Clarkson was most famous as the star of Roger Corman’s 1985 cult film classic “Barbarian Queen.” She was 40 when she died.
Spector is a frail and ailing 69-year-old for whom the 19 years could likely be a life sentence. His lawyer says he is enduring jail by focusing on his plans to appeal.
"He's doing fairly well," said Doron Weinberg. "He's adjusting to the circumstances and settling down to wait out an appeal with high hopes. He feels he will win the appeal."
Spector had two trials with essentially the same evidence. His first in 2007 was televised gavel to gavel and spectators flocked to the courtroom. But when the jury deadlocked after a five-month trial, his legal "dream team," which at times numbered half a dozen lawyers, bailed out.
By the time the second trial started in 2008, interest had waned. The judge ordered cameras turned off and only a handful of spectators and reporters stopped in sporadically to watch testimony.

Phil Spector’s life and times
Follow the music producer from his successes of the 1960s and 1970s to his courtroom battle.
more photos

The retrial lasted the same length of time as the first trial, but there was only one defense lawyer: Weinberg, a well-regarded veteran from San Francisco. A young woman prosecutor, Truc Do, was brought in to work with Deputy District Attorney Alan Jackson. Most importantly, there was a new jury. The forewoman wept after the guilty verdict but gave no hint of what tipped the scales on the panel's decision except to say it was based on "all the evidence, all the testimony."
During jury selection, only a few panelists remembered Spector's heyday as producer of teen anthems including "To Know Him is to Love Him," The Ronette's "Be My Baby," The Crystals' "Da Doo Ron Ron" and The Righteous Brothers' classic, "You've Lost that Lovin' Feelin'." Spector also worked on a Beatles album with John Lennon.
Ironically, Clarkson didn't know Spector's music legacy either when she met him only hours before she wound up dead at his Alhambra "castle." The 40-year-old actress had starred in Roger Corman's 1985 cult film "Barbarian Queen," but in 2003 she was working as a hostess at the House of Blues nightclub, where she had to be told by a manager that Spector was an important man.
His time had passed. And Clarkson's career was also ebbing. Their fateful meeting, recounted in both trials, led to her death and the end of his life as he knew it. For the next six years he spent millions on lawyers as he sought to prove that Clarkson killed herself.
But what had happened inside his house was never clear. Clarkson's body was slumped in a chair in a foyer. A gun had been fired inside her mouth. Spector's chauffeur, the key witness, said he heard a gunshot, then saw Spector emerge holding a gun and heard him say: "I think I killed somebody."
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Phil Spector Says Prison Driving Him "Insane"


Phil Spector says prison driving him insane Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:57pm EDT

By Alex Dobuzinskis

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Music producer and convicted murderer Phil Spector says life behind bars is driving him "insane".

"This 24/7 lockdown life is slowly driving me insane and killing (me)," Spector, 69, wrote in a letter to a fan that was posted online on Friday.

Spector, who revolutionized pop music in the 1960s with his "Wall of Sound" production technique, was convicted in April of the 2003 murder of actress Lana Clarkson and later sentenced to a minimum of 19 years in prison.

In the letter written in July to a fan that was obtained by pop culture website, Spector complained that he was unable to "say goodbye" to anyone, or organize his business affairs before going to prison.

"How cruel but apparently not unusual," Spector wrote. "And they call this a 'civilized' society. Bugs live more civilized beneath their rocks!".

Spector wrote the four-page, handwritten letter to a woman in Texas, sending it from prison in California.

At the height of his fame, Spector worked with The Ronettes, The Beatles, Cher, the Ramones and Leonard Cohen, but in the 1980s he withdrew from music. He quietly married singer and actress Rachelle Short in 2006.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Jill Serjeant

Hey Phil, don't do the crime if you can't do the time!