Peter Pans Flying Song


For you Michael

Oh MJ Star Michael would have LOVED this! :)
He wanted to be like Peter Pan...........he said this..............on documentary aired here in the UK. :)
He wanted to be able to fly..........he even wrote about it in his book 'dancing the dream'. :)
Now he is soaring .............soaring high above us yet so close to us.......believe it. :)

Love from your friend......BJ 09 xxx
Thats so lovely... and true, think of a happy thought, and you can fly!! XXxx
Yes!!! Michael could fly. :) Michael was magical, he made his performances magical just by being there. He would soar over the audience on the raised platforms and swing under the bars like he was flying, he would disappear offstage after entering a box or a coffin or fly off the stage with a jet pack on his back. His home was a magical land that children would dance around and feeling his magical energy all around them.

I believe you could fly Michael, because you were so much more greater than any of us could have ever been and you soared above us all with your love and generosity.
My sister, Shay, thank you for posting that. One of my all time faves is Peter Pan, and I love Tinkerbell too.

Love you, from your big sis, Earthy!!