Pharell reminds me of Michael a little bit


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
Pharell talking about Michael

I was just watching Pharell talks about MJ and some of the things he said reminded me of Michael and how he would view things. For example, the way he said "You have to understand that I'm a muscian so often we appreciate artists without judgement, you know? Like I dont wanna compare him to any other artist but there's all sorts of artists, all sorts of scientists, all sorts of like great architects and philosiphers that we totally respect; that have things that the news of that time would find interesting to report and exploit but at the end of the day I think the biggest part of Michael's legacy is the musical effect that he's left on all you guys. Because without it you wouldn't be talking about the other things."

He also goes on to say
"What Quincy and Michael did together was open the doors for human beings. To explore like a higher level of musical consciensness and how one album could effect the world in the way it has."

Does anyone else think that Pharell's words are similar to how Michael would speak and his attitude towards life? i.e. "Don't believe everything you read"?

I have noticed that Pharell is one of the very few people who ignore the negative things about MJ because other celebs have said "people can say what they want about him" but they have never directly said "he was found innocent and that's all that matters, now STFU". Anyone else agree with me?
Like, during Britney's interview with Diane Sawyers she says "well I think growing up at such a young age being famous has probably affected him. He probably needs some friends around him to be honest" She then goes onto say "I wanna think that that's untrue" (About the allegations). I don't understand how she couldn't put her foot down and say that she wholeheartedly disagrees? Did/has anyone done that?

Do any other artists/celebs remind you of MJ?
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Pharrell's personality reminds me of Michael in some ways, that's part of the reason I like him lol
For instance in earlier interviews he would talk about his love of like starwars kind of movies I think and he was just being goofy alot.
But when he talks about music he definatly sees it like Michael did or at least close to the way he saw it.
Wasn't there an interview between Michael and Pharrell at some point?
britney spears is to dumb to undastand the court case so obv she wud say that

pharell's hot but nowhere near as mike
i agree he did sound like him a lil in the vid but only becoz of the words and not in his swagger tho
I love Pharrell.Pharrell is a great person and he has always reminded me of Michael. He's a huge fan and you can hear it in his music. Ive had plenty of conversations with him (i call him, Shae from NERD and Fam-lay my big brothers) and he always has some good advice AND he is funny lol Pharrell created his own lane in music and thats what reminds me of MJ the most
Pharrell's personality reminds me of Michael in some ways, that's part of the reason I like him lol
For instance in earlier interviews he would talk about his love of like starwars kind of movies I think and he was just being goofy alot.
But when he talks about music he definatly sees it like Michael did or at least close to the way he saw it.
Wasn't there an interview between Michael and Pharrell at some point?

Yeah Mike interviewed him. I don't know why, though. I'll look for a link.

Found one:
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Pharrell has always been very well spoken, he's one of those guys you should listen to when he speaks.

Damn, somewhere in my over 15 hours or video footage of Justin recording his Justified album with Pharrell there a part where Pharrell is saying something like: "Don't stop til you get enough is the one song everyone knows, but no one knows the lyrics to. I still don't know WTF Michael is singing" haha
Then Justin and Pharrell is sitting in the studio trying to sing it... lol there are many great MJ moments in the recording of Justified with Justin and Pharrell.
Gonna see if I can find some and upload to youtube or something.
Pharrell has always been very well spoken, he's one of those guys you should listen to when he speaks.

Damn, somewhere in my over 15 hours or video footage of Justin recording his Justified album with Pharrell there a part where Pharrell is saying something like: "Don't stop til you get enough is the one song everyone knows, but no one knows the lyrics to. I still don't know WTF Michael is singing" haha
Then Justin and Pharrell is sitting in the studio trying to sing it... lol there are many great MJ moments in the recording of Justified with Justin and Pharrell.
Gonna see if I can find some and upload to youtube or something.

is that on the justified album./